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Better Cities:Julius Bronte

< Mod / Oblivion: Better Cities: People
Julius Bronte
(RefID: xx047427)
Home City Anvil
House Julius Bronte's House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 5 Class Merchant
RefID xx047427 BaseID xx0470B6
Other Information
Health 66 Magicka 210
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Anvil Citizen; Bronte Family
Julius Bronte

Julius Bronte is an Imperial merchant who lives in Anvil with his wife Amerie.

While his wife works, Julius doesn't seem to do much of import. He rises at 6am every morning and tidies up for a couple of hours, then sits down to breakfast. After breakfast, he goes upstairs to chop vegetables for a few hours, then goes for an afternoon stroll in the plaza near the main gate. At 6pm, he heads over to The Count's Arms for a couple of hours to tip back a pint or two, then heads home to eat dinner with his wife and retire to bed at 10pm.

Julius wears a blacksmith's apron, coarse linen pants, and oiled linen shoes, and is armed with a fine iron dagger. He carries a set of calipers, two bottles of Gron's River Ale, three pieces of clam meat, a key to his house, and a small amount of gold.

The house they share is a typical two-story middle-class dwelling. The bottom floor is one large room which mostly serves as a dining area; crates and barrels of foodstuffs are stacked neatly in the corners. A set of stairs leads to the upper floor, which a large open space and two small rooms. The space is Amerie's work area, where she cleans and sorts vegetables into baskets for sale; another table has her ledger where she keeps accounts. One room serves as storage and is filled with barrels, while the other is their bedroom, which has nothing but a double bed and chest of drawers.

Julius has nothing to say.