A list of SHOTN places (mainly dungeons); each section's main header would be it's own page. File:PT3-map-Skyrim Home of the Nords.png is used as a reference, so names may vary from their in-game counterparts.
Nordic RuinsEdit
(Ruins of Nordic Fortesses, which may or may not exist in a non-ruined state elsewhere)
- Hirda — set up to redirect to Uramok Camp
- Fort Vostangar
- Vornberg — Stub, needs people table, table needs to be filled out, needs/more better images
Direnni RuinsEdit
(Ruins of Direnni Towers, which may or may not exist in a non-ruined state elsewhere)
- Angturiel — In pretty good shape! Needs more/better images, needs people table, check table for missing info, needs maps,
- Celera
- Vars Tharnil — done
- Mirilstern — basically empty; needs more/better images, needs maps, needs people table, check table for missing info, stub
Breton Castle RuinsEdit
(Ruins of Breton Castles, which may or may not exist in a non-ruined state elsewhere)
- Carvisa (Unmarked ingame)
Dwemer RuinsEdit
Western (Rourken)Edit
- Unnamed Dwemer Ruin (Lorchwuir Heath) — Done for now
Eastern (???)Edit
Cyrodiilic Empire RuinsEdit
Reman Fort RuinsEdit
Septim Fort RuinsEdit
Falmer RuinsEdit
Ruined SettlementsEdit
(Maybe move to the Settlements section?)
Other RuinsEdit
- Bethorst — Stub, NPCs need images
- Abandoned Log Cabin
Colovian BarrowEdit
Nordic BarrowsEdit
- Bruaram Barrow — Stub
- Kjorgnir Barrow — Stub
- Bergarojh Barrow
- Bathmvall Barrow
- Skorunde Barrow
- Tuskengryd Barrow
- Asvirsang Barrow
- Herlundsval Barrow
- Gurmshal
- Ragnvald Barrow — Done; maybe minor cleanup
- Kyrdhaj (unmarked and no interior; behind Wilbur's House; redirect there)
- Elgvring Cave — Stub, needs better map
- Breakneck Den — Stub
- Husteng Caverns
- Bjagherd Cave
- Kolgath Hollow
- Heifnil's Folly
- Faldarach
- Svaer
- Vorngond Cavern
- Malghredin's Lair
- Bvojou Cavern
- Kejev Cavern
- Aejoir Cavern
- Malagrok
- Kulmar Cavern
- Bharani
- Harkir's Hole
- Alovachtara (is this a cave or a grotto?)
- Fyrignar
- Ocsenna — part of a description on Angturiel, nothing else
- Skaldvir Cave — Done
- Alrasaide — Done
- Taliesinntara — Done
- Berfall Caverns — Done
- Duibhmarad
- Arsaig
- Orsuld Cave
- Berjodhre (beneath Wilbur's house; no marker until quest stage is reached)
- Criagachsaide — description needs a rewrite, needs more/better images, needs map, check table for missing info
- Braignainesaide — Stub
- Black Teeth Caverns
- Hrakja Cavern — needs a rewrite, needs more/better images, needs map, check table for missing info
- Skjuggefald Deeps
Ice Tribe CavesEdit
List here: Minor Settlements#Minor Camps
Full ShipsEdit
Open ShipsEdit
- Jovodii's Boat (maybe set this up as a redirect to Jovodii)
- Haldine's Boat (maybe set this up as a redirect to Haldine)
- Bronding's Boat (maybe set this up as a redirect to Bronding Wind-Catcher)
- Karthwasten Docks Cargo Ship
- Karth River Shipwrecks
- Kyne Shrine — wrecked against an outcropping south of the shrine
- Karth Confluence — between Hyyle's Hut and Hoota's Cabin, near the confluence of the Karth River and it's southern tributary (unnamed as of yet)
(Transclude on place page as its own section) References: File:TD3-book-The Reach.png, File:TD3-book-Karthwasten Region Map.png, File:TD3-book-Dragonstar Region Map.png
Bodies of WaterEdit
- Karth River
- Karth River Tributary (Name?)
Lakes & WetlandsEdit
(I'm just speculating that these will exist/be named at some point)