Hello! My name is Ryan. I've been playing Skyrim since it came out across three different platforms and have recently started playing Oblivion.
Playing videogames is basically all I do, my favorites include Journey, the entire Persona series, Animal Crossing (WW, NL, and PC), Overwatch, and Final Fantasy I.
When I'm not playing videogames I'm sleeping, and when I'm not sleeping I'm browsing game wikis (such as this one!)
Other facts about me are that I am on the autism spectrum, I play guitar and bass, and I love all things horror and sci-fi related.
This wiki has been one of my favorite sites since I got my first Elder Scrolls game and I expect it will be for a long time to come.
This user is male.
This UESPWikian is 23 years, 3 months, and 5 days old.
This user is a proud member of the LGBT community.