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Dunmer Lord 15

Joined 19 August 2013

Mirdas The DunmerEdit

My name is Mirdas the Dunmer. I live in a fine house in Skyrim in the marshes near Solitude, with my fine wife Brelyna and my two children. I lead a pleasant life, often looking back at my adventures across all of Tamriel. So I sit in by the fireplace, flagon of mead in my hand, and remember my past as I stare at my sword and shield hanging above the fire. 

I grew up an orphan on the streets of the Imperial City. I worked with another group of Dunmer as a thief, so that we could stay alive. Their names were Telvan, Enris and Umriah. We survived on thieving alone all throughout our youths, and were strng friends. But when we became adults, it was harder to steal, as we were larger, and not as nimble as we had been as children. We could not distract shopkeepers without causing suspicion, and we were not given the same amount of sympathy that we had been used to earlier in our lives. We resorted to breaking into homes, instead of taking from market stalls. Thieving became more risky. We wanted to join up with the thieves guild, but we did not know how to contact them.

We were attempting a break in of the Imperial University to obtain healing potions, as most stores were out of stock due to rumoured daedric attacks on the supply caravans all over Cyrodil. There were guards at the front entrance, so the four of us had to get inside through the sewers. Whilst we were going through, we heard voices from another cistern. Our sewer was not connected in any way, but we did learn some valuable information. There were assassins in the tunnel, although who they were going to attempt to kill was not apparent. It seemed that they were frustrated for some reason, and that they did not believe to be seeing any action. I did not know it at the time, but these assassins were not the only ones. 

Once inside the university, we split up to cover more ground as the area was very unfamiliar. I was searching some crates for potions when a student appeared and threatened to incinerate me where I stood. I slowly turned around, and saw that Telvan was advancing behind the Mage. He silenced him, but did not finish the job. However, the Mage had raised the alarm by nearly setting the entire place on fire. I was caught blocking the sewers for my friends so that they could escape. He last I remember was a guard basking me on the head with some sort of metal object. 

I woke several days later, in a prison cell. I attempted to communicate with a fellow Dunmer in the cell across from mine, but he just sneered and joked about stealing my beloved. Then, several guards hurried in and stood to attention. The blades procceeded, guarding someone. It was the Emperor of all of Tamriel! There was a confirmed threat to his life, and I tagged along with him and his guards through the sewers. They then left me, and I was able to acquire some weaponry and protection. I met up with them again, but we were ambushed by the very same assassins that myself and my friends had overheard some days earlier. The blades were preoccupied, and so I was tasked with protecting the emperor. I could not. But he had seen something in me, perhaps my destiny, perhaps he was just a crazy old man speaking his last words with a sword through his gut. I will never know. 

Several trips into the plane of oblivion later, I was a member of the blades and a qualified slayer of daedra. I was living temporarily in Bruma, as I found the cold settling and peaceful. After leading a the city regiment in a desperate defense to stop Bruma being overwhelmed by daedra. This was successful, and after assassinating the leader of the mysterious daedra cult, I was called back to the Imperial City just as Mehrunes Dagon entered Cyrodil with his demonic armies. Myself and Martin Septim, last heir to the throne, fought valiantly with the rest of the city to stop the daedra overwhelming the seat of the stretched empire. Martin used the Amulet of Kings to transform into an avatar of Akatosh himself, and gave his life to restore peace and banish Mehrunes Dagon from Cyrodil. 

I became the champion of Cyrodil, but after some years, I became lonely, and lost faith in myself. I resorted to drinking large amounts of wine, and even had my own skooma operation running. I would bet any spare Septim on the fights in the arena, resulting in several thousand septims diappearing from my pockets in less than a year. 

Then, one day, I was caught by a Dunmer trying to break into his house whilst drunk. I had lost everything. Yet this Dunmer took me in. He looked after me, and helped me set my life right. I asked one day, what was his name? His name was Telvan. I was reunited with my childhood friend. However, he did not know where Umriah was, and informed me that sadly, Enris had been killed several years before leading the defense of Kvatch during the Oblivion crisis. The survivors said that he gave his life prevent the daedra from getting inside the Kvatch Cathedral and slaying the survivors gathered within. I arrived just in time to save those survivors, and I faintly remember a dead Dunmer lying at the steps of the cathedral with several dead daedra gathered around him.

Telvan was with the thieves guild. He got me a free pass in, and I made many thousands of gold with him, using my memories as a child thief to guide me. I spent all of the spare gold that I made with the guild trying to find Umriah, but even when I had exhausted every last contact and Septim at my disposal, I could not find her. It was as if she had disappeared from the Earth. Myself and Telvan left the Imperial City, for our lives as thieves were beginning to get too boring. We wanted to have more fun, start a new adventure. We travelled all around the province, even living in Chorrol for a year to investigate the dark brotherhood,but we were not interested in murder and everyone seemed on edge anyway. We left for Anvil, solving the mystery of a haunted house and then being allowed to live there ourselfes.

Telvan met a Dunmer, a fine young lady she was. He left for Cheydinhal, to start a new life with a wife and family there. We promised to keep in touch, and meet for a flagon of mead every now and then. He started a honey mead company, and had several bear problems. I joined the fighters guild, as I was invited to join the mages guild due to my being a Dunmer, but I rejected. I had no knowledge of magic and did not envision myself being a mage. I have never been interested in the magical arts. The fighters guild offered a bed, adventures, and companionship. This appealed to me. 

I left Cyrodil during the Elven sacking of the Imperial City. Most of the imperial forces were situated elsewhere, fighting various uprisings and keeping the peace in other provinces. Our forces lasted barely longer than a week. The Thalmor poisoned the water supply and we were forced to surrender or starve. We stood by as the center of the empire was set alight. Thousands died, and there was no hesitation to kill those resisting. I have never seen such butchery in my life. I ventured across the border into Skyrim, seeing nothing left for me in Cyrodil, as my house in Anvil had been torched, and the other cities were in turmoil. Rioting was widespread.

I was nearly captured by an imperial patrol. After proving to them that i had been a soldier myself, they let me pass and I watched as they imprisoned everyone at the border, including an innocent traveller. I carried on wandering the province, meeting many of my kind in Eastmarch. I was contacted by the thieves guild, and helped uncover a plot involving trying to separate Tamriel from Nocturnal herself. Karliah the Dunmer was doing it to avenge her lover, Gallus, and after all was said and done, she told me if I ever needed help, she was the one to ask. After twenty five years of eluding the thieves guild, I did not doubt her experience. I spent a season with the Dawnguard of Skyrim, hunting down vampires and recovering several Elder Scrolls. I even met one man who claimed to be dragonborn, but I have never met him since. The dragons disappeared soon after, and any that I did see were not attacking anyone.

After helping to regain Skyrim from the traitorous Stormcloaks, I started building a house near Morthal, away from most civilisation and in a relatively peaceful place. I helped the blades regain a foothold in Skyrim, and they are currently trying to wipe the province clean of the Thalmor. I adventure into ancient dwarves ruins nowadays, and am beginning to understand the dwarven way of life itself. I now understand how to make certain dwarven objects, some of which are incorporated into my own house. Last month I came back from a an island off morrowind, where I was searching once again for my old friends Telvan and Umriah. I had lost Telvan again, as Cheydinhal was in ruins and Umriah was still unknown to all that I asked, even the Dunmer of solstheim.

Then my luck changed, as when I asked Karliah to track down my old friend, she came up with an alias almost immediately. A Dunmer named Brelyna was apparently the friend that I had grew up with, using a false name to stay unknown to several members of the alders dominion, as Karliah believed she had been involved in several plots to weaken the Thalmor. It was rumoured that she now spent her days quietly studying in winter hold college. When I asked Karliah how she knew where Umriah was, she replied "You should have asked Nocturnal. Umriah was a member of the thieves guild in the Summerset Isles. She was a resistance fighter."

And here I am. I found Umriah, and soon after we became married. She still retains her false name, but I call her by the name I have always known her as. My two children are Breloth and Tamir, and they have recently grown old enough to wield a sword properly.  I live happily, and recently, I received word that Telvan has started up a mead distillery in Riften, under a false alias and with the backing of the local thieves guild. It is believed he is wanted by the Thalmor for putting up quite a fight when they tried to take his home back during the Thalmor invasion. I plan on seeing him soon. But at the moment, I will enjoy my mead. I think I will try and obtain some more materials to help with my forging skills. As they say, it's never to late to learn a new skill...