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Joined 8 December 2011

Hi all. I'm new to editing here, so this page is under construction. I'm not new to UESP though, having read through it for at least a year.

MaleIcon.png This user is male.
MW-banner-House Telvanni.png This user is in House Telvanni, but is an abolitionist.
User-Enterprise2001-Music notes icon.jpg This user is a musician.


Currently not playing anything; way too busy with grad school and work. But I've played a good amount of Morrowind on the Xbox in the past, a Redguard character who was balanced, some combat, some stealth, some magic, and I joined just about every available faction. I'd like to experiment with Bretons and Dunmer as well. I plan to get the PC version soon and have some fun with various mods. Looking forward specifically to:

- some sort of realism mod to require eating
- waking magicka regeneration like in Oblivion. Just makes sense, ya know?
- something to allow me to allocate my starting attribute points exactly as I want them
- Tamriel Rebuilt
- NarkyBark's Theurgist mod
- Rise of House Telvanni mod
- finding or making a mod to help balance the wacky economy! (Just that of Morrowind, not that of the U.S. - that'll take a miracle worker.)

I've also played just an hour or so of Oblivion.

  This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
  This user has some basic knowledge on Skyrim, even though this user hasn't played it yet.
40 This UESPWikian is 40 years, 7 months, and 10 days old.

Most recent edit - 11th of January.