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Blades:The Beast in the Shadows

< Blades: Quests: Events
Event Quest
BL-icon-landmark-Portal Inactive.png
Use cleaving and frost attacks.
UnavailableUnavailableTime (refresh)
Rarity: Uncommon
Location(s): Dungeon
Reward(s): 0LeveledLeveledSigils, 0LeveledLeveledLumber (Every stage, increasing per stage)
Leveled Tempering Materials (Final Stage Bonus)
XP: 700 (Every stage)
ID: EQ43_Stone_Quest
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 1
The Beast in the Shadows
The strange portal has opened up once more, this time to a place where a powerful beast, once a natural creature warped by inescapable evil, is said to reside. Note that foes there will resist all damage save for frost and cleaving attacks.
BL-icon-Cleaving Weapons.png Use cleaving weapons
BL-icon-Frost.png Cast frost spells
BL-icon-Frost Weapons.png Use weapons that deal frost damage


  1. Defeat the bear.


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The ruins beyond the portal

The secret area is in the first major room. It is opened by a lever. Inside, the wispmother secret boss guards a Golden Chest.


