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This page is for feedback, comments, and questions on all the UESP Maps.

Deletion of ESO Non-Game LocationsEdit

I deleted a number of locations from the ESO map earlier today. These included links to beta subzone maps and various locations for places which do not appear in ESO. I would like to offer some general reasons for why I did this, then some more specifics, and finally make a suggestion which I hope can serve as a substitute for those who may remain dissatisfied.

The reason underlying my choice to remove these locations was that they misrepresent the game. The inherent assumption to the user who is familiar with UESP content is that what is presented is a representation of the games. This is the standard of quality that the UESP wiki gamespaces strive for and what I believe the maps should too strive for. Subzones have been deprecated for many years now, and their beta maps irrelevant for even longer. The locations giving lore-accurate labels to areas of Tamriel which have no representation in ESO are also irrelevant to an ESO player and do not represent the game. In both cases, even, the existence of these locations on the UESP maps supposes relevance, and so conveys an inaccurate representation of the game at no fault of the user.

I play ESO on-and-off, and for many years because of the UESP maps I have assumed that there was simply something I wasn't aware of. I didn't know that the off-style maps were from the beta (the worlds have been labeled as beta only recently) and the Occam's razor assumption that I worked under for many years was that they appeared in some content that I simply did not progress far enough into some questline to encounter in-game. Only now that I know ESO better than ever before have I gained the confidence in my game knowledge to actually conclude that that natural assumption is false. I understand not everybody has the same experiences, but when something is conducive to instilling self-doubt in the user and conveying inaccurate information, that is a clear sign that something needs changing. I initially made the changes without discussion because I believed it to be a straightforward application of UESP tenets and that I believed them to be holdovers from ages past (the latter I now understand to be inaccurate).

I was aware that there were plans to reimplement the beta maps as layers upon the live map counterparts. What I did not know was that this might still be some time away and that the specifics for how it would work for subzones was not solidified (because there were 3 subzones per zone). The beta maps are still accessible via search and can be found within a special "Beta Maps" group of the location list menu, so I believed the state in which I left them to be workable until that happened.

Finally, I am taking this opportunity to reiterate a suggestion I made long ago: to create a lore-specific map. I understand that the primary counterargument to the removal of lore-based locations from the ESO maps is that they're cool and enjoyable. I agree, it's just unfortunate that it's misplaced for a map which seeks to represent and aid the ESO experience and that there is currently no adequate home for that kind of thing. That's why (and for many more reasons too) I strongly suggest a separate lore-based map which can be the home for the like. It could be the kind of thing to really embrace imprecision and leaving no thing excluded, and I think it could be wonderful. -Dcsg (talk) 05:11, 9 August 2023 (UTC)

While I strongly disagree with you making this big a change without soliciting input from the mapping community first, I do agree that there's no harm in removing overt links to the beta material from what is supposed to be a representation of the current in-game map. If people want to see the beta material, it's still there and searchable. And I also love the idea of a lore map! Solomon1972 (talk) 16:56, 9 August 2023 (UTC)
I personally disagree with the removal. I think the eso-beta map links should stay while we don't have a suitable replacement for them in the gamemap interface, and the "lore region names" should stay, albeit at a high/highest zoom level for those curious. If they're sufficiently out of the way, most players I think will not confuse them with places you can go in game. Thal-J (talk) 21:57, 9 August 2023 (UTC)
(Because I forgot to reply at the time...) Removing these sounds good to me. They serve no real purpose on the online map, and the actual images still exist here anyway. I don't oppose the general concept of a "lore map" either, but we shouldn't be putting random things on a map which is specifically an ESO map when those things are not present in ESO. --Enodoc (talk) 23:44, 24 January 2024 (UTC)
I'm also in favor of the removal of non-game/lore-only locations from the ESO map for reasons already mentioned here. Furthermore, I've noticed that some markers with speculative terms have been getting added to the ESO map, such as "Northern Badlands" and "Velothi Highlands", and some canon terms (Ald Olyra) are being pinned to spots on the map seemingly based on educated guesses or their appearance in third-party mods. I understand wanting to fill in the blanks, but the ESO map isn't the place to do it. Croaker (talk) 00:26, 25 January 2024 (UTC)
I also agree they should be removed, for the reasons stated. While it's the most complete game map of Tamriel we have, it is a game map, and should only be used for game locations, not locations that appear in lore/outside the game itself. Jeancey (talk) 16:44, 25 January 2024 (UTC)
I disagree with the removal, and I agree with TJ's suggestion that they remain at a high zoom level so as to not be in the way. Veltohi Highlands is in the game files, and Northern Badlands is from a Morrowind concept map, these are not speculative. Lore names like "Khefrem" should absolutely stay. I really say no harm in labeling an area known everywhere as The Chain as "The Chain" on our map, its already on there and there's no benefit to leaving it unnamed. Around half of the labels come from the beta map, and even many recent trailers for eso still show the outlines of this map in some regard, its not fitting to leave this information absent. The Rim of the Sky (talk) 21:08, 25 January 2024 (UTC)
This is a game map of ESO, not a lore map of Tamriel. Labelling the Chain, the Northern Badlands and Khefrem is unequivocally useless because those locations are not in ESO. Implying that they are is a flagrant lie, and misrepresents the game to anyone who may be using the map to either find locations they haven't visited yet, or to see what's included in the game before they decide to go out and buy it. --Enodoc (talk) 00:09, 26 January 2024 (UTC)

() That's far from the case. Zones have colored boundaries that can be clicked on that take you to another map, unlike these labels. I would like to reiterate that these labels are displayed incredibly small and not on the same level as released zones, so its very easy to figure out that they're not actual zones. If need be, we can put notices in their descriptions such as "Unreleased" or "Inaccessible". The Rim of the Sky (talk) 03:39, 26 January 2024 (UTC)

Hello, Probably an overlay map with region and other zones would be of a help. there is the grid overlay, i assume another overlay will help both way 17:01, 9 July 2024 (UTC)

Alchemist Survey: High Isle - location missing on the mapEdit

As written earlier Online_talk:Alchemist_Survey:_High_Isle the location is missig on the map, hence the link on the page is redirected to the Tamriel world view. -- 10:26, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

The older version of the map is still available here, (in response to your request on the linked talk page). As for the location, someone would have to add it to the map, the "view on map" link on most pages is auto generated and not necessarily guaranteed to be on the map. Thal-J (talk) 13:52, 14 August 2023 (UTC)
Thank you, Thal-J! Especially for the link to the older UI-version :) And the explanation about the links. Well, somebody with permission to edit the map will see this some day and spend the hopefully only few minutes to add it. And thanks in advance!-- 19:32, 15 August 2023 (UTC)
I had the survey today and also noticed that Online_talk:Alchemist_Survey:_High_Isle was missing. Since I do have MAP editing rights I added it back to the map. I hope I got it close since the in-game map is not as detailed as UESP. Robbrarine 16:40, 05 November 2023 (UTC)

Searching within zonesEdit

The reason I use the maps is for Chests & Surveys within each zone, this has been taken away, or not given adequate reference. Would like to see the search zone for particular items reintroduced in a simplistic manner or give the choice for old versus new.. I would use old. AaronGuilder Thank you, confirmed the old page works. AG

You can still search within zones:
  • Click search
  • Click "Search options"
  • Check the "Only show results from this map" box.
You can also do "type:chest" in the search box in addition to the above to only search for chests in the current zone. Thal-J (talk) 13:56, 14 August 2023 (UTC)

Sivdur's Respite is missing from the Skyrim mapEdit

Cant find this place neither from the map nor from it's page. It's added by the Goldbrand Creation.--RDSk (talk) 19:45, 13 September 2023 (UTC)

Really need to be able to back up a level...Edit

So many capacities to zoom in to an area on the map. Whether it was on purpose, or by the occasional accidental click, there really needs to be a way to go out a level. For example, if you click on a city, be able to click on something to get back to the zone.

Thanks! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:01 on 15 October 2023

you can use right click or long press (on mobile) to go up a map, just like how it is in the game. Thal-J (talk) 00:43, 15 October 2023 (UTC)

ESO map - typoEdit

Treethane's Chambers (map) in Bramblebreach, Greenshade → "Threthane's" Chambers — dyanle (talk) 02:09, 18 March 2024 (UTC)

Map typo, Iluvamir Dolmen links to Lluvamir so it doesn't work.Edit

Not sure if I should start this talk to Dolmens or Maps, but since it's a map link problem I think it should be in here (I'm sorry if it should be somewhere else).

I checked the Dolmens page and it was written properly (Iluvamir Dolmen), however when opening the map link I just noticed it links to Lluvamir+Dolmen instead of Iluvamir+Dolmen. Changing that L in the beginning to I before it loads makes the link work properly.--StupidUselessHuman (talk) 15:59, 21 March 2024 (UTC)

Missing random encounter? (SAE 1.6.1170) X = 96571 Y = -45406Edit

I have had the the guarded Toff on his horse. The Thalmor with prisoner in tow, And Imperials with prisoner. (The Imperials were quickly dispatched by the Ivarstead guards). The headless horseman. The adventurer. No hostiles.

I can not evoke an encounter with Legendary version 1.9.32 — Unsigned comment by Adsjaldjjfgwetwlla (talkcontribs) at 18:00 on 25 April 2024

Elden Root location 2741 linkEdit

The link for location 2741 on the Elden Root sub map currently points to which doesn't exist. It should point to Someday I'll request edit permission so I can make these sorts of changes, but for now, can someone please deal with this? Kenyoni (talk) 21:56, 12 May 2024 (UTC)

Missing map marker for skill book Sacred WitnessEdit

Should point to but the marker for the book is missing. Sunsmountain (talk) 19:55, 13 May 2024 (UTC)

Missing chest icon in Blackreach: Greymoor CavernsEdit

Not sure how to link an image into this, but slightly north and to the left of the Reman War Drum location, there is a chest on top one of the dark blue mushrooms along the cliffside. To get to it, you have to practically jump off the cliff onto it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:58 on 31 August 2024 (UTC)

I'm logged in and on my way there! :) Solomon1972 (talk) 00:27, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
Found and placed, with note about having to drop down on it. Solomon1972 (talk) 00:43, 1 September 2024 (UTC)

Glenmoril Wyrd Treasure Map: Stonefalls wrong pin on mapEdit

There are two locations in the UESP Map. The correct one is just outside Starved Plain, not Davon's Watch (which is where the link from this page takes you).

Can you provide a screenshot of your map, showing where you were standing when you found the axe? I put that axe icon on the Davon's Watch map myself, but now I don't have a way to verify it, since I don't currently have that treasure map. You can come into the Discord (#wiki-maps channel) and post the screenshot, if it won't post on this page. Solomon1972 (talk) 22:47, 28 October 2024 (UTC)
Fixed. Solomon1972 (talk) 13:52, 30 October 2024 (UTC)

Delve Boss "Th'krak the Tunnel-King" in Matusakin Link TypoEdit

The link on the map that takes you to the boss's page has a typo; the I in King is capitalized, so the link brings you to the wrong page. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:21 on 30 January 2025‎

Went ahead and corrected it, thank you for pointing it out The Rim of the Sky (talk) 17:40, 30 January 2025 (UTC)
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