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Joined 28 December 2020
Please feel free to chat with me on my talk page!
This is my Discord avatar! Maybe I'm in one of your servers.
User Boxes
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 4 years, 2 months, and 7 days.
FemaleIcon.png This user is female.
User-userbox-Neurodiversity.png This user has autism.
ON-quest-A Ghost from the Past 04.jpg This user worships Sithis.
SR-symbol-Solitude.png This user fights for the Empire in the Skyrim Civil War.
SR-item-Skooma.jpg This user is a heavy drinker of Skooma.
User-userbox-Anti-Stendarr.png This user condemns the Vigil of Stendarr as a terrorist group.
User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user owns Morrowind.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user owns Oblivion.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user owns Skyrim.
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user owns ESO.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.

Hi! I'm Editor117. I'm a new member on the wiki and I look forward to working on projects and helping out.

If you want to reach out to me, we can chat on my talk page or you can mail me in ESO if you're in the PC NA server.


I am active. I'm more active in ESO, though, so you're better off contacting me there if you're a part of the PC NA server!


None yet, but I will begin work on a project soon.


Nothing here... At least not yet!


I'm sure this will be filled with screenshots and crap sometime. Just not this time.