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Lore:Fort Linchal

< Lore: Places: F(Redirected from Lore:Linchal Grand Manor)
Fort Linchal
Type Imperial Ruin
Continent Tamriel
Province Cyrodiil
Region Colovian Highlands
Appears in Oblivion, ESO
Linchal Grand Manor ca. 2E 582

Fort Linchal is an Imperial ruin found in the Colovian Highlands, in the province of Cyrodiil. Linchal is a historic landmark that dates back as far as before the Empire of Cyrodiil in the Interregnum. In times, it was an outpost for the Imperial Legion and other times it once held a grand manor for a noble from the Imperial City.[1]


The earliest mention of Fort Linchal's activities was many years ago, when the county-seat, Kvatch was a large kingdom in Colovia.[2] Workers at the time of its construction noted a species of timid, orange and black foxes that defended their dens. They were displaced as construction proceeded but the workers tamed them and later took them home to the Imperial City, where the nobility took a liking to them.[3] The Linchal cohort rode south into Reaper's March with the Ontus cohort and the Hastrel cohort led by the famed General Thibaut of Kvatch. After the death of the General, the Linchal and Ontus cohorts fled back home but the Hastrel stayed and later built both Thibaut's Cairn and Greenhill.[2]

The site was later the foundation of the Linchal Grand Manor, built as a summer home for an unnamed nobleman of the Imperial City in the style of Nibenese architecture. By 2E 582, the noble had passed away[1] and his manor was made available for purchase.[4]

By 3E 433, Fort Linchal was just another ruined fort found across the great expanse of Cyrodiil, abandoned sometime during the relative peace of the Third Era.[5] What remained of the site is the old Temple of War and the Hall of Knights. It was inhabited by a coven of necromancers, who prepared an altar that created Black Soul Gems. They used a phenomenon called the Shade of the Revenant, where a purple light shines down from the night sky and the Necromancer's Moon, which enhances the soul gem. The altar in Fort Linchal was one of four of its kind found throughout the province at the time.[6][7]


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