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Joined 13 September 2016
(Redirected from User:AlphaAbsol)
User-userbox-Patroller.jpg This user is a Recent Changes Patroller.
SR-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is knowledgeable about Elder Scrolls Online.
ON-icon-Morrowind.png This user is knowledgeable about ESO: Morrowind.
ON-icon-logo.jpg This user is in the UESP ESO guild.
UESP-social-Discord.png This user frequently visits the official UESP Discord Server.
Lore-dragon-A.png This user is a Draconic Translator.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.
Wiki.png This user has made a grand total of   1,067 edits in 3102 days.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 8 years, 5 months, and 27 days.

This user performed with distinction in the Skyrim Houses Redesign Project This user performed with distinction in the Skyrim Quest Redesign Project

This user performed with distinction in the Arena Places Redesign Project This user performed with distinction in the Online Quest Project

Acynatic (talk+ contribs edit count logs email)

Hi, I'm Acynatic and I play the Elder Scrolls Online, as well as Skyrim at times.

You can find me on the PC NA ESO server as @Acynatic. I'm a member of the UESP guild. I can craft anything I can for you in-game on my old main, as long as you provide the more expensive materials. Either send me a mail or a message if I'm online. Here's what I can craft for you:

Crafting Services
  • Blacksmithing: 8 traits on everything.
  • Clothing: 8 traits on everything.
  • Woodworking: 9 traits on everything.
  • Alchemy: I can make anything, all effects revealed.
  • Enchanting: I can make anything, all runes translated.
  • Provisioning: I can make all CP150 blue/green recipes, and most of the purple recipes, as well as Psijic Ambrosia. I also know most lower-level recipes, or can buy them (no charge to you).

What I'm doingEdit

This section lists what I am currently working on.

  • I'm currently replaying ESO, and at the same time recording quests to write or check pages for them (for the Online Quest Project).

What I plan to doEdit

This section lists what I plan to do in the future.

What I've doneEdit

This section lists some of the things I've done on the wiki.


These are my sandboxes (or sandboxes I plan to create). They are ordered using the Draconic alphabet. Please do not edit them unless you are performing maintenance or you have my permission.

  • Az - Revamping/updating the Online Quest Project page.
  • Aan - Template testing.
  • Hah - Not in use.


  This user plays Daggerfall, but is not knowledgeable about it.
  This user is a member of the Altmer race.
  This user was born under the sign of The Shadow.
  This user is a Sorcerer.
  This user is the Thane of Whiterun.
  This user is the Thane of Falkreath.
  This user supports the Imperial Legion in the Skyrim Civil War.
  This user plays on a Windows PC.
  This user is male.
  This user is from Australia.
  This user scored 8485 points on the UESPholic Test.
  This user worships Julianos.
  This user worships Hermaeus Mora.
  This user supports the Aldmeri Dominion.