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< User:Rigas
Name Race In the story Background
Matthias Luseph Breton Matthias was the one that wrote the diary. His name is not revealed until the end of the story. He was the last survivor. Matthias was born at Chorrol, but he left Chorrol with his parents when he was 8 for the Imperial City. From the age of 10, he and Bronus are best friends. They met in a speed contest, in which their parents came to watch for entertaiment.
Bronus Lodius Imperial Bronus didn't have any speciality, he just helped the team as much as he could. Bronus lived his entire life at the Imperial City. From the age of 10, he and Matthias are best friends. They met in a speed contest, in which their parents came to watch for entertaiment.
Dar-Tee Argonian Dar-Tee was much like Brolus, no speciality. Dar-Tee was born at Black Marsh. He left the Black Marsh and went to Leyawiin when he was 19. After 1 year, he left for the Imperial City, wheere he lived the rest of his life. Dar-Tee was living in the Waterfront in a small shack along with Ni'Kazar. Matthias found them in one of his walks, and told them about their plans. They were excited and deciced to join.
Ni'Kazar Khajiit Ni'Kazar specialized at using scrolls, which he gathered during the team's preperation time. Ni'Kazar and his father were slaves at Morrowind. When he was 16, his father was executed for attempting to murder his master. Ni'Kazar swore that he will have his revenge. At his 18th birthday, Ni'Kazar poisoned his master and his friends in a dinner by using Moon Sugar, which he obtained from a fellow Khajiit who wanted to help. Ni'Kazar then escaped and fled to Cyrodiil. Ni'Kazar was living in the Waterfront in a small shack along with Dar-Tee. Matthias found them in one of his walks, and told them about their plans. They were excited and deciced to join.

The following journal was found in the former Ayleid capital of Miscarcand. It had blood everywhere on it. All of the pages could be read though.

Chapter One: The StartEdit

Sub-Chapter One-One: The DecisionEdit

Fredas, 18th of Second Seed, 3E 425: We dediced it, we are going to Miscarcand. We will find the Great Welkynd Stone and sell it to the Mages Guild. We will become rich! I am writing this because I want the entire Cyrodiil to learn about our adventure.

Sub-Chapter One-Two: Extra HelpEdit

Fredas, 22nd of Second Seed, 3E 425: Two more persons joined us! I found Dar-Tee and Ni'Kazar in one of my walks at the Waterfront, and after I told them our plans, they wanted to join. Now we have two more persons on the team!

Sub-Chapter One-Three: The TripEdit

Fredas, 14th of Midyear, 3E 425: After weeks of preperation, we started our trip! Me, Ni'kazar, Bronus Lodius, and Dee-Tar. We started from the Imperial City. We will rest in Skingrad and then go to Miscarcand.

Sub-Chapter One-Four: SkingradEdit

Fredas, 15th of Midyear, 3E 425: We arrived at Skingrad. We will sleep at the Two Sisters Lodge and the morning we will go to Miscarcand.

Sub-Chapter One-Five: Trip to MiscarcandEdit

Fredas, 16th of Midyear, 3E 425: We started our trip to Miscarcand. The weather is calm and everything is quiet.

Sub-Chapter One-Six: First BloodEdit

Fredas, 15th of Midyear, 3E 425: It is late afternoon and we arrived at Miscarcand. There are many Goblins near the entrance. We will have to slay them.

Sub-Chapter One-Seven: After the BattleEdit

Fredas, 15th of Midyear, 3E 425: We slew the Goblins without casualties. Only Bronus was slightly injured in his foot by an axe but Ni'kazar used one of the many scrolls he brought with him to cure the injury. We entered Miscarcand.

Chapter Two: MiscarcandEdit

Sub-Chapter Two-One: Goblins vs UndeadEdit

Fredas, 15th of Midyear, 3E 425: After proceeding a bit inside Miscarcand, we saw a bunch of Goblins fighting a bunch of Undead. We hid and watched the fight. The Undead won the Goblins, but barely. Only a Zombie and a Wraith survived. After the fight we saw them heading to our location so we left quickly. We deciced to rest there for some hours (we were tired). Dee-Tar stayed awake to patrol the area.

Sub-Chapter Two-Two: A difficult fightEdit

Fredas, 16th of Midyear, 3E 425: We woke up after a few hours. After proceeding a bit more inside Miscarcand we found an Ayleid door. We opened it and we found a room that had a Gas trap in it. We deciced to cross it quickly to avoid serious effects. We crossed it very quickly but still we were poisoned. Right after we exited the room we ran into a Lich, a Wraith and 3 Zombies. We had a fight. We were weakened by the poison. We won the fight but we were injured. Ni'kazar took a serious blow at his shoulder. I was hit at my arm by a Fireball. Dee-Tar took a blow at his foot. Bronus healed us using some of Ni'kazar's scrolls and potions. We continued inside and we found another Ayleid door. We opened it. Seeing that the area was clear of enemies, we deciced to rest. Bronus stayed awake to patrol the area.

Sub-Chapter Two-Three: An unexpectedly easy fightEdit

Fredas, 17th of Midyear, 3E 425: We woke up refreshed. Bronus told us that he heard many footsteps in his patrol and that we must be very careful. We proceeded inside Miscarcand. After walking a bit we found another Goblins vs Undead fight. The Goblins easily won. They were blocking our path. Seeing that there is no way around we deciced to fight them. The battle turned out much easier that we thought it will going to be. We slew them with ease and no injuries. After proceeding a bit, we saw a big flashing light from the top of a balcony. It was the Great Welkynd Stone! We deciced to rest a bit and then get it.

Chapter Three: The Great Welkynd StoneEdit

Sub-Chapter Three-One: The Start of the EndEdit

Fredas, 18th of Midyear, 3E 425: We woke up full of excitement. We packed everything and tried to find a way to reach the Great Welkynd Stone. After searching around a bit Ni'kazar found some stairs who led to the Great Welkynd Stone. The treasure was in our grasps...

Sub-Chapter Three-Two: AmbushEdit

Fredas, 18th of Midyear, 3E 425: I just escaped death. We were ambushed the moment Ni'kazar touched the Great Welkynd Stone. Many Zombies and Wraiths along with a Lich suddenly poped out of nowhere. We run away but Bronus and Ni'Kazar fell. I am hiding with Dar-Tee right now.

Sub-Chapter Three-Three: The EndEdit

Fredas, 18th of Midyear, 3E 425: I am writing these words at my final moments. The Undead found us. I escaped seriously injured and Dar-Tee fell. I am currently lying on the ground, almost unable to move. I see a Wraith coming...

To whoever reads these words, I am Matthias Luseph the Breton, and I am about to die...