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Lake NabiaEdit

Lake Nabia is a body of water located in south-central Vvardenfell, in the province of Morrowind. It is the only body of water in the desolate wastes of Molag Amur, and traces of lava are beyond the hills around it. The lake shares its name with the river it drains into the southeast. On the lake's southern shore is an ancient Chimeri stronghold called Marandus, and on its southeast shore next to the Nabia estuary is the Vandas Ancestral Tomb. There is also a cave on its northwest shore called Punabi.


Nalonga is a large island in the Eltheric Ocean, south of the Sea of Pearls, that is possibly considered a part of the Yokudan archipelago. A rather large bay cuts into the southern coast. The similarly sized island of Ravan neighbors it to the southeast, with the smaller Asil Yelir between them. Siuol Yelir is just south of Nalonga.

In the late Second Era, there was a settlement named Zanzar on the northwest side of the island.


Narfinsel (or Narsinfel) is an Ayleid ruin located deep in the Great Forest of Cyrodiil, southeast of Chorrol. In the late Merethic Era, an event known as the Narfinsel Schism marked the beginning of a violent internal conflict among the Ayleid city-states of Cyrodiil. This conflict between the Aedra-worshipping Barsaebics and the Daedra-worshipping Daedraphiles reached a climax in 1E 198 at the Scouring of Wendelbek, which ended all organized opposition to Daedra worship. However, the Alessian Slave Rebellion began less than fifty years later, forcing most Ayleids to flee Cyrodiil or perish at the hands of the Nedes. Narfinsel subsequently fell into ruin.

Following the Soulburst of 2E 578, the ruins of Narfinsel became haunted by dangerous ghosts. One such ghost was a guard captain named Captain Minwe who perished at the ruins. Circa 2E 582, her friend Lliae the Quick continually sent Alliance War soldiers to the ruins to put her spirit to rest. Her efforts proved fruitless, as Minwe's ghost would always return after a time. The Rock Bone Tribe also attempted to take over the ruins and fought against the spirits of the Ayleid ghosts.

By 3E 433, the ruins had been taken over by monsters from the wilderness.


Narsis is one of the eight major cities on the mainland of Morrowind, and is built on the southern shores of Lake Hlaalu. The city is historically known as the ancient capital of the former Great House Hlaalu, whose sphere of influence revolved around mercantilism and adaptation. They once reigned over west-central Morrowind. When it was originally founded in the Merethic Era, it was known as Narsis-Where-All-Fervently-Praise-the-Prophet-Veloth until it was shortened to its current name.


Nchardak, also known as the "City of a Hundred Towers", was a Dwemer city located off the east coast of Solstheim. It was believed to be the largest, and perhaps the most advanced, of the great Dwemer Archives.

The city was considered to be a marvel of engineering, even by Dwemer standards, as it employed a complex system of pumps, aqueducts and boilers that released steam into various parts of the city. Using various control cubes, the Dwemer were able raise and lower the entire city into the sea at will. Legends tell of the time when invading Nords attempted to conquer it. In response, the Dwemer submerged the city beneath the sea until the Nords gave up.


Nchuleft is a ruined Dwemer freehold colony found on the island district of Vvardenfell in the province of Morrowind. Situated on the edge of the Grazelands, the former city was believed to be a heavy manufacturing facility. Deep inside the ruins is a large machine that churns and vibrates. It goes from the ceiling to the lava bed. While Nchuleft's defenses continue to be active, it has since been used by the local Zainab Tribe, who scavenge the ruins for curios of varying values.


Nchuleftingth is a large ruined dwarven citadel found on the mountain slopes of Vvardenfell, in the province of Morrowind. Situated in the volcanic wastes of Molag Amur, it is found in the middle of Foyada Nadanat which allows easy access to the site. The ruins were built in the latter years of Dwemer activity in the region for unspecified research purposes. Scholars have theorized and speculated on what exactly was being researched, but what is known is that Nchuleftingth is one of the two biggest dwarven sites on the island, the other being Mzuleft on the north coast.


Necrom is one of the eight major cities on the mainland of Morrowind, and is perched on the Padomaic Ocean, right on the eastern edge of the Padomaic Crest. The city is the center of ancestor worship in Morrowind and has thus earned the moniker, the City of the Dead. But despite the nature of this name, Necrom can be a teeming and bustling metropolis for commerce, pilgrims, and the mournful all day and night. While modern Dunmer left their ancient customs behind, Necrom helps them re-connect with that lost part of their history and their ancestry.

Throughout its history Necrom has been traditionally ruled by the Keepers of the Dead, a monastic order that serve as caretakers of the city and its necropolis. The Keepers answer to the authority of the Temple. The eastern coast is presently ruled over by House Indoril, which as of the Fourth Era, is considered one and the same with the New Temple.

Necromancer's MoonEdit

The Necromancer's Moon, also known as the Revenant, is a moon and the divine body of the God of Worms, Mannimarco. It was created by the Warp in the West in 3E 417 when Mannimarco used the power of the Mantella to fuel his transfiguration and apotheosis.

The Necromancer's Moon eclipses the planet Arkay every eight days, preventing its light from reaching Nirn for 24 hours. This celestial phenomenon is known as the Shade of the Revenant, and casts a purple light down on certain locations across Tamriel during this period. The purpose of this eclipse is to foil the divine laws of Arkay, allowing Mannimarco to be the only god of life and death. The Cult of the Black Worm worship Mannimarco as the God of Worms, and construct altars to him at these locations to harness the Shade of the Revenant for use in creating black soul gems.


Nenalata is an Ayleid ruin located on the eastern shore of the Niben Bay at the mouth of the Silverfish River. It was the last Ayleid city in Cyrodiil during the First Era, lasting three centuries after the Fall of White Gold Tower.

Nenyond TwyllEdit

Nenyond Twyll (meaning "Graywater Well" in Ayleidoon), colloquially known as Juras Falls is an Ayleid ruin found off the Green Road in the region of the Great Forest, in the province of Cyrodiil.

During the Interregnum in the mid-Second Era, the Three Banners War had ravaged across central Cyrodiil, and so Nenyond Twyll was in the territory considered a part of the Aldmeri Dominion. There was a skirmish that the Imperial Legion, led by Captain Juras had become involved in. In the end, Captain Juras was killed in battle, and the ruins were called Juras Falls ever since. His spirit would haunt the site, hence the name. It was until the spirit was put to rest by a wandering soldier of the alliances.

During the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, a group of Necromancers had taken refuge in Nenyond Twyll, during the practice's rise in popularity in Cyrodiil. A mage of the Mages Guild was sent to infiltrate the coven, but was later discovered. A group of warriors was sent to bring him back but they failed. And so, Arch-Mage Hannibal Traven had sent a Magician of the Guild to retrieve their spy. The Necromancer coven was defeated, but the spy was made a thrall.

Neugrad WatchEdit

Neugrad Watch was a small settlement in southwestern Skyrim, contemporary with the Imperial Simulacrum. During the Simulacrum, Neugrad Watch was ruled by Lord Fenrens and had a rivalry with North Keep. It was neighbored by several settlements, including Falkreath to the southwest, and Oakwood to the northeast. It has been claimed that a group of "Wild Automatons" destroyed the settlement circa 4E 100-105, with the refugees moving to Helgen. By 4E 201, the settlement had been abandoned and all that remained were the ruins of Fort Neugrad, occupied by a small number of guards.

Because of avalanches in the Pale Pass and the destruction of Helgen by Alduin, a group of bandits successfully overran the fort in 4E 201. The old library was looted by Brandish, a member of the bandits, in search of magical items. The bandits had intended to clear out before the Jarl of Falkreath could react, but the Imperial Legion retook the fort for use as a strong point during the Stormcloak Rebellion. However, morale was low and reinforcements were unable to make it through the closed Pale Pass. The fort served as a point of contention between the Legion and the Stormcloaks, with the Stormcloaks vying for control of the fort in order to conquer Falkreath Hold.

New SheothEdit

New Sheoth is the ever-changing capital of the Shivering Isles and the seat of Lord Sheogorath. It is located in the eastern part of the Isles, at the feet of the Jester's Spine Mountains. It is placed on the border between Mania and Dementia, the two halves of the Isles. The city itself is divided into two districts, Bliss on the Manic side and Crucible on the Demented. New Sheoth Palace overlooks the city; contained within is the Palace of Sheogorath, as well as the Houses of Mania and Dementia. The Sacellum Arden-Sul is located at the base of the Great Torch. The ruins of Xirethard are mostly located beneath the city. Like everywhere in the Isles, root tunnels run deep below the city. Of particular interest is the Fountainhead, where the insanity of the realm's inhabitants settles to supply the waters of the Font of Madness.

Niben BayEdit

The Niben Bay (also called the Nibenay Bay and historically Lake Makapi to the Khajiit) is a large body of water lying dead in the middle of the Nibenay, in the province of Cyrodiil. The bay is the center of the Nibenay Valley, an important region in the trade of eastern Cyrodiil. Many rivers flows into it such as the Larsius, the Upper Niben, the Corbolo, the Silverfish and the Panther. The Niben Bay drains into the Lower Niben, that connects it to the Topal Bay. The water of both the Niben Bay and Lower Niben is saltwater. Underneath the Niben Bay is a large subsection of caverns that extends from the center of the bay to an old Temple of the Emperor Zero called the Bravil Wizard's Grotto.

Niben RiverEdit

The Niben River, also known as the Caledon River, Imperial Run, Red River, or River Malapi by the Khajiit, is a large river in Cyrodiil. Its source is Lake Rumare in the Heartlands and it empties into the Topal Bay.


Nibenay, also knows as the Nibenean East, is the eastern part of Cyrodiil and is the traditional heart of the Empire, comprising the modern counties of Cheydinhal, Bruma, Bravil and Leyawiin, as well as the Heartlands around City Isle. The Nibenese culture is considered esoteric and philosophical, with focus on elaborate ceremony. Outside of the capital cities, the largest settlements in the region include Caer Suvio and Mir Corrup.

The largest regions in Nibenay are the eponymous Nibenay Valley and Nibenay Basin, the former nominally including the western bank of the Upper Niben from County Bravil to the Heartlands, and the latter encompassing the eastern side of the Upper Niben and its tributaries; the Corbolo, Reed and Silverfish. South of Niben Bay sits the dark swampland of Blackwood, largely synonymous with the county of Leyawiin. The far northern and eastern parts of the region give way to the Jerall and Valus mountain ranges, respectively. The Jerall city of Bruma, though Nibenese in customs, boasts an architectural style that is more Nordic in design. Similarly, there are aspects of Dunmeri architecture in the eastern city of Cheydinhal.

Nibenay BasinEdit

The Nibenay Basin is subregion of Nibenay that consists primarily of the eastern side of the valley of the Niben, and its tributaries. It's mostly an open, agricultural area where the Nibenese Imperials hail from. The regions of the Nibenay Valley and the Heartlands are sometimes considered as an extension of the Nibenay Basin area, with the Imperial City being located on an island at the head of the valley. Beyond the Cheydinhal foothills at the eastern end of the basin, the Valus Mountains form the border with the province of Morrowind. To the south, the Panther River marks the border with Blackwood.

As the drainage basin of the Niben, a number of tributaries and solitary lakes can be found in the region. These include the Reed, Corbolo and Silverfish rivers, and the lakes Arrius, Poppad and Canulus.

Nibenay ValleyEdit

The Nibenay Valley (also called the Niben Valley or the Nibenean Valley) is a subregion of Nibenay in eastern Cyrodiil, centered around the River Niben. It is described as a tropical region enclosed by an equatorial rain forest and broken up by rivers. At the southern end of the region lies Niben Bay, while to the north, the region extends into the Heartlands around Lake Rumare. South of the region lies the dark and brooding Blackwood; in the west, the West Weald and Elsweyr; to the east, the Nibenay Basin; and to the northwest, the Great Forest. Running from north to south are the Green Road in the west and the Yellow Road in the east. The city of Bravil lies in the western portion of the region.

Bergamot grows particularly densely around Bravil, as does Mandrake and Nightshade. The eastern bank of the Niben River is thick with Foxglove, Monkshood, and Summer Bolete. Many other plants thrive in the region, including Nirnroot.

Olive wood of the Niben Valley is commonly used by the House Hexos in the process of crafting weaponry.


Nimalten (sometimes called Nimalten City) is an ancient settlement located in the Rift, on the banks of the Treva River in Skyrim. Nimalten Barrow is a series of extensive vaults built beneath the town, which were extended for thousands of years due to the fact that certain families refused to bury their dead in the same chamber as certain other families.

In 2E 582, Nimalten was ruled by Thane Fjora. The town was targeted by the Worm Cult, who overran the barrow and made several attempts on the thane's life before being driven off by the Ebonheart Pact.

During the Imperial Simulacrum, the village of Nimalten City was an active settlement, being ruled by Lord Ingmik. It had a rivalry with Pargran Village and Riverwood, It was neighbored by several settlements, including Sunguard in the southeast, and Whiterun in the northwest. By 4E 201 no trace of the settlement remained.


Ninendava is an Ayleid ruin located in the Twilight Woods, close to the ancient city of Sancre Tor in the Jerall Mountains of Cyrodiil. It is known for the "goat-faced altar of Ninendava", which is somehow related to Daedric rituals. It was among the only modern Ayleid sites that still bore their ancient names by the time of the Third Era.


Nirn (which means 'Gray Maybe' in Ehlnofex),[nb 1] or the mortal Aurbis, is the Mortal Plane, the planet upon which Tamriel and the mortal races reside. It floats in the void of Oblivion and comprises the core of the region known as Mundus. Some sources use the terms Nirn and Mundus synonymously, though others describe Mundus as a more expansive structure which extends past Nirn itself and encompasses additional regions and planes.. The origin of Nirn is a matter shrouded in much ambiguity, and different creation myths propose different events leading to its creation. It is commonly thought to have been created during the Dawn Era by the Aedra and Magna Ge, based on Lorkhan's inspiration and, per some sources, Magnus' designs. Though other sources propose different origins, which include Nirn being a direct creation of Anu, or being a deity, the goddess Nirni. Some sources claim that the existence of Nirn and Mundus, normally impossible, was allowed to come into being through the power of the Magna-Ge Londa-Vera, the Green Star, the embodiment of the feminine power of magic that exists everywhere and nowhere at once.

Nisin CaveEdit

Nisin Cave is a natural cave network found in the Southern Woodlands of Cyrodiil's West Weald, east of Skingrad and southeast of Vlastarus.


Nohotogrha is an oasis within Hammerfell. The Devotees of Satakal have been seen rolling in the desert sand sidewinder-fashion in continuous, hundred-mile stretches, from Balhar all the way to the Nohotogrha oasis.

The face sculptor Galathil of the Cloudrest Faculty of Chirurgeons claimed to have walked with the Hollow-Faced Men of Nohotogrha for three years.


Nonungalo is an Ayleid ruin located in the Imperial Reserve of the Colovian Highlands, between Fort Ontus and Fort Dirich, northwest of Skingrad and southwest of Chorrol. One of the subsections of the complex was known as the Halls of Nonungalo. A significant number of Motherwort plants can be found nearby the ruined complex.


Nonungalo ca. 2E 582

Around 2E 582, Nonungalo found itself in the middle of the Wildburn, a strip of devastated land separating the newly grown jungle of Dawnood from the rest of Colovia, which appeared as a result of the Recollection's actions. The ruin attracted a group of necromancers who tried to raise an army of undead, but were killed by the invading Daedric forces of Mirrormoor. The necromancers rose from the dead and attempted to complete the ritual, but were stopped by the Vestige and a priest of Arkay.

By the time of the Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, the halls of the ruin had become home to a group of hostile creatures. The origin of these beasts was unknown, however.

Noota NaraEdit

Noota Nara is a village in Black Marsh. At some point prior to 2E 864, it was attacked by a dragon who burned the walls to the ground. By heating their spear-tips in the dragonfire, the Argonian villagers were able to harness the fire's enchantment and pierce the dragon. The dragon's head was later brought to the island of Stros M'Kai and mounted above a mantel in the Draggin Tale Inn in Port Hunding.


Norg-Tzel (meaning "Forbidden Place" in the Jel) is a small island off the coast of the region of Murkmire, being considered a part of the province of Black Marsh. Norg-Tzel is known as the Forbidden Place for a reason, as it served as the prison of the mythical Golden Skull of Beela-Kaar until it was taken by the Cyrodilic Collections.

Normar HeightsEdit

Normar Heights is a settlement found in the province of High Rock, being found southwest of the city-state of Northpoint.

North KeepEdit

North Keep was a village located on the road between Granitehall to the north and Falkreath to the south.

During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the town of North Keep was an active settlement, being ruled by Lord Alan. It had a rivalry with Neugrad Watch and Black Moor. It was neighbored by Oakwood to the east.


Northmoor is a region on the western coast of High Rock in the Iliac Bay region. Northmoor lies on the Eltheric Ocean and only a small portion of it is not part of the Iliac Bay. The region is heavily forested and geographically, it is located in Glenumbra. Caecilly Island was located somewhere off its coast before it disappeared.[Note 1]


Northpoint (also spelled as North Point) is one of the nine historical Breton kingdoms in the province of High Rock, located on the northeast point of Rivenspire. Northpoint is an important trading center along the northwest trading route on the Eltheric Ocean, as well as the seat of power for House Dorell, one of the three major houses of Rivenspire. Their power extends across northern Rivenspire, including farmland around the city and beyond the sea. As of 3E 432, Northpoint was one of five major kingdoms in High Rock.

Northwind MineEdit

Northwind Mine is an ancient iron mine found in the Rift northwest of Shor's Stone, high up in the mountains that form the border with Eastmarch. It tunnels into a mountaintop known as Northwind Summit.

During the Merethic Era, the ancient Nords erected a Word Wall at the top of Northwind Summit, inscribed in the dragon language.

The iron mine at Northwind has been in existence since at least the Second Era, during which time it was worked by a reclusive family of Nord miners who built a significant settlement at the site. They worked the mine for generations, and sometimes didn't descend for supplies for months on end.

This isolation proved disastrous in 2E 582, when a coalition of Reachman clans invaded the Rift and took control of the mine. The locals initially thought nothing of the disappearance of the miners, and it wasn't until nearby Shor's Stone was attacked by the clans that the Reachmen presence was discovered. After the sacking of Fallowstone Hall, a Dunmer member of the Ebonheart Pact and ally of the Companions named Tovisa decided to investigate with the help of the Vestige. They discovered that the mine was occupied by the Stonetalon Clan, who were performing human sacrifices to establish a hagraven coven in the mine. The Stonetalons were successfully driven off and the hagravens killed, although Tovisa was captured and ritually blinded in the process.

By the Fourth Era, a mammoth-hunting camp had been established at the summit. Both the mine and the camp had become abandoned by 4E 201 and were guarded by skeletal undead. With the return of Alduin that year, a dragon began to use the summit as its lair, but was eventually killed when a bounty was placed on its head.

Norvulk RuinsEdit

The Norvulk Hills is a settlement found on the rolling hills of Stormhaven, in the province of High Rock. It is built from the ruins of the same name, which was named after Norvulk Tome-Hoarder, an eccentric wizard from the Second Empire.


Noweyr (also known as the Realm of Noweyr) is a plane of Oblivion. A tale intertwining Noweyr and the thief-god Rajhin exists. It is said that Rajhin pilfered enchanted purple horses and ponies from somewhere within the realms of Oblivion. Whenever inquired about the exact origin of these magical creatures, his worshippers were known to playfully respond with a cryptic and whimsical answer, saying, "Noweyr!".