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Drink CollectorEdit
As a Drink Collector, your goal is to travel Skyrim and sample her finest mead and wine. Head from tavern to tavern trying new blends and collecting them for your home. Decorate your house with special blends that you've collected! Always make sure to keep a hearty supply of beverages at your home. At low levels you will only be able to sample less potent mead. As you become more rich you'll be able to buy the higher class drinks such as Black-Briar Reserves. Don't stop until you've collected them all, and maybe make a museum in the temple or castle.
Idea and Description by PsijicOrder
Dwemer HistorianEdit
This explorer goes into Dwemer ruins, however, other than a dagger, he has no weapons. Instead, he uses bodyguards. He prepares for a week, collecting food and potions. Then, on the next week, he goes into the nearest ruin and slowly advances through it. He is more of a scientist so progress should be slow as he wants to examine everything. Take samplers of Dwemer items and constructs. Work for Calcemo and get your wages by taking stuff from the ruins in Markarth. Preferably go an Imperial, Breton on Altmer, however, most races are acceptable.
Idea by PsijicOrder. Description by POMC S117
Cheese BanditEdit
Steal and buy cheese. Fill Breezehome to the rafters with cheese. Literally. You can pick a type you like or just collect any and all cheese products.
PS - not my idea, I saw a screenshot somewhere online.
Elven HistorianEdit
To be an Elven Historian, you'll need to pick which race of Mer you're going to study. You can study them all if you'd like but most historians are very specific. You should also be the race of which you want to study. Read all the books you can find about your Race and it's history. Though there are no Elven ruins, you can hide your own sacred Elven artifacts with enchanting. Then you can venture out to recover them! Join the College of Winterhold for access to their library and knowledge. Eventually with enough artifacts, open up your own museum! If you're married, you can get 100 gold a day for 'running' it. Or just sell your artifacts to another museum for profit. Give your artifact names like Galerion's Elven Blade of Flames or something akin to this.
If you have Dawnguard, you can choose to 'study' the ancient Falmer ruins of the Forgotten Vale. Collect plenty of Elven, Glass, Ancient Falmer armor, weapons, and artifacts. You may also wish to specialise in the modern day Falmer, and investigate their lairs, study their pets, and collect their primitive weapons, tools, and armor.
Idea and Description by PsijicOrder and slight edit by POMC S117
Nordic HistorianEdit
As a Nordic historian you'll be diving deep into ancient Nord burial sites. You'll need to read all you can about each ruin and take samples of the Draugr you encounter. Keep embalming tools and cloth wraps to keep your samples. Search thoroughly through the site, it may take more than a day! Recover lost artifacts of power and assemble them all in your home or in a museum. You can work for collectors, rich people who "pay" you for providing them with items from caves. Calcemo wants something to add to his collection, go and get it. Collect all of the Dragon Priest Masks to complete your collection!
Idea by PsijicOrder Description by PsijicOrder.
As a Librarian you'll need to collect as many books as possible and scatter them throughout your home. To start off you can work at the College of Winterhold as an intern to gain some experience. Or start your collection by gathering books from dungeons or stores! Every day you'll need to 'distribute' your books to your clients. Drop it inside their home or right outside the door. Collect the rented books after 5 days, pickpocket them for profit, and wait for the book to be checked out again. You'll need to find multiple copies of each book as your clients may want the same book. Collect Spell Tomes and sell them to the college or the court wizard.
Idea and Description by PsijicOrder.
Daedric Artifact CollectorEdit
This Character Idea is fairly simple. You must travel Skyrim collecting all the Daedric Artifacts! Complete all the Daedric quests and top off your collection. Start your own museum in your home or in a temple/castle. Make sure to have a follower on watch so that no one steals anything. You could frame a burglary and track down whoever stole the artifact. Accept 100 gold a day from your spouse to cover the payment for maintaining your museum.
Idea and Description by PsijicOrder.
Weapons and Armor CollectorEdit
To be a Weapon and Armor collector you're going to need to start gathering unique and special weapons and armor. Strive to obtain all the unique weapons you can get your hands on! Gather every one that's in the game and make a museum or trade them for other items. Find all the special armor pieces in the game including the Dragon Priest Masks! Raise your smithing level to 100 so that you can make all the armor you want for your collection. Have each entire set of Armor and Weapons and put them up for display in your home. Hjerm in Windhelm works very good as a home because it has an armory, Proudspire is next in line but more expensive anyway. Trade/Buy/Find all the weapons and armor you can to have the greatest collection in Skyrim.
Idea and Description by PsijicOrder.
Orc Lore KeeperEdit
Orc Lore Keepers are old Orsimer who keep all of a tribes history recorded. They are also one of the only Orsimer in a tribe allowed to leave the settlement. You'll of course need to be an Orc, make sure to add war paint to symbolize your tribe. Find the tribe that suits you most and begin living there. Once you're settled in, begin gathering knowledge about the Orsimer and Malacath. Make your own backstory of how your tribe came to be settled in a particular area. Spread the knowledge of your tribe to local townspeople and gain support from them, slowly making peace with Man. You'll need to keep a large selection of Orcish arms and armor to keep your clan suited up and looking the part. Lead your tribe in down the right path spiritually and record all of their progress for future generations.
Idea and Description by PsijicOrder.
Dragon HistorianEdit
Any race is acceptable. Read any book on dragons, their history and their death. Kill them and then take some bones and scales as samples. Investigate word walls and learn the dragon language. Join the Blades and ask Esbern about them. Collect books for him too, he wants to learn more as well. Keep a load of equipment like embalming tools to dissect dragon.
Museum KeeperEdit
Get a house. In the ground-level floor, put a bunch of stuff, on it, in display cases, and on top of other things. But make your items revelant to each other. (A Dwemer Cog doesnt go with an Orcish Sword.) Also, don't make your museum dwemer related or Mythic Dawn related. They've already been taken. Also, don't make the museum Proudspire Manor. The basement is not good for a museum. Here are some suggestions for what you build your museum on:
Daedra Dragon Ancient Nord Imperial Orc Elven Vampire (gather Vampire Dust, and weapons you caught them using. Also maybe use their armor) Hunting Museum (Collect wolf, bear, fox, and sabre cat pelts, and put them in display cases. Also collect arrows and bows.)
War HistorianEdit
Get a house in the add-on Hearthfire, get the armory, the storage room, and what ever you want on the west wing. The armory will be your museum. The storage room for profits. You earn profits from collecting the weapons from bandits and other things. From there you need to have a BUNCH of gold before starting!!!
By P.C.F. (initials)
Forsworn ResearcherEdit
You want to know more about the Forsworn and their strange rituals, and possibly shed some light on Hagravens in the process. Sadly, since the Forsworn do not allow anyone but their own kind into their settlements, you will have to either sneak past them or kill them. Always carry a roll of parchment and a quill with ink to take your notes from afar, as well as a weapon+light armour. Collect Hagraven feathers, claws and Briar hearts. Also, you might want to do the Cidhna Mine quest in Markarth to come out with a special set of Forsworn armour that you can put on display. Have one of the Hearthfire houses with a Storage Room, Library(to store all of your research notes and books on the Forsworn) and anything you want on the west wing. Stage a "heist" where the Forsworn break into your home and steal some of your items back, so you have to go retrieve them. Also, if you have Dragonborn installed, go to Tel Mithryn on Solstheim and keep accepting quests from Neloth until you get a quest to go and take a Briar heart, maybe Neloth could assist you in your research.
idea and description by KhajiitOverlord777