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UESPWiki:UESPholic Test

< UESPWiki

You should take this test to see how addicted to UESPWiki you are. Please note that when answering list-based questions, add the scores for all items that apply (e.g., if you use the wiki for three hours/day, your score for that question would be 25 + 50 + 100).

This test was created by Rigas.

People that took the testEdit

  1. Jeancey scored 73,530.
  2. Dillonn241 scored 65,085.
  3. rpeh scored 60,340.
  4. Tyrvarion scored 55,485.
  5. RobinHood70 scored 44,840.
  6. Legoless scored 40,595.
  7. Oath2order scored 39,730.
  8. Alphabetface scored 33,175.
  9. Jak Atackka scored 30,658
  10. Kiz scored 29,175.
  11. Mindtrait0r scored 27,890.
  12. Enodoc scored 27,320.
  13. Alarra scored 26,840.
  14. Krusty scored 25,805.
  15. Billy Heart-Daedra scored 24,492.
  16. Chezburgar scored 20,020.
  17. Baguette scored 19,830.
  18. Helenaannevalentine scored 19,215.
  19. Xyzzy scored 18,725.
  20. Biffa scored 18,545.
  21. Likelolwhat scored 18,490.
  22. Velyanthe scored 17,505.
  23. Daric Gaersmith scored 17,160.
  24. Ascaffo scored 17,010.
  25. The Silencer scored 15,890.
  26. Dunehelm scored 15, 673.
  27. Forfeit scored 15,150.
  28. Nikomis scored 14,975.
  29. Nicholas scored 14,452.
  30. Solst scored 14,050.
  31. Eddie the head scored 13,645.
  32. Anduric scored 12,985.
  33. M.C.Marcellus scored 12,760.
  34. Pengepi scored 12,495.
  35. Hohni scored 12,380.
  36. kertaw48 scored 12,220.
  37. DasBarnster scored 12,200.
  38. Canaktan scored 12,115.
  39. SkoomaManiac scored 11,180.
  40. Ziguildmaster scored 10,975.
  41. Jplatinum16 scored 10,915.
  42. Emperor Ray IV scored 10,856.
  43. Rigas scored 10,630.
  44. Vulpa scored 10,415.
  45. Swedra scored 9,905.
  46. DKong27 scored 9,860.
  47. Stranger scored 9,855.
  48. AlphaAbsol scored 8,485.
  49. Quantheory scored 8,180.
  50. Demiryu1247 scored 7,790.
  51. GodRaine scored 7,895.
  52. Emoboy64 scored 7,880.
  53. Scum scored 7,655.
  54. Wizy scored 7,575.
  55. Eric Snowmane scored 7,570.
  56. dreysuf scored 7,365.
  57. Werewolfvampirre scored 7,130.
  58. Cambionn scored 5,925.
  59. Panguin38 scored 5,750.
  60. TheAlbinoOrc scored 5,720.
  61. Jfreeze scored 5,635.
  62. pacmanrockshok scored 5,490.
  63. Manic scored 4,910.
  64. Goblin lair scored 4,675.
  65. Nethren Hleran scored 4,625.
  66. Babette scored 4,435.
  67. MethodicMockingbird scored 3,895.
  68. Robin of Blackwood scored 3,245.
  69. SPMcKinney scored 2,505.
  70. Dave the nord scored 2,255.
  71. CaptainDumac scored 2,165.
  72. Golden Eagle scored 2,030.
  73. Demons Raven scored 2,015.
  74. Schiffy scored 1,890.
  75. Thedrunknord scored 1,775.
  76. Evil Bill scored 1,740.
  77. DingoBongo777 scored 1,485.
  78. Dovahreid scored 1,325.
  79. Vyc Ðarkshådøw scored 1,170.
  80. Linkuya scored 995.
  81. Kwint0n scored -1000009985.

The testEdit


Please be honest! We don't like liars!

  1. Will you do this test? (5, we know you will)
  2. Right, anyway, firstly...
    • Please let me start testing! (10, but calm down.)
    • This looks like a big waste of time. (−10000, you time-waster!)
  3. Can you figure out how to take this test? (10, good, you know the basics)
  4. If you've taken this test before, have you had a score of over 500? (10)
    • ... over 1000? (25)
    • ... over 2500? (50)
    • ... over 5000? (100)
    • ... over 10000? (250)
    • ... over 25000?! (500)
    • ... over 50000?! (1000)
    • ... over 100000?!?! (2500)
    • ... over 250000?!?!?! (5000)
  5. Do you *erherm* HATE UESPWiki? (−1000000000, Go IMMEDIATELY to the results section.)

How often you use UESPWikiEdit

  1. Do you typically use UESPWiki at least once a week? (5)
  2. Do you typically use UESPWiki at least once a day? (10)
  3. Do you typically use UESPWiki for more than an hour a day? (25)
    • ... more than two hours? (50)
    • ... more than three hours? (100)
    • ... more than four hours? (250)
    • ... more than six hours? (500)
    • ... more than eight hours? (1000)
    • ... more than twelve hours? (2500)
    • ... more than eighteen hours? (5000)
    • ... 24 hours a day? (10000)
    • ... 30 hours a day? (−1000, you fool! There's only 24 hours in a day!)
      • ... but you would if a day really was that long? (−1000, and learn to count!)
  4. Is more than 10% of your time online spent at UESPWiki? (25)
    • ... 25%? (50)
    • ... 50%? (100)
    • ... 75%? (250)
    • ... 95%? (500)
    • ... 1000%? (−300, are you actually reading this?)
    • ... less than 10%? (−10, and you call yourself a UESPholic)
    • ... 0%, except for taking this test? (−200, Get the Heck Out of here!!)
    • ... 1%? (−100)
    • ... 0.1% (−100, how do you know?)
    • ... 0.01% (−1000, good guess)
    • ... 0.001% (−10000, get out!)
    • ... 0.0001% (−100000, Get Out!!)
    • ... −1% (−1000000, Get The Heck Out!!)
  5. Do you think you're using a significant portion of UESPWiki's bandwidth? (10)
    • Do you think you use more than 50 Kilobytes of UESPWiki's bandwidth a day? (25)
    • ... 100 Kilobytes? (50)
    • ... 250 Kilobytes? (100)
    • ... 500 Kilobytes? (250)
    • ... 1000 Kilobytes? (500)
      • ... that wasn't on file downloads? (−500, liar!)
    • ... 100 Terabytes? (−50, you liar!!!)
      • ... Do you not even understand what any of that means? (20, we respect your honesty)
        • ... Did you just look that up for the points? (−100)
          • ... on Google? (−1000, traitor)
  6. Do you feel guilty about not having enough time to edit UESPWiki? (10)
    • Do you feel guilty about editing UESPWiki too much? (50, plus maybe a Wikibreak)
  7. Have you been using (editing) UESPWiki for a day to a week? (5)
    • A week to a month? (10)
    • A month to four? (25)
    • Four months to a year? (50)
    • A year to two? (100)
    • Two years to four? (250)
    • Four years to ten years? (500)
  8. Do you have UESP bookmarked? (50)
    • Did you just bookmark it for the points? (−100, desperate... but nice try)
  9. Is UESPWiki set as your home page? (250)
    • Was UESPWiki formerly your homepage, but recently changed? (−5, traitor...)
  10. Is UESPWiki in your browser's search bar? (25)
  11. Did a UESPWiki page end up in your "most visited pages" list? (25)
    • In the top rank? (50)
    • Was it your user page? (−10, spend less time there)
      • Was it your user sub-page? (−10, spend less time there too)
    • Was it a page in the UESPWiki, Template or Talk namespaces? (50)
      • Was it this page? (100)
        • Did you just refresh the page over and over again for those points? (−50, cheater)
    • Are ALL of your "most visited" slots UESPWiki pages? (500)
  12. Have you had UESPWiki open in more than one window/tab at a time? (5)
    • More than two? (10)
    • More than three? (25)
    • More than four? (50)
    • More than five? (100)
    • More than six? (250)
    • More than eight? (500)
    • More than ten?! (1000)
    • More than fifteen?!?! (2500)
    • More than twenty!??! (5000)
  13. Have you ever made a sockpuppet of another account pretending to be them? (−2500, GET YOUR BUTT OUTTA HERE!!)
  14. Have you ever made a sockpuppet and then keep warning them about unconstructive edits? (−1000, YOU FOOL!!)
  15. Have you ever made a sockpuppet and sent messages to them with your master account? (−5000, I need a list of your sockpuppets)
  16. Have you ever used UESPWiki to further your work related projects? (25, good for you)
    • More than 2 projects? (50)
    • More than 5 projects? (100)
    • More than 10 projects? (250)
    • More than 25 projects? (500)
    • More than 50 projects?! (1000)
    • More than 100 projects?!?!?! (2500)

Where you use UESPWikiEdit

  1. Have you used UESPWiki from more than one computer in the past week? (10)
    • ... more than two? (25)
    • ... more than five? (50)
    • ... more than ten? (100)
    • ... more than twenty five?! (250)
    • ... more than fifty?! (500)
      • ... did you edit UESPWiki on those computers? (25 each)
        • ... all those computers? (100)
  2. Have you edited UESPWiki from more than one operating system in the past week? (50)
  3. Do you edit UESPWiki on a laptop? (50)
  4. Do you edit UESPWiki on a tablet computer? (50)
  5. Have you ever edited UESPWiki from the Moon? (10000, plus an additional 5000 for each alien you convinced to join)
    • Are you currently taking test on the Moon? (5000)
  6. Do you hook up to UESPWiki over a wireless Internet connection? (25)
    • Do you edit UESPWiki articles while over such a connection? (25)
    • Is that connection in a restaurant? (10)
    • Did you pick that restaurant because of the wireless connection? (5)
  7. Have you ever paid for a wireless internet connection used to hit the wiki? (50)
    • In flight? (100)
      • Are you taking the test while in flight? (250)
  8. Have you ever edited UESPWiki while taking a bath because you found it made the experience even more relaxing? (1000)
    • Did dropping your portable computer device into the tub electrocute you? (5, SERVES YOU RIGHT!)
  9. Have you edited UESPWiki while driving? (−100, You're insane)
    • ...and crash?(-120, you fool)
  10. Have you ever edited UESPWiki on a non-computer device, such as a Wii, PS3, PSP, Nintendo DS, iPod Touch, iPad or mobile phone? (100, for each)
  11. While at a party or visiting a significant other, did you feel a need to check your watchlist? (50)
    • Did you ask somebody if you could use their computer to check UESPWiki? (50)
    • Did you leave the party/significant other so you could check it? (100)
  12. Do you use UESPWiki when you are waiting for a flight? (50)
    • ...when you should be on a flight? (100, you're a money waster!)
    • Do you edit UESPWiki at work or school? (250 points, GET BACK TO WORK!!!)
    • Do you get annoyed when you see a "You have new messages" banner where other users have been vandalizing? (10)
      • Do you make administration aware of the vandalism? (100, good for you)
  13. Have you edited UESPWiki on a SmartBoard? (100)
    • Was that SmartBoard in a school classroom? (250)
      • Did you break into said school just to use UESPWiki on the SmartBoard?!?! (−100, and a jail sentence)
        • Did you break in to use UESPWiki on the SmartBoard, just to LOSE POINTS on this test?!?!?!?! (5, Ha! in your face, criminal...)
  14. Have you edited at your friends' house? (50)
    • At your BF/GF's House? (50)
    • At your parents' House? (50)
      • ... because you live with your parents? (−25, for cheating the above question)
      • ... but you think that the above question is unfair because you are still a minor? (100)
    • At your grandparent's house? (50)
    • At your aunt's/uncle's house? (50)
    • At the house of a someone you met five minutes ago? (1000, you've got nuts)
    • At your daughter's/son's house? (−10, you're being rude)
    • At your granddaughter's/grandson's house? (50, you're being cool)
    • You just go into friend's house just to edit UESPWiki? (−100, you're cheating!)

When you use UESPWikiEdit

  1. Do you use the shortcut keys when using UESPWiki? (5)
  2. Have you gotten ideas about articles from your dreams? (10)
    • Have you gotten dreams related to UESPWiki? (50)
  3. Do you hold UESPWiki nights, that is, nights when you intentionally go to bed late, after spending a certain number of hours editing UESPWiki? (100)
    • Do you get people to join you in such an event? (250)
      • Do you make it a party? (500)
        • ... and continue in the morning, without any sleep, sacrificing important daytime things to continue editing? (1000)
  4. Do you wake up to find yourself editing UESPWiki? (500)
  5. Have you ever browsed UESPWiki while on the phone with your significant other/parents/boss? (100)
  6. Have you edited UESPWiki while eating? (50)
    • ... do you do this more than half the time? (100)
    • ... always? (250)
  7. Have you broken some sort of rule just to visit UESPWiki? (100)
    • More than three? (250)
      • Are you breaking a rule now? (−10 for bad behavior)
      • ... but do you feel that visiting UESPWiki is worth the consequences of breaking a rule? (50 for dedication)
  8. Have you ever paid way too much money for airport wireless connection while waiting for a flight, just so that you could visit UESPWiki and make sure it had not fallen apart? (100, have more faith in the servers)
  9. Have you not spoken/interacted with any family members for 1 week due to editing UESPWiki? (250)
    • 2 weeks? (500)
    • 1 month? (1000)
    • 2 months? (2500)
    • 3 months?! (5000, You should at least socialize with them!)
    • Or you can't remember the time due to editing UESPWiki so much? (500)
  10. Have you ever pulled your car up outside of a restaurant with wireless so that you could "borrow" their Internet for a quick peek at UESPWiki? (100)
    • ... do you do this every day? (250)
  11. Have you ever edited UESPWiki during a thunderstorm? (50, very risky though)
  12. Have you ever edited UESPWiki when you were in a hurricane? (500, super risky, and the window of your house could have broken)

What you do on UESPWikiEdit


  1. Are you an Auto-Confirmed User? (100)
  2. A Userspace Patroller? (250)
  3. A Patroller? (500)
  4. An Administrator? (1000)
  5. A Bureaucrat? (2500)
  6. Did you create this test? (−10, liar)
    • ...Really? (1000)
  7. Did you vandalize this test? (−1000, come on, shut your computer down. NOW!)
  8. Have you started new articles? (5)
    • ... more than 10 articles? (10)
    • ... more than 25 articles? (25)
    • ... more than 50 articles? (50)
    • ... more than 100 articles? (100, insane)
    • ... more than 250 articles? (250, very insane)
  9. Do you make redirect pages? (5)
    • Have you made more than 5? (10)
      • ... more than 10? (25)
      • ... more than 25? (50)
      • ... more than 50? (100)
      • ... more than 100?! (250)
    • ... and use the proper redirect templates to indicate their type? (10)
  10. Have you made more than 100 edits on UESPWiki? (25)
    • ... more than 250 (50)
    • ... more than 500? (100)
    • ... more than 1,000? (250)
    • ... more than 2,500?! (500)
    • ... more than 5,000?! (1000)
    • ... more than 10,000?! (2500)
    • ... more than 25,000?! (5000)
    • ... more than 50,000?! (10000)
  11. Have you (not a bot you created) made more than 10 edits in one day? (10)
    • ... more than 25? (25)
    • ... more than 50? (50)
    • ... more than 100?! (100)
    • ... more than 250?! (250)
    • ... more than 500?! (500)
  12. Have you made more than 250 edits in a single month? (50)
    • ... more than 500? (100)
    • ... more than 1,000? (250)
    • ... more than 2,500? (800, are you serious?!?)
    • ... more than 10,000?? (−1000, pop go the servers)
  13. Do you comment on articles or engage in discussions? (50)
  14. Do you wander on UESPWiki looking for something to contribute to? (25)
  15. Do you request that articles be created, improved, expanded, deleted, etc.? (10)
  16. Do you actually do these yourself? (50)
  17. Have you requested a new software feature in the last few weeks? (5)
  18. Do you try to put an edit summary on ALL of your edits? (10)
    • Do you freak out when you realize you've forgotten your edit summary? (50)
      • Do you try to put an edit summary on every single website, such as a blog, that you can edit, but realize there isn't a place to type it in? (100)
  19. Have you ever moved a page? (10)
    • ... more than 5? (25)
    • ... more than 10? (50)
    • ... more than 25? (100)
    • ... more than 50? (250)
    • ... more than 100?! (500)
    • ... you can't remember, due to having moved so many? (1000)
  20. Have you ever contributed significantly to an article in order to make it featured, and succeeded? (250)
    • ... more than 2? (500)
    • ... more than 5? (1000)
    • ... more than 10? (2500, and a cookie)
    • ... more than 20+ articles? (5000, and two more cookies)
      • Did you create that/those article(s)? (100 per article)
  21. Do you hate to do "serious" research on UESPWiki because it's more fun to edit it? (20)
  22. Do you belong to a UESPWikiProject? (50)
    • ... more than 2? (100)
    • ... more than 5? (250)
    • ... more than 10? (500)
  23. Have you ever created a UESPWikiProject? (100)
    • ... more than 2? (250)
    • ... more than 5? (500)
    • ... more than 10? (1000)
    • Has it existed for at least 6 months and is active? (250, per WikiProject)
  24. Have you ever nominated an article for speedy deletion? (10)
    • ... more than 2? (25)
    • ... more than 5? (50)
    • ... more than 10? (100)
      • Is it because you are a new page patroller? (50)
      • Is it because you created it as a test? (−30)
      • Have you memorized all of the CSD criteria? (75)
      • Or just a handful? (10)
  25. Have you ever been offered a nomination for Patrollership or Adminship by another editor? (500)
    • Did you turn it down? (−5)
      • To focus on editing for real content? (100)
      • To avoid losing your job and/or significant other? (−50, but it was worth it)
  26. Have you ever requested a page to be semi-protected in response to heavy vandalism? (50)
  27. Do you edit articles in foreign languages? (250)
    • Even if you don't understand them? (−500)
  28. Have you ever been in an edit conflict? (10)
    • ... more than 2? (25)
    • ... more than 5? (50)
    • ... more than 10? (100)
    • ... more than 25? (250)
    • ... more than 50? (500)
    • ... more than 100?! (1000, woah)
    • ... more than 250?!?! (2500, cool, we hope you are still alive.)
  29. Have you ever browsed through an article's page history just to see different versions of the page? (25)
    • Just to see who was the first person to start the article? (50)
  30. Have you edited a stub into a normal article? (250, we thank you for your contributions)
    • ... more than 2? (500)
    • ... 5? (1000)
    • ... 10? (2500)
    • ... 25? (5000)
    • ... 50? (10000)
  31. Have you, in your impatience for others to edit an article, brought an article all the way from a sub-stub or stub to featured article status? (1000)
  32. Have you ever edited UESPWiki so much that you broke your computer and had to buy a new one? (1000, very addicted)
    • 2 computers? (2000)
    • 3 computers? (3000)
    • 4 computers? (4000)
    • 5 or more computers? (5000)

Special pagesEdit

  1. Do you click on Random article at least once a day (just because you're bored)? (10)
    • Is the UESPWiki Random article your home page? (100)
    • Have you ever clicked Random article and gotten an article you have already edited? (100)
      • Has this happened several times? (250)
      • Several times a day? (500)
      • So often you're starting to get annoyed? (1000)
  2. Do you check Recent changes almost every day? (25)
    • Do you check Recent changes more than ten times a day? (250)
    • Do you have Recent changes bookmarked? (50)
    • Is Recent changes your homepage? (50)
    • Do you have it open and told your browser to refresh it every 5 seconds? (500)
      • do you check every edit in recent changes for possible vandalism? (500)
      • do you do the same with new pages? (100)
      • Do you not know what recent changes is? (−10, and find out)
  3. Do you manage to get the same list of changes on Recent changes twice? (5)
  4. Do you check your watchlist almost every day? (10)
    • Do you check your watchlist more than ten times a day? (50)
    • More than 25 times a day? (100)
    • Is your watchlist your homepage? (50)
      • ... do you check your watchlist more than any other page on the Internet? (100)
        • ... more than 100 times more often than you check your email inbox? (250)
    • Do you not know what a watchlist is? (−10, and find out)
  5. Do you have more than 10 items in your watchlist? (25)
    • ... more than 25? (50)
    • ... more than 50? (100)
    • ... more than 100? (250)
    • ... more than 250?! (500)
    • ... more than 500?!?!?! (1000, you may need to remove some items from your watchlist...
    • ... do you look through your entire watchlist for any vandalism since the last time you checked it? (100)
  6. Have you used more than 10 different special pages? (50)


  1. Have you ever uploaded a picture to UESPWiki? (25)
    • More than 2? (50)
    • More than 5? (100)
    • More than 10? (250)
    • More than 25? (500)
    • More than 50? (1000)
    • Did you include the appropriate usage templates? (25)
    • Did you plagiarize the content you had purchased, rather than following Wikipedia standards for using sources? (−900)
  2. Have you ever tagged an image for deletion (common images count, too)? (10)
    • More than 2? (25)
    • More than 5? (50)
    • More than 10? (100)
    • More than 25? (250)

User pagesEdit

  1. Do you have your own User page? (10)
    • Do you edit it at least once a month? (5)
      • ... at least once a week? (10)
      • ... at least once a day? (25)
      • ... at least twice a day? (50)
        • ... have you edited it more than 100 times? (50)
        • ... more than 250 times? (100)
        • ... more than 500 times (250)
      • ... never? (−50, no-editor)
        • ... because you think that reverting vandalism and other quality edits are more important than your user page? (100, for self-sacrifice)
        • ... you make many minor edits your user page every day just to get the points? (-50, cheater)
  2. Do you have a user subpage? (10)
    • 2-5? (25)
    • 6-10? (50)
    • 11-20? (100)
    • 21-35? (250)
    • 36-50? (500)
    • More than 50? (1000)
    • More than 100? (2500)
    • Do you use your user subpages to prepare a template? (50)
    • ... to prepare an article? (100)
      • ... an entire group of articles? (500)
    • ... to improve or create a WikiProject? (250)
      • ... more than 3? (1000)
      • ... has it existed for at least 6 months? (500)
      • ... is it still active? (500)
  3. Have you been awarded at least one cookie? (50)
    • ... more than two? (100)
    • ... more than five? (250)
    • ... more than ten? (500)
    • ... more than twenty five?! (1000)
    • ... do you think you deserve a cookie but no one will award you any? (50, and many people feel your pain...)
  4. Have you ever edited another user's user page (not vandalize)? (10)
    • Have you vandalized that user's page? (−250)
      • ... do you have a complex network of sockpuppets to vandalise people's userpages? (−1000, and a ban)
      • ... and told them, even though it's easy enough to find out already? (5, for bravery)
  5. Does your talk page have an archive? (10, plus 5 for each archive after the first)
    • Did you archive your talk page after 10 comments or fewer? (−100)
    • Do you have a total of more than 100 posts on your talkpage? (100)
    • ... more than 250? (250)
  6. Does your user page/subpage have userboxes? (5)
    • ... more than 2? (10)
    • ... more than 5? (25)
    • ... more than 10? (50)
    • ... more than 25? (100)
    • ... more than 50? (250)
  7. Have you ever created a userbox? (10)
    • ... more than 2? (25)
    • ... more than 5? (50)
    • ... more than 10? (100)
    • ... more than 25? (250)
    • Have you ever seen a userbox you created on someone else's user page/subpage? (100)
      • ... more than one on the same page/subpage? (250)
  8. Have you gotten an award for having such a great userpage? (100)
    • ... have you helped to design others' pages? (250)


  1. Do you vandalize while under an IP? (−2000)
  2. Do you vandalize while logged in? (−1000)
    • ... on a non-primary account? (−2000... you think you're so smart, well you're not...)
  3. Did you try to vandalize, but the edit filter stopped you? (−2000, Now don't hack to disable it...)
  4. Have you never ever vandalized UESPWiki? (100)
  5. Have you ever been blocked, and the block was not lifted until it expired? (−10)
  6. Have you been banned or blocked indefinitely? (−500)
    • Because you've requested it? (1000)
      • Because you couldn't sustain your wikibreak? (100)
    • ... were you blocked unfairly, and later unblocked? (500)
  7. Is your main goal in life to vandalize UESPWiki? (−5000 Get out of here!)
  8. Have you ever reverted vandalism? (10)
    • ... more than 2 times? (25)
    • ... more than 5 times? (50)
    • ... more than 10 times? (100)
    • ... more than 25 times? (250)
    • ... more than 50 times? (500)
    • ... more than 100 times? (1000)
    • Do you warn the vandals appropriately? (100)
  9. Is your main goal on UESPWiki to revert vandalism? (500, and maybe edit UESPWiki in some other way?)
    • ... have you warned more than 50 vandals? (100)
    • Do you use hand-written text to warn vandals to make it more specific to the vandal? (100)
  10. Have you ever created a custom userspace template used to warn vandals? (100)
  11. Do you ever dream nightmares about vandals? (100, and a wikibreak)
  12. How often do you vandalise UESPWiki? (−10, you shouldn't do it anyway)
    • Once a year? (−25, at least it's only once a year)
    • Once every three months? (−50)
    • Once every month? (−100)
    • Once every week? (−250, go on, OUT)
    • Every single day in a year? (−500, shoo and don't come back!)
    • Every single day?!?!? (−1000, I REALLY hope not!)


  1. Do you run a bot? (500, per bot)
  2. Have you written a bot? (100, for each)
    • does your bot have more than 10,000 edits? (1000)
  3. Do you want to run a bot? (10)
  4. Have you ever suggested a job for a bot? (10)
    • Was it adopted? (25, and our congratulations!)
  5. Are you a bot? (5000 to your creator for inventing a bot that can take tests)
    • Are you a person, but HAVE created a bot that can take tests? (5000, again)
    • ... Or has anybody ever called you a bot? (500)
  6. Do you have more edits than even some of the fairly active bots? (2500)

How UESPWiki has affected youEdit

Physical behaviorEdit

  1. Are you not getting enough sleep because of time on UESPWiki? (50)
  2. Are you not eating because you are too busy taking this test? (50)
  3. When you wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep due to some nagging worry, do you get up and start working on UESPWiki so that you will get tired and have something relaxing to fill your mind when you go back to bed? (50)
    • Did you become so engaged on UESPWiki you forgot to go back to bed? (50)
    • ... or did you become so exhausted that you fell asleep while working on UESPWiki? (50)
  4. Have you ever dreamed about UESPWiki? (50)
    • Have you ever dreamed about other UESPWikians? (50)
  5. Do you experience clinical depression, withdrawal, or some other symptoms—albeit minor—when you are unable to use UESPWiki for the time of 7 days? (10)
    • 5 days? (25)
    • 3 days? (50)
    • 1 day? (100)
    • 6 hours? (250)
    • 1 hour?!?! (500, get a life, dangit!!)
  6. Are you distraught because you cannot edit UESPWiki while you take this test? (100)
    • ...because you cannot vandalize UESPWiki? (−500 and a block)
    • ...or are you editing in another window/tab while simultaneously taking this test? (250, where did you get a screen that big?)
  7. Do you ever tell your friends about UESPWiki? (100 and good job :D)

Social lifeEdit

  1. Have you ever told someone about your countless edits? (10)
  2. Has someone left you because of UESPWiki? (50)
  3. Have you ever phoned another UESPWikian? (50)
  4. Have you ever met another UESPWikian in real life? (100)
    • Is one of your friends a UESPWikian? (100)
  5. Are you in a relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) with another UESPWikian? (50)
    • Did you recruit them to UESPWiki by telling them how amazing it is? (50)
      • ... or by telling them how much fun it is to vandalize? (−500)
    • ... is this UESPWikian an administrator? (250)
    • ... or are they a UESPWiki vandal/troll? (−100)
      • A banned user? (−500)
        • Do you think those last two were unfair, because it's not your fault that they are stupid, immature vandals? (500)
          • If yes to that question, have you tried changing them? (200, and a thanks for trying!)
  6. Do you have more friends on UESPWiki than in real life? (500)
  7. Do you get angry when others call UESPWiki worthless and say it's for geeks? (250)
    • ...or do you not even care anymore and embrace your geekness? (50, Nice pocket protector)
  8. Do you get upset when people call UESPWiki "Just a game guide"? (100)

Computing habitsEdit

  1. Have you ever spent more than 15 minutes making one edit? (5)
    • ... more than 30 minutes? (10)
    • ... more than an hour? (25)
    • ... more than 2 hours? (50)
    • ... more than 3 hours? (100)
    • ... more than 5 hours? (250)
    • ... more than 8 hours? (500, learn to make up your mind.)
    • ... more than 24 hours? (1000, takes that long to make 1 single edit?)
  2. Have you ever thought about editing a non-UESPWiki webpage? (5)
  3. Has your typing rate at least doubled because of UESPWiki? (50)
  4. Have you used UESPWiki so much that you've developed frequent headaches? (25)
    • ... are these headaches severe? (50)
    • ... do you have one right now? (100)
  5. Have you broken a keyboard from editing UESPWiki? (100, and a new keyboard)

The rest of the worldEdit

  1. Have you ever edited UESPWiki in a language that is not used in the country you live in? (50)
    • ... in two or more? (100)
    • ... in five or more? (250)
    • Have you taken this test in a language that is not used in the country you live in? (500)
  2. Have you ever recommended UESPWiki to any of your real family or friends? (50)
    • Did they join UESPWiki and contribute? (25, for each person)
      • Or do they vandalize abusively? (−10)
        • Did you revert their actions? (50)
        • Did they create an abusive system of sockpuppets? (−50)
          • Did you delete their vandal articles and/or block them? (100)
  3. Do you rarely see the real world because of UESPWiki? (500)
    • Do you argue that UESPWiki is your "real world"? (1000, and a life)

UESPWiki knowledge and opinionEdit

  1. Do you love UESPWiki? (50, of course you do!)
  2. Do you know who Dave Humphrey is? (25)
    • Do you not care who Dave Humphrey is? (−100, and you call yourself a UESPholic)
    • If you don't know who he is, did you just look for his article? (10)
    • Has he ever talked to you on your user talk page? (100)
    • You are Dave Humphrey? (-100, yeah right)
      • Really? (1000)
  3. Do you know when UESPWiki was founded? (50)
  4. Do you know who founded UESPWiki? (50)
  5. Do you know how many users UESPWiki has? (100)
    • ... or do you protest to the above question because the number of users changes every minute? (50)
      • ... but then you realize you don't need to know the exact number of users (estimation) to answer yes to the above question? (10)
  6. Do you think you deserve to be labeled a UESPholic just for taking the hour needed to take this test? (10)
  7. Do you know approximately how often a new user account is created? (10)

Interpreting your scoreEdit

Please round your score to the nearest interval. Scores in red are negative, black is positive, green is zero. If you thought the red text signified broken links, and were about to attempt fixing them, add 100 to your score.

Score Result
−1,000,000,000 and below You answered yes to the question "Do you hate UESPWiki?" You are now banned permanently. PERMANENTLY!!!
−50,000 You are an extremely evil/abusive vandal/troll, a wikiterrorist, a liar, who thought this test was a complete/total/utter waste of time.
−25,000 You created a whole entire system of sockpuppets used to vandalize UESPWiki to evade your indefinite block.
−10,000 You are really bad at math and missed this section of results.
−5,000 You are a really evil vandal.
−2,000 You always do violations, lots of edit-warring, and a big part of your edits are vandalism.
−1,000 You are an evil vandal.
−500 You are a vandal or you have no intention of helping UESPWiki.
−50 You don't know what UESPWiki is or you have been blocked before.
0 This score is actually possible even though some UESPWikians might disagree.
1 You are a newbie or you have never edited.
100 You only answered question #1 and were too lazy to continue.
250 You are a newbie that helped a bit.
500 You are an IP address user or a sock puppet with few edits.
750 You are an average new contributor.
1,000 A well-balanced attitude that may benefit by spending more time on UESPWiki.
1,500 You have normal experience with UESPWiki.
2,000 Congratulations, you are in the optimal range for editing with UESPWiki!
2,500 You are slightly overdoing yourself. Take a wikibreak for a few days.
3,000 You are addicted to UESPWiki.
4,000 You are highly addicted to UESPWiki. Please take a break.
5,000 You are heavily addicted to UESPWiki and are showing symptoms of UESPholism.
6,000 You are a UESPholic.
7,000 You are at the stage of advanced UESPholism. If you are not an Administrator, please become one now.
8,000 You are at the stage of severe UESPholism and may be having some symptoms of arthritis in both hands from editing UESPWiki. Please see a doctor.
9,000 A dialysis machine is ready to take out the overdose of UESPhol from your body, please see a doctor immediately.
10,000 Warning, continuation of editing can cause some mental alterations. Please cease editing immediately.
12,500 The effects of UESPholism have begun manifesting into your brain. You are capable of making edits faster than a bot.
15,000 The effects of UESPholism are running through all your veins. Other users are mistaking you for a bot, trying to re-program you for other tasks. Watch yourself!
20,000 The effects of UESPholism have affected you spiritually. You incorporate UESPWikian standards... religiously.
25,000 Congratulations! You have somehow produced a wiki-like radiation field around you. Any unsuspecting people in range will instantly know about UESPWiki, granting them an immediate score of 250.
30,000 Oh my... You now reek from the effects of UESPholism. Anyone who comes near you will instantly feel the urge to run to the nearest computer and edit UESPWiki relentlessly, even if they haven't used it before. "Wiki-wiki wah wah!" is your slogan.
35,000 Please take the time from your busy edits to read the following, Don't forget: Breathing doesn't intrude on your ability to edit, so do so regularly to prevent fainting and reducing the amount of time you can spend on UESPWiki.
40,000 Only the world's best psychiatrist, physiologist and witch doctor combined can cure your UESPholism at this stage. Normally you would get off of UESPWiki and go find those people... Normally...
50,000 The effects of UESPholism at this stage cannot be cured. Please stop. If you continue to edit UESPWiki with such vigor, you will indirectly block others from editing.
75,000 A higher power has taken interest in your editing, and wishes to grant you an uncanny power to make all the edits you want to in the blink of the eye. You turn this down, claiming that it will make you redundant from making edits on UESP.
100,000 You are the ultimate UESPholic! Congratulations! Now, get back to editing (What are you doing here? Work!)
250,000 and above You are better than the ultimate UESPholic, you must be proud! Start editing (We don't pay you for no reason! Go on! Work! Work like you've never worked before!!!)

Share your resultsEdit

If you want to, you can add this userbox to your user page:

  This user scored 12500 points on the UESPholic Test.

To use it, just add either of these lines to your user page (without the angle brackets).
{{UESPholic Test Results|<Your score>}}
{{UESPholic Test Results|score=<Your score>}}