Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Enters Beta for Consoles — April 22, 2015
After a number of delays, the console beta for Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is set to begin tomorrow. Unlike with the PC beta, there will be only a single beta test for the console version, with the invites for it being sent out today. If you signed up for the beta, check your email inbox to see if you got in. The beta will go from April 23rd at 10AM EDT until the 27th of the same month, at the same time. Additionally, there will be no NDA for the console beta, so you can freely share your experiences. The beta will be split across the platforms, with the PS4 and Xbox One versions having separate megaservers for North America and Europe. The choice of which megaserver you wish to play on is up to you, so be sure to coordinate with any friends you have in the beta. Finally, once the beta has concluded, all character data will be wiped.
The console version of the MMO is set to be released on June 9th, so if you miss out on the beta, you will just need to wait a few more weeks for the official commercial release. In a small note revealed alongside this, the console version of the game will require a large patch, somewhere around fifteen gigabytes, upon release, due to the game's file size greatly exceeding the storage capacity of a Blu-ray disc.