Known Nordic RuinsEdit
Bleakrock IsleEdit
- Last Rest - Nordic burial tomb in the south of Bleakrock Village.
- Skyshroud Barrow - a dragon cult shrine in eastern Bleakrock Isle, guarded by the Dragon Priest Haldriin.
- Tukushapal - Nordic tomb found underneath the Marvani Ancestral Tomb in the southern Azura's Coast region of Vvardenfel near Tel Branora. It is the burial place of Olmgerd the Outlaw, son of Harald Hand-Free, a First Age King of Skyrim.
- Angarvunde
- Ansilvund
- Arcwind Point -
- Bannermist Tower
- Bleak Falls Barrow
- Bleakwind Bluff
- Blind Cliff Bastion
- Bloodskal Barrow
- Bromjunaar Sanctuary
- Champion's Rest
- Dead Men's Respite
- Deepwood Redoubt
- Dragonhome - An ancient Dragon Cult barrow found in the northwestern corner of the former Karthald Hold.
- Dustman's Cairn
- Folgunthur
- Forelhost
- Four Skull Lookout - Small Nordic ruin located between Karthwasten and Red Eagle Redoubt.
- Frostmere Crypt
- Geirmund's Hall
- Gyldenhul Barrow
- Hag Rock Redoubt
- Hag's End
- Hamvir's Rest - A Nordic graveyard found northwest of Dustman's Cairn.
- Hillgrund's Tomb
- Ironbind Barrow
- Kilkreath Ruins
- Kolbjorn Barrow
- Korvanjund
- Labyrinthian
- Lost Tongue Overlook -
- Lost Valley Redoubt
- Midnight Barrow - An ancient burial site that once occupied the side of a hill in Western Skyrim. An earthquake in the 2nd Era caused the ground to swallow the barrow, dragging it into the depths of Nirn. Traditionally, this barrow was where the worst criminals were interred alive with their spirits trapped within umbric urns, unworthy of Sovngarde.
- Ragnvald - An ancient Nordic barrow found in the chilled alps of the Reach. Built in the hidden slopes of the Druadach Mountains, the temple is the burial place of the forlorn Dragon Priest, Otar the Mad.
- Rannveig's Fast
- Saarthal
- Shriekwind Bastion
- Shroud Hearth Barrow
- Sivdur's Respite
- Silent Moons Camp
- Silverdrift Lair
- Skuldafn
- Snow Veil Sanctum
- Taarengrav Barrow - An ancient barrow in the western Rift, possibly as old as Saarthal or Labyrinthian. It contains the burial vault of Valdur, one of Ysgramor's Companions.
- Twilight Sepulcher
- Ustengrav
- Vahlok's Tomb
- Valthume
- Verglas Hollow - (also called High Gate Ruins) is an ancient Nordic barrow found on the icy wastes of the northwestern Pale Mountains. This ancient tomb is known for being the citadel of the Dragon Priest Vokun.
- Volskygge - (also called Lendoran Ruin) is an ancient Nordic barrow found in the mountains of western Haafingar.
- Volunruud
- Vuldngrav - Nordic ruin in Skyrim and the burial place of the Dragon Priest Korthor.
- White Ridge Barrow
- Yngol Barrow
- Ysgramor's Tomb
- Bloodskal Barrow -
- Connorflenge Barrow -
- Eddard Barrow -
- Frosselmane Barrow -
- Glenschul's Tomb -
- Gyldenhul Barrow -
- Himmelhost Barrow
- Hrothmund's Barrow -
- Kolbjorn Barrow -
- Lukesturm Barrow -
- Saering's Watch -
- Skogsdrake Barrow -
- Stormpfund Barrow -
- Tombs of Skaalara -
- Vahlok's Tomb -
- Valbrandr Barrow -
- White Ridge Barrow -
Wrothgarian MountainsEdit
- Exile's Barrow -