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Lore:Lord Warden Dusk

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Lord Warden Dusk
ON-creature-Lord Warden Dusk.jpg
Lord Warden Dusk
Race Grievous Twilight Gender Male
Appears in ESO

Lord Warden Dusk is a Grievous Twilight and a powerful servant of Molag Bal who rose to prominence during the Planemeld. He was in charge of running the Imperial Prison during the Daedric occupation of the Imperial City.[1] Cunning, brutal and cruel, the self-proclaimed "Lord Warden"[2] of the prison was very proud of the atrocities that were committed under his watch.[3] So much so, that he kept a meticulous record of all the indignities that had been committed in the prison; a tome which he coveted dearly.[4][5] His servants sacrificed the inmates' souls to Molag Bal, and fashioned biological weapons out of their flesh.[1][6]

Dusk, with the help of a mortal champion, is responsible for trapping the living essence of Lyranth the Foolkiller's clanmates.[7] He was defeated by the Undaunted in 2E 582 with the help of Lyranth, who trapped Dusk's animus inside a shield upon the destruction of his physical form.[1] She then bestowed the shield upon the Undaunted as a token of her gratitude before taking Dusk's place as Warden of the prison.[2][8] It is unknown whether he is still imprisoned in the shield or not.

The significance of Lord Warden Dusk allowed him to be documented within the Infinite Archive in Apocrypha. There, copies of various entities were subsequently created as maligraphies, creatures composed of vivified ink manifested by stories from books, and serve as mindless extensions of the Daedric Lord Tho'at Replicanum. A maligraphy copy of Lord Warden was formed, which was destroyed by an adventurer or two who were aided by augmentations directly from Hermaeus Mora. The defeated maligraphy of Lord Warden faded into a puddle of ink.[9][10][11]

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