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Lore:Verminous Fabricant

< Lore: Bestiary: V
Verminous Fabricants
ON-creature-Verminous Fabricant.jpg
A Verminous Fabricant (ESO)
Type Fabricant
Range Clockwork City
Appears in

Tribunal, ESO, Legends

Verminous Fabricants are Fabricants created by Sotha Sil that resemble lean bipedal reptiles. They have long necks, long tails, a horn on their noses, and various metallic limbs and spikes, which they utilize to attack their prey.[1][2] Sotha Sil created them as imitations of extinct creatures of the same name that once roamed across Velothi lands, to serve as a reminder of a thing that once was. He sought to perfect them (in his eyes) with an amalgam of flesh and metal.[3] Aside from being quick, agile, and being able to fit into small spaces,[1] they also are capable of spinning into their target, generating shockwaves, and as a last resort, self-destructing.[2] They are powered by an animo core,[4] and can be contained within fabrication tanks.[5] Verminous Fabricants dwell in Clockwork City,[1] but have in occasion made it to Tamriel.[6]


Fabricant Machine (Tribunal)

Before their extinction and subsequent mechanomagical recreation by Sotha Sil, the original reptiles the fabricants were based on, were known simply as the "Verminous" and they dwelled in ancient Velothi lands.[3]

Verminous fabricants were one Sotha Sil's earlier creations. As part of the preliminary work on his lifelong project, the Clockwork City, Sotha Sil stored some of his early memories in Mnemonic Fragments within the Dwarven ruin of Kemel-Ze. A wing there was gifted to him as a sign of the alliance between the Chimer and the Dwemer.[7][8] One of the memories here showcases his work on an early Verminous Fabricant, where he comments that it eventually will wear down and crumble, but at that moment it was the definition of perfection. And so, self-repair was how he would "circumvent inevitable deterioration".[8]

A pack of Verminous Fabricants (ESO)

Circa 2E 582, a portal to the Clockwork City inexplicably opened up inside the Abanabi Caves when Divayth Fyr undertook to extend Tel Fyr there, spilling out Refabricants and Fabricants from the Halls of Fabrication. The Hunter-Killer Positrox and Negatrix were a pair of formidable Verminous Fabricants encountered there. The Fabricant threat was neutralized when a large group of Undaunted accompanied Divayth Fyr into the cave and entered the Clockwork City portal, defeated the Assembly General, and disabled the Fabricants' production. Divayth then studied the portal.[9] During this year, Verminous Fabricants along with other creatures across space and time also manifested within the Dwarven ruin of Nchuthnkarst in Blackreach,[10] due to the temporal and spatial distortions caused by a malfunctioning Dwemer device there.[11]

When the Nerevarine came to Mournhold after Dagoth Ur's fall in 3E 427, Almalexia sought to trick, entrap, and destroy them as part of this plot. She first turned on Sotha Sil and slew him in his Clockwork City, then unleashed its mechanical inhabitants into her own city[6] in order to frame her old friend, among them the Verminous Fabricants. Her ruse lured the Nerevarine to Sotha Sil's city, where she hoped that the Nerevarine would be killed by the inhabitants. When the Nerevarine persevered, Almalexia tried to finish the job herself. But her powers failed her, and she died at the Nerevarine's hand in the Clockwork City.[12][13]

The Clockwork City and its people, creatures, and constructs were still around in the Fourth Era. Circa 4E 201, a battle occurred between the Forgotten Hero and Mecinar, and the fate of the city and its inhabitants remains unknown. Some stories claim that the Forgotten Hero destroyed the Mechanical Heart that powered the Clockwork City, and its inhabitants were forced to abandon it as it ceased to function.[14] Another account holds that the hero used the Heart to harness its power and fought Mecinar on equal ground, allowing the Heart to live on along with the city.[15][16]


Verminous Fabricants have been miniaturized for keeping as pets.[17] The artifact known as Barilzar's Mazed Band and an iteration of the Imperfect have the ability to summon them.[18][19] Verminous Fabricant Elixirs, extracted from the remains of the creatures, give an increase to one's speed.[20]



  • Verminous Fabricants are modeled after dinosaurs.[21]:317 They share many visual similarities to dromaeosaurs or troodontids specifically.
  • Verminous Catfish are a species of fish that were once presumed extinct but could be found in the Clockwork City, though it is unknown if they share any qualities with the Verminous or Verminous Fabricants.[22]

See AlsoEdit
