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Minor Edits

Joined 14 April 2011

Minor Edits (talk+ contribs edit count logs email)

I tweak stuff. I take the edit disclaimer to heart: If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then don't submit it here.

In many cases, I may be the one who has edited mercilessly something you spent a long time working on, and I'm sorry if I've inadvertently offended you.

In other cases, you may see something I've written and think Jeez, this is terrible. What was this guy smoking? That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.

My point is, feel free at any time to correct or fix anything I've contributed to the wiki. While I may respectfully challenge the accuracy or relevance of your changes if I think it's necessary, I will never take offense to someone working to improve the wiki.

Also, don't be slighted if I ignore something important to you. I often don't take the time to participate in conversations or votes if I lack knowledge or I think the issue will be settled in a manner I agree with regardless.

Community Interview

Basic infoEdit

  This user stands by The Ebon Arm.
  This user is a Recent Changes Patroller.
  This user is a Blocker.
  This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years, 11 months, and 5 days.
  This user has made a grand total of   13,558 edits in 5088 days.
  This user is male.
  This user plays on the Xbox.
  This user is from the United States.
  This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
  This user is knowledgeable about Bloodmoon.
  This user is knowledgeable about Tribunal.
  This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Wizard's Tower official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Mehrunes' Razor official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about the Orrery official download.
  This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
  This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
  This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
  This user is knowledgeable about Dawnguard.
  This user is knowledgeable about Dragonborn.

User PagesEdit

How to View the UESPEdit

1. Create an account.
2. Log in.
3. Go to "preferences" in the upper right hand corner.
4. Click the "Appearance" tab.
5. Under "Thumbnail size", select "300px".
6. Save.

You will now notice that the tiny smudges all over the wiki are actually images. Who knew?

Pages I've tried to helpEdit


Ada'Soom Dir-KamalAkatoshAkatosh ChantryAkavirAlessia CaroAlessian OrderAlik'rAll Flags NavyAll-MakerAlmalexiaAltmerAndel IndarysArgonianAsh'abahAshlandersAtmoraAttrebusAuri-ElAyleidsAyrennBal FoyenIsle of BalfieraBangkoraiBarenziahBattle of Red MountainBattle-BornBetonyBittercupBleakrock IsleBoots of the ApostleBosmerBretonCalcelmo of MarkarthCalixto CorriumCeyatatarCHIMChimerChimere GraegynCleaver of St. FelmsCompanionsCrosier of St. LlothisCursed LegionDaedraDaggerfallDagoth UrDarkwater RiverDawn EraDawnbreakerDawnguardDenstagmer's RingDraconian MadstoneDragon BridgeDragon CultDragonbaneDragonbone MailDragonDragontail MountainsEadwyreEhlnofeyElante of AlinorElden GroveElder CouncilEleidon's WardElisif the FairElysanaEmericEphenFactionsFahara'jadFalkreath HoldFalmerFang of HaynekhtnametFar ShoresFelsaad CoastFirst EraFists of RandagulfForswornGallus DesideniusGauldurGauldur AmuletGeirmundGellirGilvas BareloGlenumbraGormlaith Golden-HiltGortwogGothrydGrahtwoodGray-ManeGreen PactGreenshadeGreybeardsGreymoorGuimardHaafingarHadhuulHair Shirt of Saint AralorHakon One-EyeHaraldHarstrad RiverHegatheHelgenHestraHistHjaalmarchHolamayanHolgeirHopesfireHouse MoraHrormir's IcestaffIce Blade of the MonarchIliac BayImperialImperial LegionIsild RiverIvarsteadJagar TharnJagged CrownJehennaJorunnJulianosJurgen WindcallerKagrenacKatariahKeepers of the GroveKing Orgnum's CofferKodlak WhitemaneKyneKynesgroveLake ArriusLake HairanLake MasobiLake PoppadLake YorgrimLibraryLorkhanMace of Aevar Stone-SingerMace of SlurringMagicMalabal TorMankar CamoranMarkarthMartin SeptimMentor's RingMerethic EraMiraakMoesring MountainsMoraelynMorihausMorrowindMorthalNecromancyNedeNerevarNibenay ValleyNightingale TrinityNordNuminexOcato of FirstholdOdai RiverOlaf One-EyeOld HroldanOliis BayOrcOrder of the Black WormPeakstarPeoplePotemaPyandoneaRa'athimReaper's MarchRed EagleRed YearRedguardRemanRivenspireRiver HjaalRiver SamsiRiverwoodRobe of the LichRuptgaSatakalSavos ArenScathing BaySentinelSeptima TharnSeptimus SignusShalidorSheogorathShezarrShezarrineShield of YsgramorShoes of St. RilmsShorShor's StoneThe SilvenarSkull CrusherSkyrimSnow ElfSpear of Bitter MercyStaff of HasedokiStendarrStonefallsStormhavenSvaknirTemple of Two-Moons DanceThird EraThirskThu'umTopal BayToryggThe TowersTrinimacTrueflameTsunTu'whaccaTulliusUlfgar the UnendingUlfric StormcloakUmaril the UnfeatheredVampireVampiric RingVanus GalerionVindaselVivecVyrthurWay of the VoiceWhite PhialWhiterun HoldWinterholdWinterholdWoodhearthWuuthradYaghoubYngolYsgramorZenithar


Skyrim:BarbasSkyrim:Easter EggsUESPWiki:LoreGeneral:Elder Scrolls Off the Record