Book Information Charter of the Rangers Guild |
ID | xx0025CF | ||
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Found in the following locations:
he Rangers Guild, unlike other martial organizations, does not seek to glorify itself, or raise its members to renown. We exist solely to protect and maintain the forests of Cyrodiil, and to discreetly scout information along its borders, or wherever else the need may be great.
There being no complex ranking system within the guild, it is the responsibility of local guild leaders to assign scouting tasks to individual members. And even so, given that a Ranger may by necessity spend months or in some cases years at a time out of contact with his other guildmates, it is often the case that the Ranger himself must assess the situation as best he can, and act according to his own judgement in lieu of specific direction.
Given this unusual level of responsibility held by every working member of the Rangers Guild, recruits are chosen with great discretion, and unlike the Fighters Guild or the Mages Guild, we hold no general invitation for those who wish to join.
Every member of the Rangers Guild is sworn to follow these tenets:
Firstly, he must remember that the forests are the Emperor's land, and that to leave undue mark, or to do its inhabitants unecessary [sic] or unprovoked harm is a crown offense.
Secondly, any information gathered by a member of the Rangers Guild in the course of his work, that he knows or believes to be of import, must be reported to his guildmaster in person, or by other means of secure communication. Communicating such information to anybody else, particularly non-guildmembers, is an offense punishable by expulsion.
Thirdly, all members of the Rangers Guild are held to the highest standards of Cyrodillic law, and to commit any act of theft, murder or fraud is to stand against the guild itself. Though we are not the enforcers of these laws ourselves, still we are bound by them, and only in the greatest extreme of palliating circumstances will a member not fully pay the consequences of an infringement.
The Rangers Guild has outposts in or near most of the major cities in Cyrodiil, with the main guild hall in Leyawiin Harbour [sic]. Further information can be obtained from the leading members at any of these locations.