Daggerfall Mod:Text Variable Hashes
< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: File Formats(Redirected from Daggerfall:Text Variable Hashes)The following table lists the hash values for the known predefined text variables. These text variables appear throughout Daggerfall's Text Records.
These hashes are computed as simple Luhn-Mod checksums, where for each character, the byte-value of the character is shifted and added to the current checksum. In 'C' this would be:
// Code written by Glen Wright
void hash(char *ptr) {
long int val = 0;
val = (val<<1) + *ptr++;
return (val);
Please note that while this works for most message types occasionally the message type value is related to something else. This usually occurs when the object has a TextRecordId related to it but not much other than this is known at the current time.
Variable Hash | Variable Name |
0x000000F3 | a1 |
0x000000F4 | a2 |
0x000000F5 | a3 |
0x000000F6 | a4 |
0x000000F7 | a5 |
0x000000F8 | a6 |
0x0000012A | db |
0x00000141 | mg |
0x0000014B | no |
0x0000014F | tg |
0x000002CA | eel |
0x000002CF | ice |
0x000002D3 | gem |
0x000002DD | bow |
0x000002E4 | man |
0x000002E6 | map |
0x000002E8 | len |
0x000002EE | inn |
0x000002EE | imp |
0x000002EE | off |
0x000002EF | key |
0x000002F4 | mob |
0x000002FB | npc |
0x000002FE | rat |
0x00000303 | orc |
0x00000321 | yes |
0x00000325 | spy |
0x000005D7 | gem1 |
0x000005D8 | bear |
0x000005D8 | gem2 |
0x000005D9 | gem3 |
0x000005DA | gem4 |
0x000005DB | bank |
0x000005DC | bard |
0x000005EF | bats |
0x00000609 | ally |
0x00000615 | book |
0x00000617 | mace |
0x00000619 | gems |
0x0000061D | fire |
0x0000061F | mage |
0x00000625 | boss |
0x00000625 | lady |
0x00000627 | npc1 |
0x00000628 | npc2 |
0x00000629 | npc3 |
0x0000062A | duel |
0x0000062A | foil |
0x00000630 | gold |
0x00000632 | lich |
0x00000637 | orc1 |
0x00000638 | orc2 |
0x00000639 | orc3 |
0x0000063A | orc4 |
0x0000063B | home |
0x0000063D | necs |
0x0000064F | item |
0x0000064F | sage |
0x0000065C | iron |
0x00000660 | pawn |
0x00000664 | lord |
0x0000066B | monk |
0x0000066D | love |
0x0000066F | rats |
0x00000673 | yes1 |
0x00000674 | yes2 |
0x00000675 | yes3 |
0x00000676 | yes4 |
0x00000677 | ring |
0x00000677 | nono |
0x00000677 | yes5 |
0x00000678 | yes6 |
0x00000679 | orcs |
0x00000679 | note |
0x0000067D | rock |
0x0000067E | vamp |
0x00000683 | time |
0x00000686 | shop |
0x00000691 | thug |
0x0000069C | star |
0x000006B2 | wolf |
0x00000957 | 2dung |
0x00000C2C | agent |
0x00000C48 | darkb |
0x00000C4B | decoy |
0x00000C50 | child |
0x00000C53 | delay |
0x00000C6F | mage1 |
0x00000C70 | mage2 |
0x00000C71 | arena |
0x00000C71 | mage3 |
0x00000C72 | mage4 |
0x00000C7C | elder |
0x00000C7D | bribe |
0x00000C8C | giant |
0x00000C91 | gold1 |
0x00000C92 | gold2 |
0x00000CA2 | flesh |
0x00000CA6 | heist |
0x00000CA7 | enemy |
0x00000CA9 | harpy |
0x00000CA9 | magic |
0x00000CAB | gimme |
0x00000CAF | lamia |
0x00000CB1 | mages |
0x00000CC0 | maker |
0x00000CC6 | ghost |
0x00000CCC | giver |
0x00000CCF | item1 |
0x00000CD0 | item2 |
0x00000CD1 | item3 |
0x00000CE4 | guard |
0x00000CE5 | drugs |
0x00000CEF | dummy |
0x00000CF2 | local |
0x00000CF6 | metal |
0x00000CF8 | crypt |
0x00000CFC | pearl |
0x00000D06 | frost |
0x00000D06 | rebel |
0x00000D0F | place |
0x00000D17 | house |
0x00000D1D | noble |
0x00000D1F | mitem |
0x00000D2D | vamp1 |
0x00000D2E | vamp2 |
0x00000D2F | vamp3 |
0x00000D37 | patsy |
0x00000D37 | time1 |
0x00000D38 | time2 |
0x00000D39 | time3 |
0x00000D3E | nomap |
0x00000D43 | money |
0x00000D4C | lover |
0x00000D54 | thief |
0x00000D60 | tiger |
0x00000D6C | other |
0x00000D6F | vamps |
0x00000D78 | timer |
0x00000D7F | mummy |
0x00000D83 | rogue |
0x00000D84 | queen |
0x00000D8F | posse |
0x00000D93 | qtime |
0x00000D9C | token |
0x00000D9D | widow |
0x00000DA4 | nymph |
0x00000DB4 | ruler |
0x00000DB6 | total |
0x00000DB6 | witch |
0x00000DD5 | store |
0x0000126C | 2agent |
0x00001864 | badpcn |
0x0000188D | daedra |
0x000018A8 | banker |
0x000018D0 | dbgold |
0x000018F4 | gaffer |
0x000018FA | damsel |
0x00001915 | castle |
0x00001934 | archer |
0x00001944 | healer |
0x00001945 | cleric |
0x0000194C | father |
0x00001986 | amulet |
0x00001998 | finger |
0x000019B1 | escape |
0x000019C1 | given1 |
0x000019D2 | dreugh |
0x000019DA | hermit |
0x000019F9 | guard1 |
0x000019FA | guard2 |
0x000019FB | guard3 |
0x000019FC | guard4 |
0x00001A04 | cousin |
0x00001A1F | palace |
0x00001A3B | guards |
0x00001A40 | mggold |
0x00001A50 | hooker |
0x00001A54 | master |
0x00001A5F | house1 |
0x00001A60 | house2 |
0x00001A61 | house3 |
0x00001A68 | knight |
0x00001A70 | lesser |
0x00001A7C | letter |
0x00001A84 | scarab |
0x00001A98 | ranger |
0x00001AB3 | oneday |
0x00001ACC | hunter |
0x00001ACC | shaman |
0x00001AD6 | school |
0x00001AE8 | mondun |
0x00001AE8 | qgiven |
0x00001AEC | qgiver |
0x00001AF8 | shield |
0x00001AFA | target |
0x00001B14 | reward |
0x00001B26 | tavern |
0x00001B35 | temple |
0x00001B44 | weapon |
0x00001B4B | prince |
0x00001B4C | murder |
0x00001B50 | poison |
0x00001B56 | priest |
0x00001B74 | spider |
0x00001B77 | victim |
0x00001B80 | potion |
0x00001B86 | snitch |
0x00001B94 | sister |
0x00001BB3 | questg |
0x00001BEE | yesmap |
0x00001BF7 | spouse |
0x00001BFC | wraith |
0x00001C0C | wizard |
0x00001C57 | zombie |
0x00002520 | 2dagger |
0x0000269F | 2palace |
0x000026FC | 2letter |
0x00002757 | 2ransom |
0x0000314B | daedra1 |
0x0000314C | daedra2 |
0x0000314D | daedra3 |
0x0000314E | daedra4 |
0x0000318D | daedras |
0x000031F6 | acrobat |
0x00003205 | agentuk |
0x00003221 | acolyte |
0x00003238 | dbguild |
0x00003254 | casfort |
0x00003276 | chemist |
0x000032AD | failure |
0x000032C0 | centaur |
0x00003300 | breaker |
0x00003346 | coastal |
0x0000335C | fighter |
0x000033A2 | hideout |
0x000033AD | clothes |
0x000033DE | contact |
0x00003407 | bowdung |
0x00003429 | friend1 |
0x0000342A | friend2 |
0x0000342B | friend3 |
0x0000342C | brother |
0x0000342C | friend4 |
0x0000344E | duelist |
0x0000345C | burglar |
0x0000345F | package |
0x00003493 | flowers |
0x00003497 | mapdung |
0x00003498 | dungeon |
0x000034B8 | paladin |
0x000034C5 | jewelry |
0x000034C8 | mansion |
0x000034D3 | marknpc |
0x000034EF | foundme |
0x00003500 | killmon |
0x00003529 | letter1 |
0x0000352A | letter2 |
0x00003536 | readmap |
0x0000353C | mfriend |
0x0000355F | message |
0x00003573 | keytime |
0x00003594 | mmaster |
0x00003599 | grizzly |
0x000035A4 | teacher |
0x000035C7 | newdung |
0x000035C7 | qgenemy |
0x000035DA | mondead |
0x000035F4 | huntend |
0x000035FC | scholar |
0x00003610 | seducer |
0x00003628 | onehour |
0x0000362F | relitem |
0x0000362F | replace |
0x00003637 | mondung |
0x00003659 | reward1 |
0x0000365A | reward2 |
0x0000365B | reward3 |
0x00003670 | lovgold |
0x00003679 | peryite |
0x00003693 | revenge |
0x000036A4 | monster |
0x000036C0 | sneaker |
0x000036DD | vampire |
0x000036FB | weapons |
0x0000375B | spiders |
0x00003760 | soldier |
0x00003777 | myndung |
0x00003784 | warrior |
0x0000378E | prophet |
0x00003795 | success |
0x00003798 | ukcrypt |
0x000037B8 | traitor |
0x000037E4 | queston |
0x0000383C | upfront |
0x0000387D | witness |
0x00005077 | 2myndung |
0x000063BC | daedroth |
0x000064E0 | champion |
0x00006523 | fakename |
0x0000659C | daughter |
0x000065A4 | castfort |
0x0000672A | gianteel |
0x000067C7 | clothing |
0x000067ED | contact1 |
0x000067EE | contact2 |
0x000067FE | artifact |
0x00006817 | conhouse |
0x00006854 | assassin |
0x0000688E | dirtypit |
0x000068D2 | atronach |
0x00006936 | firsthit |
0x00006944 | goldgoth |
0x00006961 | dungeon1 |
0x00006962 | dungeon2 |
0x00006963 | dungeon3 |
0x00006977 | hintdung |
0x000069A4 | hitguard |
0x000069F4 | guardian |
0x00006A05 | evilfocs |
0x00006A19 | keptgems |
0x00006A2F | evilitem |
0x00006A30 | informer |
0x00006A44 | merchant |
0x00006A7B | dummyorc |
0x00006AB0 | oblivion |
0x00006AC7 | painting |
0x00006B00 | lessgold |
0x00006B19 | readnote |
0x00006B27 | itemdung |
0x00006B5E | placemap |
0x00006BCC | nobleman |
0x00006C2F | newplace |
0x00006C3C | qgfriend |
0x00006CA0 | mondung2 |
0x00006CCC | talisman |
0x00006CF6 | huntstop |
0x00006D79 | monster1 |
0x00006D7A | monster2 |
0x00006D7B | monster3 |
0x00006D7C | monster4 |
0x00006D8F | thankyou |
0x00006DA7 | ringdung |
0x00006DB0 | scorpion |
0x00006DE4 | skeleton |
0x00006DE7 | nononono |
0x00006E13 | vampname |
0x00006E2D | vampires |
0x00006E2F | vampitem |
0x00006E38 | mtraitor |
0x00006E69 | weaponss |
0x00006E71 | timeforq |
0x00006F24 | qmonster |
0x00006F50 | wereboar |
0x00006F5B | orsinium |
0x00006F60 | villager |
0x00006FE5 | treasure |
0x00006FF0 | sorceror |
0x00006FF4 | smuggler |
0x00006FF9 | queston1 |
0x00006FFA | queston2 |
0x00007002 | werewolf |
0x00007054 | spriggan |
0x00007085 | yesclick |
0x00007157 | withouse |
0x000071DC | woodsman |
0x000099FE | 2artifact |
0x00009CBC | 2ndparton |
0x0000A23C | 1stparton |
0x0000C7B4 | barbarian |
0x0000C976 | alchemist |
0x0000C993 | challenge |
0x0000CAEF | fakeplace |
0x0000CD1E | betrothed |
0x0000CE84 | bodyguard |
0x0000D02D | artifact1 |
0x0000D02E | artifact2 |
0x0000D02F | artifact3 |
0x0000D030 | artifact4 |
0x0000D075 | bookstore |
0x0000D0A4 | competior |
0x0000D0D8 | mageguild |
0x0000D0DF | magicitem |
0x0000D2CC | kidnapper |
0x0000D33C | givetoken |
0x0000D4BC | informant |
0x0000D4F6 | keptmetal |
0x0000D50F | dummymage |
0x0000D51F | pchasitem |
0x0000D588 | guildhall |
0x0000D6B7 | safehouse |
0x0000D6EF | itemplace |
0x0000D738 | messenger |
0x0000D742 | qgclicked |
0x0000D7BF | realmummy |
0x0000D80C | patsagent |
0x0000D8D3 | extratime |
0x0000D95F | religitem |
0x0000D9DA | lordsmail |
0x0000D9F0 | lovechild |
0x0000DA2C | huntstart |
0x0000DAB7 | lovehouse |
0x0000DBD3 | scorpions |
0x0000DCD7 | vamphouse |
0x0000DCED | vamprelic |
0x0000DD2E | vamprival |
0x0000DD50 | vampproof |
0x0000DF69 | villainss |
0x0000DFD7 | prophouse |
0x0000E07D | questdone |
0x0000E0E3 | questtime |
0x0000E1E3 | totaltime |
0x0000E383 | towertime |
0x0000E417 | townhouse |
0x0000E627 | wrongdung |
0x00018F34 | daedralord |
0x0001928F | agentplace |
0x000195EF | battlemage |
0x00019717 | childhouse |
0x00019765 | clearclick |
0x00019AF7 | fatherdung |
0x00019C69 | depository |
0x00019F47 | dragonling |
0x00019FC9 | apothecary |
0x00019FCD | firedaedra |
0x00019FD4 | dispatcher |
0x0001A193 | escapetime |
0x0001A1C8 | competitor |
0x0001A20B | gimmegimme |
0x0001A30C | magicsword |
0x0001A318 | magesguild |
0x0001A415 | aurielsbow |
0x0001A4B8 | gettraitor |
0x0001A654 | givereward |
0x0001A90C | ingredient |
0x0001A910 | hitseducer |
0x0001AA28 | dummydarkb |
0x0001AA4F | founditem1 |
0x0001AA50 | founditem2 |
0x0001AA6F | pchasitem1 |
0x0001AA70 | pchasitem2 |
0x0001AA71 | pchasitem3 |
0x0001AAB8 | hittraitor |
0x0001ABA0 | pcgetsgold |
0x0001ABC0 | guildmaker |
0x0001ACFC | readletter |
0x0001AD31 | nightblade |
0x0001ADD7 | rebelhouse |
0x0001ADF7 | itemindung |
0x0001B042 | npcclicked |
0x0001B0B7 | noblehouse |
0x0001B12F | pickupitem |
0x0001B29A | shamandead |
0x0001B4FB | qgiverhome |
0x0001B674 | sheogorath |
0x0001B78F | thiefplace |
0x0001B797 | thiefhouse |
0x0001B7D3 | teleportpc |
0x0001B924 | vampleader |
0x0001B9AE | vampkilled |
0x0001BA94 | vampreward |
0x0001BAF3 | rippername |
0x0001BCD3 | shortdelay |
0x0001BEEC | spellsword |
0x0001C185 | werewolves |
0x0001C18C | questgiver |
0x0001C18C | tranporter |
0x0001C1E3 | traveltime |
0x0001C3D7 | witchhouse |
0x0001C7B7 | storehouse |
0x0001C928 | stronghold |
0x00027D1C | 2shedungent |
0x00028FB7 | 2storehouse |
0x00031BC2 | daedclicked |
0x000327F6 | alchemyshop |
0x00032BF2 | ancientlich |
0x00032C1C | darkbmember |
0x00032E49 | childlocale |
0x0003342C | clickqgiver |
0x000337D2 | iceatronach |
0x000338CC | bloodfather |
0x00033BA0 | destination |
0x00033FEF | hidingplace |
0x000341B8 | findtraitor |
0x00034417 | contactdung |
0x00034C7C | givenletter |
0x00034E77 | givershouse |
0x00034FF4 | hitguardian |
0x0003544D | dummydaedra |
0x00035717 | hookerhouse |
0x00035A0D | frostdaedra |
0x00035C48 | lettergiven |
0x000362B2 | pickuplocal |
0x000365F7 | scholardung |
0x000365FE | relartifact |
0x00036C57 | targethouse |
0x00036F1C | thiefmember |
0x000371C2 | vampclicked |
0x00037697 | ripperhouse |
0x00037BF7 | victimhouse |
0x00037C14 | queenreward |
0x0003815A | traitordead |
0x0003844C | transporter |
0x00063E8B | daedraprince |
0x000666A9 | falseletter1 |
0x000666AA | falseletter2 |
0x000666AB | falseletter3 |
0x000666AC | falseletter4 |
0x000668A7 | clickonenemy |
0x0006799C | finddaughter |
0x000685D2 | fireatronach |
0x00068642 | enemyclicked |
0x00069178 | aurielshield |
0x0006A3EF | meetingplace |
0x0006B2C7 | mensclothing |
0x0006B48D | lesserdaedra |
0x0006BC6F | pickedupitem |
0x0006C4D2 | ironatronach |
0x0006C638 | pickupregion |
0x0006CD2E | hunterkilled |
0x0006CF75 | oracletemple |
0x0006D40B | mistresshome |
0x0006E38F | sleepingmage |
0x0006E698 | thievesguild |
0x00070077 | sistershouse |
0x00070CC2 | rulerclicked |
0x000C7C90 | daedraseducer |
0x000CC097 | daughterhouse |
0x000CCFB0 | clickoblivion |
0x000CD2EC | clickonqgiver |
0x000CD81B | betrothedhome |
0x000D0AD2 | fleshatronach |
0x000D9A14 | scholarreward |
0x000D9D5F | religiousitem |
0x000D9EB8 | missingperson |
0x000DB798 | skeffingcoven |
0x000E0914 | traitorreward |
0x000E0DF6 | questfinished |
0x00199CF4 | betrayguardian |
0x001A5D0C | giveingredient |
0x001A9C53 | executiondelay |
0x001B6FBB | revealmonsters |
0x001C82C7 | womensclothing |
0x00358AC2 | oblivionclicked |