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< Morrowind: Places: Strongholds(Redirected from Morrowind:Bumbub gro-Murgol)
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(view on map)
# of Zones 6
Almsivi Intervention Gnisis
Divine Intervention Gnisis
Console Location Code(s)
Valenvaryon, Durz's Hut
Valenvaryon, Gashna's Hut
Valenvaryon, Lambug's Hut
Valenvaryon, Lurog's Hut
Valenvaryon, Propylon Chamber
Valenvaryon, Umug's Hut
Ashlands, [-1,18]

Valenvaryon is a Dunmer stronghold at the north edge of the Ashlands that is home to a colony of Orcs.

The shrine to Malacath

It is one of the ancient strongholds of a brighter time for the Dunmer. Valenvaryon is in the far northern Ashlands, east of the Urshilaku Camp and north of Falasmaryon. There has been no internal access to Valenvaryon for many years, and the original stones used to form the entrance have been broken down and used as huts. The ancient Propylon Chamber, being a magical artifact, appears to have escaped this fate.

The strongholds seem interesting to the traveler, but should be approached very carefully. They have largely been abandoned, but have since generally proved attractive to whatever group feels strong enough to hold them. At last report, Valenvaryon has been taken over by a group of Malacath-worshipping Orcs, most of whom are hostile to all outsiders. In spite of this, there is an excellent alchemist residing at the stronghold, with a complete set of grandmaster Alchemy apparatus.

There are three trainers located in Valenvaryon, including the Master Trainer in Alchemy. The master trainer, Abelle Chriditte, also provides major training in Conjuration and Mysticism. The other two trainers are Lambug gra-Lurn and Snaglak gro-Yak. While both are hostile, if they are successfully calmed or snuck up on, they will happily provide service. They both offer minor training in Acrobatics, Light Armor, and Sneak.

Valenvaryon has a Propylon Chamber linking to Rotheran and Falasmaryon.



Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Abelle Chriditte   Breton Alchemist Service 25 157 200 100 30 Propylon Chamber Master Trainer; Merchant
Bumbub gro-Murgol   Orc Healer 12 91 84 0 100 Outside
Durz gro-Olor   Orc Warrior 12 152 78 0 90 Durz's Hut
Gashna gro-Mogduk   Orc Barbarian 3 67 64 0 90 Gashna's Hut
Grat gra-Sharolg   Orc Warrior 19 208 108 0 90 Lurog's Hut
Kharzug gra-Gat   Orc Warrior 18 202 108 0 100 Outside
Lambug gra-Lurn   Orc Agent 3 58 84 0 90 Lambug's Hut Trainer
Lurog gro-Khagdum   Orc Warrior 15 178 82 0 90 Lurog's Hut
Ogrumbu gro-Bugarn   Orc Knight 9 111 78 0 90 Durz's Hut
Snaglak gro-Yak   Orc Agent 6 73 72 0 90 Umug's Hut Trainer
Umug gro-Mashnar   Orc Knight 15 155 90 0 90 Umug's Hut
Urzul gra-Agum   Orc Warrior 1 57 80 0 100 Outside
Yadba gro-Khash   Orc Knight 12 133 84 0 30 Outside Only non-hostile Orc here
Yam gro-Muzgur   Orc Warrior 6 100 68 0 100 Outside


Map of Valenvaryon