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Lore:Wonshala Keriayn

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Wonshala Keriayn
BS-npc-Wonshala Keriayn.gif
Wonshala Keriayn
Race Daedra Gender Female
Appears in Battlespire, ESO

Wonshala Keriayn (also known as Vonshala) is a feared Daedra[nb 1] who has often filled high-ranking positions to the Daedric Princes she has served, notably Molag Bal and later Mehrunes Dagon, joined by her two comrades, Methats and Sumeer Jabran.[1][2] She solidified her role in Oblivion as the commander of Spider Daedra. Perthan Vorn and Perthan Serni are both known to serve her.[3][4] She has been known to take the form of a beautiful woman, wearing a gown made of flowing water.[5]


Circa 2E 582, during the Planemeld, Keriayn was the brawler of the trio known as the Dremora Travelers, and were considered the most fearless of their kind in Molag Bal's service[1] and served as generals to his invading forces.[6] They were tasked with protecting Dark Anchors but were slain by the Fighters Guild, and the Anchor was destroyed.[1] A Bretonic staff which they looted during their conquests was recovered from the Dark Anchor's ruins after their defeat, though it later found its way to an named Nomeg Rine who terrorized the Rift.[7]

By the time of the Imperial Simulacrum, Wonshala and her comrades had changed their allegiance to Mehrunes Dagon, and she became the commander of his Spider Daedra. During the invasion of the Battlespire in 3E 398, she sought the artifact Scourge and was willing to trade with the Apprentice for it. The Apprentice gave her Scourge in exchange for a piece of the voidguide, but when she said the keyword 'Equality' the weapon banished her to the Outer Darkness of Oblivion's voidstreams.[8]



  • 1.  Wonshala is depicted as an unspecified Daedra in the form of a woman in Battlespire, where she is described as the "spider chief". ESO depicts her as a standard Dremora.
