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Lore:Reman II

< Lore: People: R
Emperor Reman Cyrodiil II
LO-misc-Reman II Tomb.jpg
Tomb of Reman II in Sancre Tor
Race Unknown Gender Male
Born 1E 2786
Died 1E 2843
Resided in Cyrodiil
Reign 1E 2804-
1E 2843
Previous Ruler Kastav
Next Ruler Brazollus Dor

Reman II was the third emperor of the Reman Dynasty. He was born in 1E 2786.[1][nb 1] He assumed the throne in 1E 2804,[nb 2] following the deposition of his predecessor, Emperor Kastav.[2][3]

Said to be a master tactician, he frequently studied records of the battles he fought. When he conquered new territory for the Empire, he carefully established rule and avoided causing too much disruption to local customs, traditions, and particularly to established trade. He gathered advisors from each province and focused on his people more than many emperors ever had. As a result, Imperial culture spread across Tamriel, not through forced assimilation but free will as citizens came to accept and support the Empire by reaping the benefits of free trade, stability, and the development of improved infrastructure. For many years, peace prevailed throughout Tamriel, and many consider his reign to be the golden age of the Second Empire.[2]


His first notable achievement as emperor was to negotiate a swift end to the Winterhold Rebellion, which began in 1E 2804 during the reign of Kastav. The rebellion was triggered in response to Kastav's policy of forced conscription through hostage-taking, but Reman successfully made peace with the angered Nord locals without further bloodshed.[2][3] During his reign, he abolished necromancy and Daedra worship in the Empire.[2] Reman II's reign also saw notable developments in art. His court painter, Emilia Polus, revolutionized the art of landscape painting—serving as a bridge between dreamy Alessian scenery-painting and the artistic realism that would characterize the early Akaviri Potentate period.[4]

In 1E 2812, he permitted the construction of Alduin's Wall within Sky Haven Temple. Considered to be a wonder of the ancient world, its purpose was to record the accumulated dragonlore and prophecy that the Dragonguard possessed at the time. He returned to the temple in 1E 2818 to officially dedicate the wall and consecrate the Blood Seal upon its completion.[3][5]

Soon after being crowned emperor, Reman II visited Skingrad, where a maid named Irinia Dor caught his eye. He then began a relationship with Dor, and in 1E 2815, he fathered a son with her named Brazollus. Although Reman II was fond of Irinia, he knew he could not marry a common-born maid and had to seek a more suitable marriage. He soon left, but he provided a comfortable estate for Irinia and Brazollus, allowing them to live well.[6]

Around 1E 2811, Reman II turned his attention toward the unconquered territory of Black Marsh, and he called forth the Imperial Legion for an invasion of the province.[2] When the invasion began in 1E 2811, the Imperial Legion won a great and decisive victory in the Battle of Argonia, as well as in several other clashes, inflicting significant casualties on the Argonians.[7][8] By First Seed 1E 2811, the Argonians were in full retreat and took refuge in Black Marsh's interior.[7][8] After the initial victories, the Imperial Legion spent the next twenty-six years attempting to subjugate Black Marsh in the Blackwater War, sustaining heavy casualties from the Argonians, beasts, and diseases. In late 1E 2836, the Argonians abruptly buried their weapons and went back to farming, fishing, and weaving, and Reman II declared the official annexation of Black Marsh in 1E 2837, ending the Blackwater War.[2][9]

Not content with the conquest of Black Marsh, he initiated a campaign to conquer Morrowind in 1E 2840, a conflict that became known as the Four-Score War.[10] Ultimately, the Four-Score War cost Reman II his life, as he was killed in battle against the Dunmer in 1E 2843 at the age of fifty-seven.[1][2][6] He was succeeded by his illegitimate son Brazollus.[6][11] After his death, Reman II was interred in the Tomb of the Reman Emperors in Sancre Tor.[12]


1.  The year of Reman II's birth—1E 2786—is calculated from the year of his death, which Reman II: The Limits of Ambition states occurred in 1E 2843, and his age when he died (fifty-seven), as recorded in the epitaph on his sarcophagus in Sancre Tor.
2.  The exact year of Reman II's accession to the throne is unclear and requires some deduction. Reman II's epitaph states that he was crowned emperor in 1E 2812 and reigned for 39 years, but according to Reman II: The Limits of Ambition, Reman II died in 1E 2843. Emperor Kastav's Epitaph states that Kastav died in 1E 2812. Annals of the Dragonguard states that Kastav was deposed sometime between 1E 2804 and 2806. With all the information combined, the most likely explanation is that Kastav was deposed in 1E 2804, and Reman II was only officially crowned emperor after Kastav's death in 1E 2812.
