The Udyrfrykte (also spelled Uderfrykte or Udefrykte) is the name given to members of a bloodline of legendary trolls. Initially thought to be a unique individual, there are now atleast three known trolls that have been recorded in history under the name.
Two of the known trolls with the name are believed to be the offspring of the Uderfrykte Matron, also known as the Horror of Dive Rock. While her origins are unknown, it is said trolls were more impressive in ancient times, and her ancient lineage has plagued the Nords for centuries. Common traits between her offspring include glowing green eyes, brownish fur, and a preference for lairing in ice caves.
Umbra' KethEdit
The Umbra' Keth, or Shadow of Conflict, was an entity created by the War of Bend'r-mahk. It was intelligent, being capable of speech through corpses, and habitually referred to itself as the Shadow of Conflict. The monster was sought by Jagar Tharn and Pergan Asuul for their own ends. The creature was destroyed by the "Soul of Conflict", a hero wielding the seven Star Teeth.
The Unicorn is a mythical creature that is native prey to the Hunting Grounds, the Daedric Prince Hircine's plane of Oblivion. They resemble a white horse with a sharp horn, which curves slightly and has a delicate spiral pattern. It is commonly described as made of pure alabaster ivory, however in actuality, it is closer to silver. Although they can be found in the Hunting Grounds, an aspect of Hircine known as Alrabeg the Hunter brings these creatures into the mortal plane of Nirn, to hunt them in new forests. It is said that the Unicorn possess great agility, with the ability to jump over nine-feet and fly in the air, despite lacking wings. They are also described as the "brothers of the wind", wielding great speed that is faster than a Dragon. Unicorns are associated with luck.
Ursauks are bear-like creatures with strong front legs native to the Systres Archipelago, and Valenwood. Like bears they are often used as mounts. Though fearsome in appearance, ursauks are capable of making staunch companions when properly socialized. Some druids are capable of transforming into ursauks, while others use them as guardians.
Like bears, they likely orginate from the frozen continent of Atmora. Atmoran Snow Ursuaks are a thick furred species that are able to thrive in Tamriel's northeren reaches.