- Ajum
- A woven tray with a netted lid, used e.g. for serving food[7]
- Alten
- [8][9]
- Beeko
- Friend. Sometimes may be used sarcastically[1]
- Beek-ojel
- Literally friend-outsider or non-Jel speaking friend[1]
- Bijum[10]
- Bok
- Bowl[1]
- Bok-Xul
- Bowl of Death"[11]
- Buseek[12]
- Daril
- Literally seeing everything in ecstasy;[2] a name for a drug
- Deek
- Young, sapling[13]; little
- Deek-beeko[1]
- Literally sapling-friend. Friend of youth, child-friend.
- Deelith
- One who passes wisdom to another[1]
- Delaw[12]
- Dimik
- Vivid[6]
- Dooka
- Mature, adult[13]
- Eenu[14]
- Ei
- possibly Eye, or Eyes (see Haj-Ei)
- Gah
- Basket (see Thtithil-gah - "egg basket")
- Gee
- Geel
- Gloor
- The pervasive will/desire/need of the Hist to engender multiple inevitabilities.[16]
- Greel
- Enemy (used mostly for hostile creatures or outsiders)[1][17]
- Gulvo
- [18]
- Gulweet
- [19]
- Haj
- Hidden, or hides[1]
- Haj mota
- Hidden hunter
- Hee-Tepsleel
- translation unknown; A tribe that raises crops for the Black-Tongue tribe's alchemical brews.[20]
- Hej
- Vaporous (see hejsetha thtithik, hejsetha thtitleel, and hej xajhuthi kroni[21])
- Hejsetha
- Vaporous, floating (see "Hejsetha thtithik" and "Hejsetha thtitleel"[21])
- Hejsetha thtithik
- Literally vaporous, floating egg hatcher;[21] wispmother
- Hejsetha thtitleel
- Literally vaporous floating sphere;[21] wisp
- Hej xajhuthi kroni
- Literally vaporous, dangerous crones. Translated less directly as "beware of witchlights"[21]
- Hewei
- Odd[14]
- Hoto[14]
- Huptal
- [10]
- Ithix[22]
- Iuheeez
- Wing folding. A manner in which butterfly wings are prepared into edible presentations[7]
- Iyorth[2]:60
- Ka
- Apprentice[24]
- Kaj
- Ample; giant; elder
- Kaj-jeke thota
- Ample stinging insect. Referring to a Giant Wasp[21]
- Kajthux
- Ample serpent. Referring to a Giant Snake[21]
- Kaju
- Dream-beast or sacred-beast. [14]
- Kaoc
- A type of vulgar interjection[2]:48[25]
- Keshu
- Literally stands apart[26]
- Ki
- Doll
- Krona
- Big, colossal. Typically used in jest or exaggeration[1]
- Ku
- To bring about or allow[27]
- Kuhupwo
- Mouth-talk. The rare phenomenon of a Hist tree speaking directly through speech[6]
- Kuuda
- Idiot.[28][29]
- Kujei
- Brother
- Leel
- Tribe/people; often used to denote a group or a tribe (see Kota-Vimleel, Tum-Taleel, Wasseek-Haleel)
- Lukiul
- Assimilated. Used to signify an Argonian who has adapted to a non-Argonian culture[2][1]
- Mahleel
- Human[30][31]
- Malgai[32]
- Masu
- Big-mouthed reptile (see rormasu' and wamasu[21])
- Maxeem-urto
- A type of river clam[6]
- Meht
- Possibly cracker (see Ixtaxh-thtithil-meht – "exact-Egg-Cracker"[2][10])
- Mota
- Hunt or hunter[11]
- Naga-Kur
- Dead-Water[11]
- Nalduku
- [33]
- Nalpa
- Literally rotten; bad (refers to something or someone of generally low quality)[1]
- Nassa
- Probably leader (see Raj-nassa – "elder leader")
- Norg
- Forbidden. Not used often as most forbidden things are not spoken of[1]
- Nushmeeko
- Lizard[13]
- Nujei
- Sister
- Oj
- Possibly denoting negation, judging by its use[17]
- Ojei
- Possibly roughly meaning No-Eyes, referring to the fact that they are blind[34]:
- Ojel
- Literally, not of Argonian tongue or non-speaker of Jel, marking somebody not of the tribe, an outsider. Sometimes used as an insult[6][1]
- Pahnjee
- Fumer, a rack of oily, spoiled meat to keep bog-blights at bay [14]
- Raj
- Elder[26]
- Rajpu
- [35]
- Reel-ka
- Warrior[1]
- Reelsh[12]
- Reezal
- Tainted[23][UOL 1]
- Rormasu
- Literally big-mouthed reptile that blinks above the water. Referring to a crocodile[21]
- Ruheeva
- Seemingly a greeting used for strangers[36][37]
- Sa
- unknown. [17]
- Sakka
- Saxhleel
- Literally people of the Root. Referring to the Argonians, as well as eleventh month of the Argonian calendar[2][1]
- Sei
- Possibly rite or ritual (see Vastei-Sei - "Ritual of Change", or chukka-sei - argonian rites of maturity).
- Seizo
- An exclamation, not necessarily of a bad connotation[6]
- Shaja
- Semi-humanoid[13]
- Shap
- Frog (see tsonashap - swimming frog)
- Sharith[21]
- Sisei
- Sprout; the third month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Tchee
- [17]
- Teeba
- Ball[38]
- Thtachalxan
- Literally Drykillers. Used to refer to Lilmoth's only non-Argonian guard unit in 4E 8.[2]:44
- Thtal
- [2]:16
- Thtithatei
- Egg-stomach. Used by some tribes in relation to procreation partnerships[16]
- Thtithil
- Egg [1]
- Thtithil-gah
- Egg basket. Seventh month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Thuxis
- Snake;[21] also refers to one who is deceptive[1]
- Toh
- Secret[5]
- Topee-rajta
- Loosely meaning older than dirt[6]
- Toteik
- Great (used sparingly for only particularly exceptional things)[1]
- Tsetha
- Floating (see hejtsetha thtithik and hejtsetha thtitleel[21])
- Tsojei
- A word used to refer to Argonian weapons described as a cross between a sword or club.
- Tsoko
- Elderly, elder [13]
- Tsona
- Swim or to swim [1]
- Tumjum
- House-weaving. Usually allegorical.[16]
- Tusik
- An Argonian weapon, similar to a Macuahuitl[39]
- Tzel
- Place[40]. Possibly also marking area or territory (see Norg-Tzel[40] and Veeskhleel-Tzel[20])
- Tzilnech
- An insult.[41]
- Uvastuxith
- Nest-becoming. A term for a procreational partnership[16]
- Ux
- A sacred mating practices of Argonians[42]
- Uxith
- Nest, home, bed. These three concepts are one and the same to the Saxhleel[25][1]
- Uxith-beeko
- Literally nest-friend. More directly a sexual partner[43]
- Vahat
- Unclean, or taboo[14][17]
- Vakka
- Sun, as well as first month of the Argonian calendar[1]
- Vakka-Shuxalt
- [44]
- Vastei
- Change[27][1] or transition
- Veesk
- Ghost (taken from Veeskhleel')
- Vexu-vit
- Persnickety. Somebody who is fussy or particular[6]
- Vim
- Tongue (taken from "Vimleel")
- Voh-vastei
- Apprentice[45]
- Vos
- Stone[6]
- Wamasu
- Roughly translated as big-mouthed reptile of blood lightning[21]
- Wasseek-Haleel
- Bright-Throats[20][10]
- Waxhuthi
- A type of vulgar interjection, when used in context it seems to mean "dammit"[2]:48[17]
- Wutulm
- Legend, used to describe a person[14]
- Wuxa[12]
- Xal
- Sacred[46][1]
- Xal-toh
- Sacred secret[5][47]
- Xeech
- Nut or seed; the second month of the Argonian calendar[1][13]
- Xhu
- Yes[2]:33
- Xhuth
- A type of vulgar interjection[2]:48 (also spelled "xuth"[28][48])
- Xouch
- Bee[49]
- Xul
- Death or pertaining to death[1]
- Xul-vaat
- Grave-stake. A stake pierced through a dead Argonian, telling a story of their life[14][50]
- Xulomaht
- Deceased; the twelfth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Xulunaht
- Possibly killing, massacre (from xul)[51][17]
Proper nounsEdit
For the complete list of Saxhleel names see the Argonian names article.
This section contains known Jel names, titles, and other proper nouns.
- Adzi-Kostleel
- (The name of an Argonian tribe)[53]
- Atak
- The Great Root. The first thing to ever exist according to the oral tradition of the Adzi-Kostleel tribe.[53]
- Atakota
- The evercoiling clinging of the Great Serpent and the Great Root according to the oral tradition of the Adzi-Kostleel tribe[53]
- Aojee-sakka
- An exquisite soup. Lethal if eaten in the wrong manner[7]
- Chukka-sei
- A trial of maturation, upon completion of which, Argonians are considered to have come of age[13]
- Gee-Rusleel
- The Miredancers. A tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Haj-Ei
- Translates into Hides-His-Eyes. An Argonian name[54]
- Hist-Deek
- Hist Sapling. Fourth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Hist-Dooka
- Mature Hist. Fifth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Hist-Tsoko
- Elderly Hist. Sixth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Ixtaxh-thtithil-meht
- Exact-Egg-Cracker. The name of a great stepped pyramid in Lilmoth[2][10]
- Jekka-wass[12]
- Profession of the keeper of the Xinchei-Konu [13]
- Jekka-wats[55]
- Plural of Jekka-wass
- Kaal
- War captain. A revered title, especially in more violent tribes[6][1]
- Ka-deelith
- War-teacher. A title for the one responsible for training warriors[56]
- Kota
- The name of the Great Serpent challenging the first Great Root accordingly to the oral tradition of the Adzi-Kostleel tribe.[53]
- Kota-Vimleel
- Literally Black-Tongues. Denotes Black-Tongue tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Krona-kaal
- A particularly skilled or famous war chief in the Dead-Water tribe[14]
- Kronkassa[17]
- Kronka-thatith
- Everything-Egg. Roughly refers to all land occupied by the Argonian tribes when used with the gesture meaning "wide-swamp."[16]
- Ku-vastei
- A catalyst of change. Can be a person, a thing, or an occurrence but can be interpreted as "that which causes the necessary path for change to occur" "A ku-vastei is what sets things into motion again."[27][57]
- Nagahssee
- Snake roll. A dish prepared in Murkmire consisting of a snake skin filled with various vegetables and a live mouse[7]
- Naga-Kur
- The Dead-Water tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Naheesh
- Tribal elder. Typically a position of wisdom, although not necessarily one of power[1]
- Nisswo
- Nothing-speaker.[58][59] Used to refer to priests of Sithis[60]
- Norg-Tzel
- Literally forbidden place. A secluded island in southeastern Black Marsh[40]
- Norg-vos
- Warning stone[6]
- Nushmeeko
- Lizard; the ninth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Raj-beeko
- Literally elder friend. Or more likely, old friend (restores from: "raj" meaning "elder" and "beeko" meaning "friend"). Being used in conjunction. [1]:
- Raj-deelith
- Literally elder teacher[26]
- Raj-kaal
- Literally elder war captain, a war chief, a high military rank[14]
- Raj-nassa
- Literally elder leader[61]
- Ree-An-Wo
- Swallowed Grove[62]
- Saxhleel
- Literally people of the Root. Referring to the Argonians, as well as eleventh month of the Argonian calendar[2][1]
- Seekhat-Xol
- native village of Keshu the Black Fin [26]
- Shaja-Nushmeeko
- Literally Semi-humanoid lizard. Tenth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Shunatei
- Literally translated as 'Regretful Stomach', it refers to the concept of being pained by focusing too much on what has come to pass, and worrying too much about the future.[63]
- Shuulmtul
- [64]
- Su-Zahleel
- Tar-sakka[12]
- Teeba-hatsei
- "Hip and tail ball". A popular Argonian sport[38]
- Teeba-enoo
- Another popular Argonian sport[10]
- Theilul
- A type of Argonian rum made from distilled sugar cane[2]
- Thtithil-gah
- Egg basket. Seventh month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Tsono-Xuhil
- The name of Mazzatun's Hist.[65][66][67]
- Tsonashap
- Literally "swimming frog"[2]:48
- Tsona-Geeva[68]
- Tum-Taleel
- Literally "Root-House People. Denoting the Root-House tribe in Murkmire[20]
- Tutan-wei[10]
- Ux-deelith
- A tribe member leading the practice of ux, a sacred mating ritual[69]
- Vakka
- Sun. Also the first month of the Argonian calendar. [70]
- Vakka-Bok
- Bowl of the Sun. An ancient Argonian ruin in northern Murkmire. [10]
- Vakka-Shuxalt
- Sun-Eater. name of devotees to the vampire Shuxaltsei. [44]
- Vastei-Sei
- Ritual of Change[12]
- Veeskhleel
- Literally, the Ghost People. Denoting Ghost-People tribe of Murkmire[20]
- Voss
- [17]
- Vossa-satl
- An organ/bagpipe-like instrument popular in Murkmire, played with live frogs of various species.[71]
- Wasseek-Haleel
- Literally the Bright-Throats. A tribe of Murkmire[20][10]
- Wazeithi
- [10]
- Wuju-ka[32]
- Wuthilul
- Translates into Mere-Glim. An Argonian name[2]
- Xal-Krona
- Sacred colossal,[1] also called Argonian Behemoth.[72]
- Xal-fek
- Sacred plant. Fourteen plants considered sacred to the Black-Tongue tribe[15]
- Xal Ithix
- Sacred unknown. a settlement in Shadowfen, named after the nearby ruins. [22]
- Xal-thtithil
- Sacred egg[18]
- Xal-uxith
- Sacred nest. Where Argonian eggs are tended to[26]
- Xal-vastei
- Sacred change. Created at Xinchei-Konu monument[1]
- Xanmeer
- A term for the ancient stepped pyramids found in Black Marsh[46]
- Xeech'ki
- Seed doll. A wood figurine typically carved by members of Bright-Throat Tribe, depicting local animals or tiny Argonians[20]
- Xinchei-Konu
- An ancient Argonian calendar. Also refers to the monument constructed for it[12]
- Xiniss
- An Argonian village in Black Marsh[38]
- Xit-Xaht
- An Argonian tribe which resides in the Ruins of Mazzatun[73]
- Xochipalli
- Presumably the name of a poisonous plant found in Murkmire[74]
- Xoxoctic
- Presumably the name of a poisonous plant found in Murkmire[74]
- Xul-Axith
- Death-unknown. An ancient city made of black stone found in Black Marsh[75]
- Xul-mota
- Death-hunt. A challenging hunt for a dangerous beast[11]
- Xulneihavu
- [17][44]
- Xul-Axith
- [76]
- Xul-Thuxis
- Snake-Means-Death City. Literally death snake, an ancient Argonian city in northern Murkmire[77]
- Xulomaht
- The Deceased. As well as twelfth month of the Argonian calendar[13]
- Xulunaht
- [17]
- "Gulvo vakka-lo Kajin-Jat!" [18]
- "Vakka reelsh vastei buseek xal!"
- "Delaw ruheeva wuxa vastei bok tar-sakka!" [12]
- "Pah tzel tchee uvastei jel xul-uxith."
- "Ruheeva u xul-vahat!"
- "Sa kot xulneihavu! Sithis tchee shu kronkassa."
- "Sa tchee shu u vakka."
- "U Hist-greel kota norg-xeech."
- "Ruheeva u xul-vahat!"
- "Waxhuthi! Norgsa oj!"
- "Xulunaht voss!"[17]
- A language referred to as Jen was spoken by Mere-Glim after seeing Umbriel for the first time. Annaïg Hoïnart described it as a 'deeply ambiguous tongue' and claimed that she could easily prescribe over ten meanings to the short phrase that Mere-Glim muttered as a consequence of the tongue's vagueness.[2]:56 It is unknown what relation Jen has to Jel, but it is unlikely that they are the same, as Annaïg was a capable Jel speaker.[2]:33 However, as "Jen" is never referred to at any other time, it is also possible it is merely a typographical error.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae The Sharper Tongue: A Jel Primer — Lights-the-Way, Mystic of the Mages Guild
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Keyes, Greg. The Infernal City. Del Rey Books, 2009.
- ^ Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion: Black Marsh, Daedroth
- ^ a b Murky Time — Teldenrinde of the Mages Guild
- ^ a b c Jee-Lar's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Xukas' dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d A Culinary Adventure — Rallaume Lemonds, Culinary Crusader
- ^ Alten Corimont in ESO
- ^ Alten Meerhleel in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Famia Mercius' dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d Bolu's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d e f g h i Jekka-Wass Vozei's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r The Seasons of Argonia — Jekka-Wass Paxalt, Keeper of the Xinchei-Konu
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Jaxsik-Orrn's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b Waku-Mat's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c d e Loremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&A
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Shuxaltsei's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c Kassandra's dialogue in ESO:Murkmire
- ^ Beehuna's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j Tribes of Murkmire — Emmanubeth Hurrent, the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion
- ^ a b Xal Ithix in ESO
- ^ a b Reezal-Jul in ESO
- ^ The Black Fin: Foreign Adventures, Part 1 — Mee-See, Squire and Personal Aide to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ a b Crafting Motif 9: Argonian Style — Doctor Alfidia Lupus
- ^ a b c d e Keshu: From Egg to Adolescence — Peek-Ereel, Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ a b c Ku-Vastei: The Needed Change — Lights-the-Way, Mystic of the Mages Guild
- ^ a b Ajim-Jaa's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Nurhei's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Guhcin's dialogue during The Skin Taker in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Bar-Goh's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b Dradeiva's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Overheard dialogue from Naga Blackguards in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Ojei, a mutated Argonian found in Blight Bog Sump
- ^ From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale, Vol 3 — Garnozag, Master Smith
- ^ Meewulm's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Aliskeeh's greeting in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b c Teeba-Hatsei
- ^ From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale, Vol 2 — Garnozag, Master Smith
- ^ a b c Norg-Tzel loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Nuxul's dialogue in ESO: Blackwood
- ^ Ux-Deelith Mezatil's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Tloxalith's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Vakka-Shuxalt Amulet item description in ESO
- ^ Iskenaaz's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ a b The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Black Marsh — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ The Journal of Margus Derius — Margus Derius
- ^ Ukatsei's dialogue during Trial of the Skin-Stealer in ESO
- ^ Letters from the War: Mead!
- ^ Grave-Singer Ki-At's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Meet the Character - Bastian Hallix — Pungent Adder
- ^ The Fruit and the Stone
- ^ a b c d Children of the Root — Solis Aduro
- ^ Haj-Ei in Morrowind
- ^ Captive's Journal
- ^ Beel-Ranu's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Choixth's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Ajim-Jaa's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Nisswo's Soul Tender antiquity codex entries in ESO
- ^ Nisswo Uaxal's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Keshu: The Rites of Maturity — Peek-Ereel, Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ Swallowed Grove loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Talen-Jush's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Farewell Note
- ^ Na-Kesh's Journal — Tree-Minder Na-Kesh
- ^ Na-Kesh's dialogue in ESO: Shadows of the Hist
- ^ Heem-Jas' dialogue during Sap and Stone in ESO: Shadows of the Hist
- ^ Eshraf's Journal — Eshraf
- ^ Something About Stibbons quest in ESO: Murkmire
- ^ Description of the Vakka Tablet quest item
- ^ On Playing the Frogs — Toralf
- ^ Dust-On-Scales's Dialogue during Of Stone and Steam
- ^ The Xit-Xaht tribe in ESO
- ^ a b Quest item text in Empty Nest
- ^ Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer — Solis Aduro
- ^ Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer: Fragment V — Solis Aduro
- ^ Xul-Thuxis loading screen text in ESO
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.