Ald'ruhn -> Ald-ruhnEdit
Please see Morrowind Talk:Ald-ruhn. --DrPhoton 03:23, 5 February 2007 (EST)
Morrowind Artifact PageEdit
I'm not totally sure if we should use the Oblivion Icons to symbolize stuff like weight, health, and price. Some of them (especially weight) are a bit ambiguous, and I'm not sure a Morrowind player will under stand. --Ratwar 16:12, 9 February 2007 (EST)
- Well, I've been using them on all the other items pages. Also, rolling over the icons gives you their meaning. If there were equivalent icons for Morrowind, I'd use them, but since there aren't, I think it's okay to use them. (At least it's better than the Oblivion icons used on Daggerfall:Character Creation, which I commented on before.) Anyhow, I think the feather icon for weight is fairly obvious, and it saves a lot of space. (My main reason for re-doing this page is that there was a LOT of wasted space on it, making it hard to compare item stats, since you had to scroll forever just to get through a single section.) I considered making my own icons, like I did for the Alteration and other such pages. But the Oblivion ones do the job well enough, I think. --TheRealLurlock Talk 16:19, 9 February 2007 (EST)
Morrowind:Area Effect ArrowsEdit
I don't know what version you got, but the official version (as linked from the article, and at does not have any additional bows, or changes to other items as the article suggests. Alphax 21:18, 9 February 2007 (EST)
- Ah, hell. Apparently some other mod's installer must have actually altered the file instead of just adding onto it. I hate when they do that. Even worse is the Entertainers mod, which for some reason has dependancy on a 3rd-party mod and can't be loaded without it. Now I gotta delete half my beautiful article, that sucks... --TheRealLurlock Talk 23:13, 9 February 2007 (EST)
Re: 4 copies of same imageEdit
Sorry about that. For some reason, when I tried to upload the image, the original image stayed there (or was uploaded in its place). I tried it again, thinking it was just a glitch or something, and after three tries, I gave up and just uploaded a brand new image to take the old one's place (which worked). Again, sorry for any trouble that may have caused. Figures that I'd screw up in my first few days here... NateDan 01:09, 13 February 2007 (EST)
Yeah, I'll check it out. I'm not as far in the game as most here, and I only own Morrowind Goty, but I'm a grammar and spelling nerd. Thanks, pal. Somercy 12:59, 13 February 2007 (EST)
Re:Mentor ProgramEdit
Um, since you're the only one on the mentor page who mentioned Morrowind, would you be interested in being my mentor? I know, I'm not a total newb, but I'm still cautious, and I like knowing that there's someone I can defer to...<3 Somercy 16:59, 15 February 2007 (EST)
- Sure, though honestly, I'm not exactly sure how this mentoring program works as I've never had an official protege, but feel free to ask me anything. Or just post the question on the talk page of whatever you're working on, I'll probably see it, or somebody else will. But I keep an eye on just about everything that goes on around here, so if somebody needs help, I'm usually around. --TheRealLurlock Talk 23:04, 15 February 2007 (EST)
- Well, if I can pass the tough ones on to you, things I notice, but can't fix, it's enough for me. And maybe a bit of camaraderie...I hate working alone.
For example, we discussed the singular and plural form of the word daedra on the talk page, but I still can't figure out how to fix the first sentence of the Daedra page. It's killing me--"A Daedroth is a divine creature," my arse! Somercy 12:19, 16 February 2007 (EST)
- Well, I'm not as well-versed as other people in terms of lore. My field of expertise is more about game-play issues, items and statistics and such. And that statement is likely a matter for debate among the real lore scholars. As far as my limited understanding goes, the lesser Daedra, which that page is about, are supposedly created by the Daedra Princes, who are unquestionably divine. Thus you could say they have divine origins, in that they're created by deities, rather than natural reproduction. It's also suggested that they cannot be killed, merely banished back to Oblivion from whence they came, though in terms of game-play, it's pretty much the same thing - you attack it, it "dies" and leaves a corpse like any other creature. Though some say that their spirits are returned to Oblivion, to be created anew or something like that. Again, you'd have to ask the lore-masters, that's just what I've heard. --TheRealLurlock Talk 12:28, 16 February 2007 (EST)
Daedra skin (and other ingredients) in Morrowind?Edit
Looking through Morrowind:Ingredients and the history of Morrowind:Alchemy, I saw that you listed Hungers as a source of Daedra Skin... yet it's not there in the CS (and I haven't been able to find a plugin which does this). One of the reliable sources is Nalcarya of White Haven, which made me start to think about some of the other ingredients which don't occur on "in the wild" Vvardenfall (eg. Resin, Sload Soap, Scuttle, ...) - should we put a "list of ingredient vendors" somewhere? We could also include some of the "rare" potions, eg. slowfall, shadow... Alphax 20:27, 20 February 2007 (EST)
- Okay, I was probably at work when I wrote that, and working from memory. Checking it now, I see that the only creature that gives Daedra Skin is Menta Na, a unique Daedroth. There is already a list of ingredient vendors at Morrowind:Alchemist, though it doesn't give specifics on who sells what. Part of the problem is that most of what these vendors sell is randomly selected from leveled lists, so it's hard to say with absolute certainty what they will have. I suppose a chart showing just what's guaranteed might be a helpful addition, but I've already got countless other projects I'm juggling around here. If you want to start work on that, be my guest. I'll correct the Daedra Skin thing for now.--TheRealLurlock Talk 22:34, 20 February 2007 (EST)
- Aah. I'll correct the Daedra Skin for Master Aryon quest then. Alphax 20:41, 21 February 2007 (EST)
- For the record, I never said you could get it from Scamps. (Scamp Skin is completely different.) Anyhow, good catch on that one. Now that I think about it, I think there's a common mod out there that among other things gives Daedra Skin to Hungers, which is why I remembered them having it. Oh well, fixed now. --TheRealLurlock Talk 22:51, 21 February 2007 (EST)
- Aah. I'll correct the Daedra Skin for Master Aryon quest then. Alphax 20:41, 21 February 2007 (EST)
Thanks for your help re: 3D Studio Max. My architectural office uses it for all our pretty-pictures. I can model a pretty chess set re: the tutorials, but that's it. It's the program I keep not learning. I can build, yeah: but I'm a bit more old school on the fluff.
Thanks for the advice in Obivion and MorrowindEdit
I'm playing Obivion now and I can't stop playing.--ShakenMike 17:46, 22 February 2007 (EST)
I see you got your well deserved adminship. Congratz!!!! :) Pappasmurf 10:06, 23 February 2007 (EST)
- Aye, Congratulations Lurlock! Jadrax 10:45, 23 February 2007 (EST)
Mebestien EnceEdit
Either there is a discrepancy between the PC version and XBOX version of the spelling of the name, or else you're completely wrong. As I recall from the XBOX version of the game, and as confirmed by my Official Strategy Guide in my hands for both versions, it's with an 'e'. A google search of both names gives a good amount of results (as is excpected).Mebestien 14:12, 24 February 2007 (EST)
- I just created a page clarifying this. Mebestian Ence. I'm looking at the CS as I type. The name of his shop uses the "Mebestien" spelling, but the name of the character is "Mebestian". I assume the same is true on the Xbox, but not sure. --TheRealLurlock Talk 14:14, 24 February 2007 (EST)
- So which do you believe is the intentional name? To me, "Mebestien" seems to conform to the Breton ("French") spelling of names. Also, this guide (by Bethesda) has his actual name as Mebestien. I've never noticed this discrepancy. Perhaps both names could be listed on that page, but I can understand that you'd prefer to use the spelling of the actual character's name.Mebestien 14:20, 24 February 2007 (EST)
- It's always hard to say in cases like this, but in the past whenever there's been a discrepency, we've generally gone with the character name over the location name. Also, "Mebestian" is used in both the character's display-name and his ID, "mebestian ence", while "Mebestien" is used only for the shop. A minor point, I suppose. Probably the best thing to do is to redirect Morrowind:Mebestien Ence so they both go to the same page. (I'll do that right after this.) Anyhow, he's a relatively minor character, only slightly involved in one quest. So there's not much point in arguing it to death. I hope you don't take this as a personal attack or something, just because you chose that as your user-name. I just saw a discrepancy, and thought I'd look into it and clean it up. --TheRealLurlock Talk 14:27, 24 February 2007 (EST)
- Not to beat the dead horse, but an interesting side note: it appears the quest text for that Thieves Guild quest, as well as all dialogue pertaining to it in-game, also refers to him as "Mebestien." Anyone who is not pointing their cursor directly at the character in the game would assume it's Mebestien. I'm not taking this personal at all, especially not over a random username (the name has just always stuck out to me among all the other Elder Scrolls names I've encountered). I was just a little baffled when I read "Sorry, Mebestien..." and I could not find any evidence that I was in fact wrong, at first.Mebestien 15:07, 24 February 2007 (EST)
- Checking the construction set, it is true that every dialogue refers to him as "Mebestien". So it sounds like there definitely should be a redirect from "Mebestien Ence" to "Mebestian Ence" since both spellings are used. However, I think the decision to have the primary page be spelled "Mebestian Ence" is most consistent with our spelling guidelines. It's not the first case of Bethesda being inconsistent with spelling, and we've opted to always make the article name match the spelling of the actual character's name. --Nephele 15:23, 24 February 2007 (EST)
Thank you for the invitation backEdit
I wanted to leave you a quick note since you took the time to leave me a message on my talk page. Thank you for the invitation back, but I think I'll have to decline. I have nothing against you or Ratwar -- you both have been very decent toward me -- and I consider Aristeo a friend, but there is one administrator on this site that engages in behavior that I just can't stomach and it has tainted UESP for me. I have no problem with someone not liking me, but for them to deliberately engage in a smear campaign against me by leveling accusations that have absolutely no merit behind my back while pretending everything is hunkey-dorey to my face is another thing entirely. I can tolerate some rash behavior from adolescents who may be learning their way, but my tolerance is considerably less for adults who choose to behave in a similar manner. As long as this person holds a position of adminship on UESP, I doubt very seriously I'll be contributing to content here. There's too many other places to which I can contribute without the baggage.
I wish you all the best with things (congratulations, by the way, on being made an admin here -- very cool) here on UESP and in general. If the admin situation here should ever change, by all means please let me know (via e-mail preferably since I doubt I'll be back here very often).
Lisa Ridley --Hoggwild5 19:46, 27 February 2007 (EST)