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Lore:Ley Lines

< Lore: Magic(Redirected from Lore:Bonelines)
Y'ffre's Cauldron
Gateways to the Luminaries' realms connected to the Scribing Altar

Ley Lines are pathways or intersections of magical energy that run across the land.[1][2]

The reconnection of the Luminaries' realms to the Scholarium of Eyevea in 2E 582 sparked a surge of new ley line activity across Tamriel,[1] causing ripples that led to the appearance of Scripts in new and unexpected locations. The magical power relayed through the Scribing altar has reverberated across the land like a tidal wave.[3][4] Long-dormant ley lines, similar to those within the Scholarium itself, began to stir, now infused with powers linked to the Luminaries.[2] Some individuals, such as Archmage Ulfsild, could perceive these magical intersections innately. Tools like the True-Sight Lens could be also used to reveal them.[5][6]

It is believed that during the creation of the Mundus, when the Aedra were either persuaded or deceived by Lorkhan into crafting Nirn, the physical form of the world was suspended on a framework of joints, each radiating a tangible reality—essentially, the bones of the world.[7] The concept of Earthbones, tied to magical practices, is also present in Druidic traditions, where it is referred to as bonelines. Druidic spellcraft and its practitioners utilize the wellspring of primordial energy the Earthbones left behind, which flows via lines through the ground.[8] Such wild and primal magic could be found in ancient places—rivers and reefs where the Earth Bones have never quieted down.[9] Junctions where this resource intersects, the bonelines, are places where druidic spells exhibit strange properties, and where prayers carry deeper emphasis. One such place was Y'ffre's Cauldron on High Isle.[10]


  • It has been suggested that Ayleid Wells are located at the meeting points of ancient lines of magical power. However, modern arcane arts have discovered no perceptible evidence of such lines of power.[11]
  • A similar concept—the Varlines, magical conduits that stretch across the Summerset Isles that were used by the Altmer for various purposes with the aid of Varla Lenses—was part of the original concept for the early, unreleased version of Summerset zone.[UOL 1]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.