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Blades:The Ancient One

< Blades: Quests: Events
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Event Quest
BL-icon-landmark-Portal Inactive.png
Protect yourself from freezing and electrifying enemies.
Rarity: Uncommon
Location(s): Dungeon
Reward(s): 0LeveledLeveledSigils, 0LeveledLeveledGold (Every stage, increasing per stage)
0LeveledLeveledLimestone (Final Stage Bonus)
XP: 700 (Every stage)
ID: EQ44_Stone_Quest
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 1
The Ancient One
From beyond the portal comes the rumor of an alliance between Sheogorath's servants and a monstrous being that has roamed Nirn since the dawn of time. As if that wasn't bad enough, all enemies' attacks will cause both frost and shock damage.
BL-icon-Frost Potion.png Drink frost resistance potions
BL-icon-Shock Potion.png Drink shock resistance potions
BL-icon-Frost Armor.png Wear armor that provides frost resistance


  1. Defeat the troll.


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The secret area is opened via a lever on the floor in the room with the two Golden Saints. Inside, the bandit secret boss guards a Golden Chest.


  • Bandits
    • 2 standard
    • 1 secret boss
  • Golden Saints
    • 2 standard
    • Note that in spite of the event description saying all attacks will cause Frost and Shock, the Golden Saints still often attack with Fire! Fire Resistance is highly recommended!
  • Trolls
    • 1 boss


  • Despite featuring a Dremora Raider in the main image, none appear in this event.
