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Joined 15 May 2010

About MeEdit

Well in 14 years old (Im turned it on the 5/6) im a completly new member i have been playing oblivion and morrowind for a bit (On xbox 360 so no console commands cheaters!) I called myself Scorpio which is what i name all of my characters and simpy love Argonians.

What i doEdit

I love putting info about characters that i find funny (If those damn admins would be happy with it!) because of what i put rarely so very litte gets accepted but i dont mind.So i love when something gets accepted



Birthsign:The Theif
Class:Custom Class (Major Skills:Sneak,Security,Marksman,Acrobactics,Athletics,Light Armor, Alchemy)
Specilization:Stealth (Speed And Agilty)
Level:11 (I Know It's Low But I Like It Low)


Name:Scorpio (Big Surprise)
Birthsign:The Steed
Class:Custom Class (Major Skills:Sneak,Security,Marksman,Acrobatics,Light Armor. Minor Skills:Unarmored,Athletics,Alchemy,Mercantile,Speechcraft)
Specilization:Stealth (Speed And Agility)
Lvl:7 (Still Advancing)

Things To doEdit

  • Create a Notable figures for The Imperial City
  • Create a Notable figures for Bruma
  • Create a Notable figures for Chorrol<
  • Create a Notable figure for Skingrad
  • Create a Notable figures for Kvat..Ohhh Right
  • Create a Notable figures for Anvil
  • Create a Notable figures for Leyawiin
  • Create a Notable figures for Bravil
  • Create a Notable figures for Cheydinhal
  This user is a member of the Argonian race.
  This user is an atheist.
  This User Hates Dumner ... And Redgaurds .... And Altmer And Orcs
28 This UESPWikian is 28 years and 26 days old.
  This user doesn't follow the teachings of the Nine Divines
  This user is a Master Thief in the Thieves Guild.
  This user is right-handed.
  This User is Born Under the sign The Thief