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Better Cities:Jeannot

< Mod / Oblivion: Better Cities: People
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(RefID: xx09981E)
Home City Leyawiin
Location Leyawiin Guard Tower
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC+20 Class Guard
RefID xx09981E BaseID xx0989F1
Other Information
Health 209 at PC1 Magicka 260 at PC1
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Imperial Legion; Imperial Watch; Leyawiin Guard Faction; Leyawiin

Jeannot is an Imperial guard who lives in Leyawiin.

Jeannot normally spends his time on duty in the north watch tower in the Khajiit Quarter; he sleeps from midnight to 6am, eats at 2pm for two hours, and spends the rest of his time relaxing in his quarters. During the quests New Greyland, Same Old Trouble and Skooma Trade, however, he'll be tapped to aid in the raids on Greyland.

He wears a set of Imperial Legion armor and is armed with a silver longsword and silver bow with 10 Arrows of Withering. He carries a spare set of clothing, five eggs, and a key to the tower.

Aside from rumors, he has nothing special to say.