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Morrowind:Damage Health

< Morrowind: Spell Effects
MW-icon-effect-Damage Health.jpg Damage Health
School Destruction
Type Offensive
Base Cost 8
(Click on any item for details)
Magic Weapons
Magic Apparel

Damage Health M points

Permanently lowers the Health of the target by M points. Note that this does not affect maximum health. This is one means of attacking creatures that are resistant to elemental damage such as Fire and Frost, though it is considerably more expensive in terms of casting cost.


  • Another way of obtaining a Damage Health effect is with Absorb Health. Absorb Health spells cost the same amount of magicka as Damage Health, but have the added benefit of restoring your health. When creating enchanted items, Absorb Health is also a far better choice for non-elemental damage.

Related EffectsEdit

Alchemy IngredientsEdit

The following ingredients will produce a Damage Health effect if used together in potions:

* These are first-effect ingredients, so eating them raw will result in a weak dose of the effect.