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< Lore: Races
Dagi are born under Masser waning and Secunda new

The Dagi are a less common furstock of the Khajiit, living in the southern marshes and jungle regions of Elsweyr, as well as the Tenmar Forest.[1][2][UOL 1] Physically, they have facial features that are comparable to that of lynxes and are short in stature, making them among the smallest of the furstocks.[3] Due to their light weight, they have been reported as being able to dwell in higher branches of trees that cannot hold a Bosmer.[4] There are said to be entire communities of Dagi that live on branches.[2] Due to their inclination to climb trees, they are compared to monkeys, though this is considered insulting.[3] However, some folklore claims that a mummified Dagi paw can grant wishes at a price,[5] mirroring the stories of Monkey paws among the Bosmer.[6] Dagi are said to be skilled spellcasters, similar to the Alfiq.[2][1][4]


See AlsoEdit


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