Gaersmith's organizational messEdit
An interesting way to describe what I have been working on so far here. :)
I have been trying to keep my userspace as structured and tidy as I can. I understand your reasoning for moving your fan fic to Wikia. To be honest, I have made the same move in the opposite direction. I started out on Wikia but decided to move my TES fan fiction to UESP, because, as you say, it is the best!
"...other users aren't the greatest of fans of loads and loads of edits to a userspace with minimal turn-around wiki-side..." Yes, this issue has been brought to my attention, and I am trying to reduce the number of edits I make in my userspace. My Cartography page took many hours to construct, but I only saved it once . (The second save some 11 hours later was an addition I thought of later.)
"...because we are an encyclopedia about the games, not about UberL33t101's character he uses in Skyrim..." I understand this argument, and I do agree. However, when I found TES fan fiction was also available as part of UESP, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to have my fan fic writing become part of the best website about the Elder Scrolls on the web. I hope eventually that my fan fic writing will be worthy of that honour. Also, I'm still learning wiki editing, and I'm finding that my edits in my userspace are good practice for editing the main encyclopedic articles on UESP. By doing this practice on UESP rather than on Wikia, I can learn to do things the UESP way. See, for instance, my Cartography page, where I practiced using the {{OOG}} template. It wasn't really necessary to put the reference there, but I learned a lot from the practice.
I'm happy to take any advice and guidance for how to avoid causing an "organizational mess" on the UESP wiki site. My door is always open on my user talk page, and I trust that my responses here and on other places on UESP have shown me to be reasonable, and able to take criticism without reverting to beast form. Hehe.
– Daric↝talk 02:18, 14 January 2013 (GMT)
- I'm sorry if you took that as your whole project was a waste or something. I didn't mean it like that :( I was commenting on the whole User/Page 1/2/3/4/5/6 format. It works, and it works very well, and I salute you for being able to manage it, but I have a very particular preference to how things are organized, and running a link out beyond a second / is just to crazy for me to do myself (ex. User:Eric Snowmane/The Vampire's Tale/1 or User:Eric Snowmane/My Characters/Snowmane Lineage). But, to each his own. That's what's great about the internet :)
- There's nothing wrong with working out of your userspace at all, and I've done it for the longest of times making loads of pages just for the hell of it, that weren't necessarily useful in any capacity, even to me personally (ex. User:Eric_Snowmane/Morrowind_Mod, a cool idea I had and wrote down even though I don't plan on actually developing it myself)
- And, congrats on the extra wiki practice. I've been here since... Sept. 1, 2011, and I haven't got the faintest idea how a template works. I only know how to transclude them to pages lol.
- Anyway, feel free to stop by anytime if you want to chat. There are two links you can catch me at attached to my signature :) --Snowmane(talk•email) 02:52, 14 January 2013 (GMT)
- It's all good. I admit that I did cause a bit of an organizational mess when trying to implement the {{NPC_Summary}} template for my fan fic characters. That template and the templates it calls were way beyond my basic template editing skills, so I had to give up in the end and just create my own InfoBox. As for the User/Page 1/2/3/4/5/6 format, it drives me crazy too. You might have seen my numerous attempts to make the page titles appear shorter, even though the page path is stupidly long. Eventually what I found was that although I can change the formatting of a page title, it must still resolve properly, so it cannot be truncated in any way. But even if I could get the page title to appear shorter on my pages, it would still look unsightly in the Recent History page, I know. – Daric↝talk 03:11, 14 January 2013 (GMT)