Possible Skyrim Expansion Files Found in 1.8 — October 16, 2012
In what is becoming a bit of trend when it comes to Skyrim expansions, files found in a recent patch (this time, the 1.8 patch) allude to a possible expansion to the latest installment of the Elder Scrolls franchise. In a thread posted in the Bethesda Softworks Forums, a user reports that files found in the beta update suggest the new expansion will be called "Dragonborn", will involve the player traveling to Solstheim (the location of the previous expansion Bloodmoon for Morrowind), and will include certain new content like dragon mounts, new armor, magic usable on mounts, and new creatures. While it has not been confirmed as of now, a trademark on the name Dragonborn for ZeniMax Media Inc. issued on September 25th, 2012 may lend support to these rumors. Bethesda has confirmed that a new DLC is coming, with a trailer to be released on the 5th November.