The Bestiary of Mundus and Oblivion includes widely varied and often dangerous creatures. Many examples of creatures such as the skittish deer or the clever wolf, beasts such as the dreaded werewolf or the puny dragonling, and the damned undead — including the lowly zombie and the powerful lich — are included in this guide; this clearly demonstrates the extent and variety of the creatures that inhabit the universe. This overview serves to describe how animals and monsters affect the world, how the environments they live in have affected them, and their roles in the world in general.
Creatures in GeneralEdit
Creatures serve many uses throughout Mundus and Oblivion. While a creature may serve one primary purpose, it does not mean its role is set in stone. Some animals can have multiple purposes, such as the horse and the guar, which can serve as beasts of burden for carrying people and cargo, or be used as mounts for war. Daedra such as the clannfear are often used as summoned creatures to defend mages or as soldiers in Daedric armies. It is common for animals and monsters to be hunted as food or for their fur, bones, or alchemical properties. In some cases they are even used as building supplies, most notably in the case of the Redoran city of Ald'ruhn where the Redoran Council maintains a Manor District under the shell of an Emperor crab. Some animals can also serve as pets, an obvious case being the dog. In some cases they are used as a work force; the goblin is often used by the Altmer as a work force, and in some cases certain other creatures such as the ogre are enslaved and made to live a life of forced labor. Death doesn't always mean the finality of a creature, as creatures are sometimes raised by necromancers to serve as guards or as experiment subjects.
The island of Vvardenfell provides many examples on how creatures and their environments interact with each other. The Ash Blight wiped out Cliff Striders, Nix-Oxen, and Vvardvarks from Vvardenfell by the late Third Era. The Ghostfence was created with the intended purpose of stopping the spread of the blight, but was undermined in several ways. One notable way the blight spread out of containment on Red Mountain was the cliff racers living around the mountain; the cliff racer's ability to fly made the Ghostfence an almost laughable measure of containment as they could fly above the gate at will, which helped spread the blight throughout the island. This is not the extent of the cliff racer's effects on Vvardenfell; it was first an invasive species. It migrated into Vvardenfell from parts unknown and attacked and slowly overwhelmed the native dragon population. Eventually the dragons were fully driven out of Vvardenfell and their home there, Red Mountain. The cliff racers remained a dangerous threat to anyone who would travel to the already dangerous mountain until they were rumored to be driven out of Vvardenfell by Saint Jiub. The creatures known as Silt Striders were once used in great number by the Dunmer as transportation, but the Red Year caused their numbers to dwindle as the eruption of Red Mountain killed most of them and destroyed their native habitat.
Though an animal or monster can alter or even damage its environment and ecosystem, its chosen ecosystem is often necessary for its survival. A creature chooses to live where it can survive, which means that its environment must complement their abilities or lifestyles. Slaughterfish and the dreugh can be found underwater, while creatures like Wolves and Durzogs can be found on land.
Many creatures have become domesticated by other races. Farms will often raise creatures and animals such as the sheep and cow which are rarely found outside of domestic environments due to their inability to survive wilderness areas.
Some creatures such as the rat can be found in many different environments. Rats can be found in sewers, ruins, caves, the wilderness, goblin run farms as food, and even in homes as pets! Like the rat, some other creatures can be found in a variety of locations serving a variety of roles. Dogs, for example, are kept as a pets but can also be found serving as guards for camps or in some ruins.
Specific Creature ClassificationsEdit
- Amphibians
- Arthropods
- Birds — A full listing of birds
- Fish — A full listing of fish:
- Ash Creatures
- Fabricants
- Faeries
- Golems
- Lesser Daedra
- Nature Spirits
- Undead
- Obscure Fauna — A general resource article covering obscure creatures appearing only in lore or otherwise unnamed creatures.
- A Child's Tamriel Bestiary by Shane gro-Orath (Clever, no? Ha, ha!) — A children's rhyming alphabet book
- Esqoo of Dhalmora Answers Your Questions by Esqoo of Dhalmora — A guar-herd answers questions about guar
- The Faerie by Szun Triop — Discussion of the various types of Faeries and how they relate
- The Fickle Nature of Mudcrabs — A researcher's notes on the behavior of Mudcrabs
- Field Guide to Spriggans by Phrastus of Elinhir — A guide to spriggans
- A Guide to Fishing Tamriel by "The Old Slaughterfish" — An old angler's advice on his profession
- Notes on the Order Skeevera — A journal recounting a researcher's attempt to document the taxonomic order Skeevera
- Lady Honnorah af-Lahreq Answers Your Questions by Lady Honnorah af-Lahreq — A Redguard stable owner answers questions about mounts
- On Lycanthropy by Varnard Karessen — Studies of the nature and habits of Lycanthropes
- On Summoning Skeletons — An instructional guide on acquiring and reanimating skeletons
- Revolting Life Cycle of the Dreugh Field Notes by Fronto Maecilius — A description of the lifestyle of the dreugh
- Ulfsild's Notes: The Origin of Luminaries by Ulfsild — Speculation on the origin of the Luminaries
- Unhallowed Legions by Phrastus of Elinhir — A study into the undead of Tamriel
Black MarshEdit
- Birds of Gloommire by Domind Kamaz and Junior Researcher Unila Rotheloth — A description of avian fauna in Gloommire
- Care and Feeding of Swamp Jellies by Aglindor the Black-Thumb — A guidebook surrounding the swamp jelly
- On Marsh Giants: A Study by Fanemil, Associate Dean of Plant Studies, University of Gwylim — A treatise on Marsh Giants
- On Voriplasms by Concordia Mercius of Cyrodilic Collections — A dissertation on the oozes of the swamp
- Brenus Astis' Journal by Brenus Astis — Fragments of a scholar's notes on the fauna of Cyrodiil
- A Gold Coast Children's Bestiary — A rhyming children's book about frightening creatures
- Guide to Taming Dire Wolves by Shelga gra-Bur, Beastmaster of Kvatch — A guide to handling dire wolves
- Ogres: A Summary by Cirantille — A description of ogres
- On Minotaurs by Nonus Caprenius, Temporarily Unaffiliated Scholar of Imperial Antiquities — A historian's theory on Minotaurs
- Serpent Hollow Observations — A researcher's notes on the behavior of a clan of Ogres
- Taking Care of Your Bear by Pantea Maria, Imperial Animal Trainer — A guide to caring for Bear pets and mounts
- Terror of the Death Hopper From the journals of Remius Volsonus — Writings on the elusive Death Hopper
- The Truth of Minotaurs by Tyronius Liore, Scholar of Imperial Antiquities — The dismissal of a theory surrounding the origin of Minotaurs
- Anequina Animal Identification and Tasting by Hrodkir Mincemeat — A book describing how to capture Northern Elsweyr creatures and their taste
- Bolga's Guide to Island Beasts by Bolga gra-Bur, Huntswoman of Mistral — A brief summary of the creatures found on Khenarthi's Roost
- Dragons of Southern Elsweyr by Xandria Prevette, Scholar-at-Large — A short recording of observed dragon behavior
- Sugarbelly by Azmu-ra — On training Senche-Tigers
- Terror-Birds: Up Close and Personal by Dardarfin — A traveler's notes on the carnivorous birds of Elsweyr
- The Care and Feeding of Trolls by Gulzog the Butcher — A step-by-step guide to caring for nirncrux-infused trolls
- It Lives! by Boward, Regent of Wriggling Nightmares — A letter from Regent Boward describing his successful experiment
- Lamias of Craglorn by Theoderic Peron — A researcher's essay on the mysterious presence of Lamias in Craglorn
- The Mystery of Gargoyles—Solved! by Porbert Lyttumly — On a possible connection between Giant Goblins and Gargoyles
- Notes of Adalabar, hunter by Adalabar — The field notes of a duneripper hunter
- Overheard at the Crossroads Tavern in Belkarth — An Undaunted adventurer retells his encounter with a Mantikora
- A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs by Vondham Barres — One man's experience with Nymphs
- Scorpion Observations by Boward, Regent of Wriggling Nightmares — Notes on the giant scorpions of Craglorn
- Triumph of the Sep Adder by Zabia-ko — A merchant's notes on the winged snakes of Hew's Bane
- Wamasu Observations by Boward, Regent of Wriggling Nightmares — Notes on the creation of Mantikoras
High RockEdit
- All About Echatere by Stugbrulz gro-Shatul — An Orcish treatise on the echatere of Wrothgar
- Birds of Wrothgar A field journal by Haenelisse, Vice-Chairman of the Bird-Watchers Society of Alinor — A bird watcher's journey through the icy Wrothgarian mountains
- Bloodfiends of Rivenspire by Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith — A report on the vampiric Bloodfiends of Rivenspire
- Mystery of the Chub Loon by Zabia-ko — A treatise on a unique Wrothgarian bird
- The Ogres of Wrothgar: A Continuing Treatise by Cirantille — An addendum to a treatise on the ogres that inhabit Wrothgar
- Riekrs of Wrothgar: Observations — A ethnographic diary study of Riekr culture
- Sacred Rites of the Stonechewers by Nellic Sterone — A description of the Stonechewer Goblin tribe
- Troll Socialization Research Notes by Grularz — A researcher's notes on the behavior and mannerisms of trolls
- Blasphemous Revenants — A call for the destruction of all vampires and those who follow them!
- Care of Kwama by Cirantille — A description of Kwama caring methods
- Critter Dangers: Telvanni Peninsula by Tel Varano — A guide to some of the creatures found around the Telvanni Peninsula
- Egg Mines and You! by Kylia Thando, Expert Kwama Wrangler — A treatise on the Kwama
- The Flames of the Fetcherfly by Zabia-ko — A treatise on the Fetcherfly
- Kagouti Mating Habits by Edras Oril — Everything you never wanted to know about kagoutis' private lives
- Legions of the Dead — An informational book on the undead
- Morrowind Fauna, Part One by Holia Asellio — A fragment of a larger text covering the bestiary of Morrowind
- Nix-Hounds: A Manual for New Owners — A guide for new nix-hound owners
- Notes on the Dreugh — A list of research notes surrounding the various species of Dreugh
- Vvardenfell Flora and Fauna by Tilenra Sildreth, Telvanni Naturalist — An examination of Vvardenfell's Second Era flora and fauna
- All About Giants by Bonorion the Wanderer — Observations on the Giantish Peoples of Skyrim
- Amongst the Draugr by Bernadette Bantien, College of Winterhold — Discoveries about the draugr and their link to the dragon cults
- Cats of Skyrim by Aldetuile — A brief treatise on the few felines that can be found in Skyrim
- Ecology of the Death Hound by Odgrete Bjersen — A description of death hounds
- The Falmer: A Study by Ursa Uthrax — A study on Falmer, recounting their war with the Dwemer
- Fishing Mastery by Swims-In-Deep-Water — A fish-loving Argonian's guide to fishing
- Flora and Fauna of the Druadach Mountains by Telraves Decanis, Imperial Botanist — A catalogue of flora and fauna native to the Druadach Mountains
- Giants: A Discourse by Kord the Curious — A treatise on the Giants of Skyrim
- Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom — A brief guide to harvesting frostbite spider venom
- Herbane's Bestiary by Herbane — A guide to some of the creatures you may encounter while exploring Skyrim
- Horker Attacks by Heidmir Starkad — The tale of a horker attack
- Into the Lion's Den — A short history of the Nordic valley known as the Lion's Den
- Monsters of Northern Folklore by Minerva Calo, Imperial Chronicler — Eyewitness accounts of Snow Ghosts in Skyrim
- On Dwarven Dynastors by Raynor Vanos, Scholar of Dwemer Antiquities — Research notes on colossal beetle-like Dwemer constructs
- Spirits of Skyrim by Isstille the Scholar — On the guardian spirit of the Haunted Wood
- Troll Slaying by Finn — A guide to identifying, fighting, and collecting fat from trolls
Summerset IslesEdit
- The Flight of Gryphons — An essay on the relationship between Sunhold and its gryphons
- Restoring the Welwas by Ambolisse, Sapiarch of Zoological Studies — A treatise on the reintroduction of the welwa to the island of Summerset
- Y'frre's Sparkling Steeds by Melobrian — A treatise on the elusive indrik
- Bolga's Guide to Galen Beasts by Bolga gra-Bur, Huntswoman of Mistral — A hunter's description of some creatures found on Galen and how to eat them
- Druid Fables: Systres Beavers As told by Archdruid Ilyes — The druidic fable about beavers arriving on the Systres
- Ecology of the Ornaug Field Notes by Fronto Maecilius — Notes about an aquatic predator of the western Abecean Sea
- The Flora and Fauna of Galen From the Journal of Elise Aglilmir, Traveling Naturalist — A list of creatures and plant-life encountered on Galen
- Hadolid Researcher's Journal — A researcher records known information on Hadolids before attempting to make contact with them.
- A Hunter's Journey VI: Fauns by Viola Fulcinius, Professional Hunter — A hunter's stories about the Fauns of High Isle
- Mysteries of the Eltheric Ammonite by Kaladiran, Arcane Naturalist — An overview on Eltheric Ammonites
- Notes on Vulk'esh by Tarrinore
- On Nature Spirits by Archdruid Duana — A druid's thoughts on the relationship between nature spirits and druids
- Theories: Soulrazer Knights by Kaladiran, Arcane Naturalist — A scholar's theories of the origins of Soulrazer Knights
- Healer's Fieldbook — A guidebook to Hoarvors
- Horrors of the Strid Basin — A warning regarding the Hoarvors of the Strid River
- On the Brewing of Dark Meat Beer by Anonymous Bosmeri Brewer — Instructions on brewing Bosmeri alcohol with insects and meat
- Lyranth the Foolkiller Answers Your Questions by Lyranth the Foolkiller — A Dremora answers questions about the ranks and hierarchy of the Daedra
- Varieties of Daedra by Aranea Drethan — An analysis of Daedra forms, focusing primarily on the Dremora
- Beasts of the Gallery by the Ciphers of the Eye — A guide to the occupants of the Feral Gallery
- Denizens of Apocrypha by Cipher Plautis — A guide to the Daedra and others found in Apocrypha
- The Doom of the Hushed by Leramil the Wise — A mage's account of how the Hushed come to be
- Sentient Beasts of the Gallery by the Ciphers of the Eye — A work in progress guide to the inmates of the Feral Gallery
- Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach by Denogorath the Dread Archivist — Notes on the discovery of Cold-Flame Atronachs
- On the Xivkyn by Pelagius Habor, Council Daedrologist-in-Residence — A treatise on Molag Bal's elite vanguard
- Brugurikh's Journal by Brugurikh — The journal of a Scaled Court member and their search for a Mantikora thief
- Flora and Fauna of the Burn by Anthropus Galia, Mages Guild Researcher — A treatise on the flora and fauna of the Burn
- Flora and Fauna of the Sever by Anthropus Galia, Mages Guild Researcher — A treatise on the flora and fauna of the Sever
Shivering IslesEdit
- Bark and Sap — The Root System and the Ecology and Culture of the Gnarl
- An Elytra's Life by Karmelle — One's account in the family unit of the gentle Elytra
- From Frog to Man by Meekus Ralbrek — The life cycles of Baliwogs and Grummites
- The Living Woods — A brief description of the life styles and uses of Gnarls
- The Shivering Bestiary by Namlir Esprink — A catalogue of the characteristics and combat skills of the creatures that reside in the Shivering Isles
Other RealmsEdit
Clockwork CityEdit
- The Fabricated Fauna of Clockwork by Endilaril, Naturalist — A naturalist's research notes on the Clockwork City's artificial wildlife
- A Study of Fabricants by Endilaril, Naturalist — A naturalist's research notes on the Fabricant
See AlsoEdit
- Game-specific bestiaries: Arena • Daggerfall • Battlespire • Redguard • Morrowind • Tribunal • Bloodmoon • Stormhold • Dawnstar • Shadowkey • Oblivion • Oblivion Mobile • Shivering Isles • Skyrim • Skyrim Pinball • Skyrim Very Special Edition • ESO • Legends • Blades
- For creatures mentioned in The Infernal City and Lord of Souls, see this article.