The Cleaver of St. Felms the Bold (or St. Felms' Cleaver[1]) is a one-handed axe which belonged to the eponymous saint of the Dunmer.
In or before 3E 427, a Buoyant Armiger carried it into battle against ash vampires on the northeastern slopes of Red Mountain and died.[2] The Nerevarine recovered the holy relic and then received it as a reward for various services to the Tribunal Temple.[3]
Circa 4E 201, the Cleaver of St Felms was in the possession of Vesparth the Toe, a descendant of the Armigers who took refuge within Ashfall's Tear in Solstheim. She along with the refugee's inhabitants were seen as heretical under the New Temple's belief. Circa 4E 201, the Last Dragonborn was alerted to the cult's existence when they attempted to recover several additional artifacts. It is unknown if the Dragonborn agreed to help the cult and recruited Vesparth into their service, or if it was wiped out.[4] Regardless, the cleaver and other relics were retrieved from the hideout, and this arsenal was used to defeat remnants of the Sixth House[UOL 1] led by the Dunmer Erden Relvel, who became a priest of Dagoth Ur after becoming corrupted by his mask.[5]
Previous Owners:Edit
- St. Felms
- Mendel Eves
- Uvoo Llaren
- Vesparth the Toe
See AlsoEdit
- ^ Campaign name in ESO
- ^ Uvoo Llaren's dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ Events of Morrowind
- ^ Ghosts of the Tribunal quest in Skyrim: Creation Club
- ^ Ashen Heart quest in Skyrim: Creation Club
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ Ghosts of the Tribunal Sneak Peak official summary