Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle Preview Event — April 14, 2022
A preview was held for the upcoming High Isle Chapter of The Elder Scrolls Online. Major focus was given to the setting, society, companions, and factions that will be featured in High Isle, with more emphasis given to politics machinations over reality-destroying threats. The new in-game collectible card game Tales of Tributes also received a large degree of focus.
The Chapter will have locales split between luscious beaches, sunflower-filled fields, and dense jungle. These locations will serve as a backdrop to the class stratification of Breton society. This divide has begun to boil over into open conflict with the Ascendant Order attempting to overthrow the nobility. The nobles have their own internal strife with House Dufort and House Mornard. Although economically reliant on each other, Mornard maintains a lingering resentment of Dufort for taking over control of the duchy from them in the recent past. Another faction that was mentioned was the Society of the Steadfast, funded by the generous Lord Vacaro, who is dedicated to using his wealth to improve other's lives.
More focus was put towards making both of the new companions you can acquire appealing, after a clear preference for one companion over the other was observed with Blackwood. High Isle will introduce Ember, a Khajiit Sorcerer and "certified disaster" of a person. Your other option will be the "brave, forthright, and just a little dorky" Breton Templar Isobel Veloise.
Tales of Tributes is a deck-building strategy game that was originated from High Isle, but has spread to the rest of Tamriel. The game has three resources, Gold, Power, and Prestige. Gold is used to buy cards from a central card pool called the Tavern during a match. Power is converted to Prestige at the end of your turn, and acquiring forty Prestige before your opponent and remaining ahead for a turn is a win condition for the game. The game can also be won by gaining the favor of all four Patrons at once, which requires you to perform various tasks.
The full livestream can be seen here. A new trailer that was released with the preview can also be seen here. The official summary can be viewed here. We were given a chance to preview High Isle ourselves, and our own articles about it can be viewed here and here.