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< Lore: Races
"When Jode is waning and Jone is new
Then shall be born the Dagi
Tree-dwellers of Tenmar
Trickery and deception is their forte
Masters of Illusory Rites
To hide what Others must never know."

All Our Perfect Forms
Dagi are born under Masser waning and Secunda new

The Dagi are a less common furstock of the Khajiit, living in the southern marshes and jungle regions of Elsweyr, as well as the Tenmar Forest.[1][2][3] Physically, they have facial features that are comparable to that of lynxes and are short in stature, making them among the smallest of the furstocks.[4] Due to their light weight, they have been reported as being able to dwell in higher branches of trees that cannot hold a Bosmer.[5] There are said to be entire communities of Dagi that live on branches.[2] With their inclination to climb trees, they have been compared to monkeys, though this is considered insulting.[4]

However, some folklore claims that a mummified Dagi paw can grant wishes at a price, mirroring the stories of Monkey paws among the Bosmer.[6][7] Dagi are said to be skilled spellcasters, similar to the Alfiq.[2][1][5]


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