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The Aetherial Mirror, Chapter VIII: Valenwood
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The Aetherial Mirror, Chapter VIII: Valenwood
by Vordur Steel-Hammer of the United Explorers of Scholarly Pursuits
The eighth part of the series about the retrieval of an ancient artifact

Next clue came from southern Valenwood. The expedition traveled to Southpoint and provided aid to Thrangolas, a member of the Order of the Lamp from Haven. In exchange, they were directed to the Ayleid ruin of Ne Salas, where they arrived on the following day. In the depths of the ruin, they discovered yet another interesting Ayleid inscription:

Ye sa va tam ald Boiche tya bala haelia
Ye shauta sunna Jephre va odiil
Ye mer av tari calne wenaya Aldlye
Va an anyammissi bisia ry Bosmer, kyndi av Jephre
Pado an la Anumarile.
And so at dawn the ancient Boiche tasted terrible powers
And the blessed Jephre came unto the land
And the folk of the woods was given the green Elden Tree
In their new lives as Bosmer, children of Jephre
Before the time of Anumaril.

The inscription recalled the times of the proto-Bosmer, the Boiche, who had been wild shape-shifters until Y'ffre came and fixed their form, which was the beginning of the Green Pact (see Beredalmo the Signifier's "Aurbic Enigma"). It also contained the hidden key to the puzzle locking the room with the next Aetherial Mirror fragment. However, this fragment was guarded by two liches, Erendaril and Curilanwe, who in life used to be Ayleid subjects of King Anumaril. The mages were once again able to defeat the guardian and claim the next fragment of the Aetherial Mirror.