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Morrowind:Divayth Fyr

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Divayth Fyr (divayth fyr)
(lore page)
Home Town Tel Fyr
Location Hall of Fyr
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 65 Class Sorcerer
Other Information
Health 999 Magicka 999
Alarm 70 Fight 30
Essential Always
Faction(s) None (see notes)
Divayth Fyr

Divayth Fyr is an ancient Dark Elf sorcerer who is the caretaker of the Corprusarium and the only person in the game who can cure your Corprus disease. He is a member of Great House Telvanni, though he generally stays out of House politics. Although he is the oldest and one of the most respected members of the House, he is not a member of the Council, and has no intention of joining. He can be found at the top of Tel Fyr, his personal tower, where he lives with his four "daughters", who refer to themselves as his "wives": Alfe, Beyte, Delte, and Uupse. Divayth later reveals they are actually female clones of himself. He appears to be the oldest mortal character in the game–according to Alfe Fyr, who says that he is 4000 years old.

In addition to his key, Divayth has a full set of Daedric Armor, except the helmet. It is a token of his long life, as well as several ancient artifacts, including Scourge and the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide. His armor contains the only Daedric Pauldrons and the only unenchanted Daedric Cuirass in Vvardenfell. Unfortunately, you cannot directly obtain them from him without a fight. Killing him is an extremely bad idea, as he is essential for a major section of the main quest. Instead, you can acquire them by casting Disintegrate Armor on him repeatedly until they break, casting Calm Humanoid to stop him from attacking you, and pickpocketing the broken armor off him and repairing it, or you can simply kill him once the main quest is completed. This is the only way to acquire a complete set of the armor without both the Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansions installed.

Fyr is also likely to be the second most knowledgeable person in the game, falling just behind Yagrum Bagarn. Along with him, he can teach you about the Dwemer and Corprus Disease. He takes a deep interest in their history, as is evident in his workroom, where you may find many Dwemer artifacts, not to mention the Corprusarium beneath the halls of his tower, which he considers a "hobby". His luxurious care of Yagrum Bagarn, the last living Dwarf, is also a testament to his pursuits.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Summon Flame Atronach, Summon Storm Atronach, Strong Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, Strong Reflect, Command Creature, Command Humanoid, Command Beast, and Dire Weary.

Related QuestsEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Corprus Cure: Find a way to cure the dreaded Corprus disease.

House TelvanniEdit

  • Coded Message: Deliver a coded message to Divayth Fyr in Tel Fyr.

House RedoranEdit

Mages GuildEdit

Official PluginsEdit


  • Greetings:
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Well! What a pleasure! A visitor! An entertaining diversion! Come to consult the great Divayth Fyr? You have the divine disease? Want to plunder the dungeon? Or leer at my daughters?"
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "You again? A surprise, and a pleasure! Didn't we have a satisfactory chat? Something else you want to know about the divine disease? Eager to plunder the dungeon? Questions about my daughters?"
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Well? Did you get my boots? No boots, no potion...."
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Well? Are you ready to take the potion?"
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Yes, yes, %PCName. You're completely cured. Did you forget something?"
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "Hello, %PCName. How are you doing? Bit of bad news, I'm afraid. The potion doesn't seem to work on others. Tried it on two hopeless cases. Killed them outright. Deader than a garlic snail. But is there anything I can help you with?"
    • "I am surprised. And a bit disappointed. I thought you were the Nerevarine? Why haven't you fulfilled the prophecies? Is something wrong? Did you do something you shouldn't? I've heard rumors that Archcanon Tholer Saryoni, the high priest of the Temple, is desperate, and that he asks that you come speak with him at the High Fane in Vivec City. If there is some problem, maybe you should go talk to Saryoni."
    • [Disposition < 50.] "Not interesting. Sorry. Not your fault, perhaps, but you are not interesting, and I can't waste energy talking to boring people."
    • [Disposition < 50.] "Listen. You are not interesting. No offense, but I don't want to talk to you."
    • "You have killed one of the inmates. I cannot forget what you've done. But I will forgive you."
    • "You have killed someone dear to me. It is a mistake you will not live to regret." Goodbye
    • "Say. That's an interesting Dwemer piece you have there. What can you tell me about it?"
      • Offer the Dwemer artifact as a gift. [Dwemer Coherer has been removed from your inventory.] "A gift? For me? How thoughtful. And shrewd. I suppose you know I am a collector. And that such a gift is bound to please me. I congratulate you on your diplomatic skills. So, why have you tried to butter me up? Come to consult the great Divayth Fyr? You have the divine disease? Want to plunder the dungeon? Or leer at my daughters?"
      • Politely show him the piece, then put it away. "A pity. I can see why you'd want to keep such a lovely relic of Dwemer culture. But now, if you'll excuse me, I have no time for idle chatter."

  • Alfe Fyr: "Alfe Fyr is the sharpest of my girls, in wit and tongue. Gets on my nerves, sometimes, but conflict is the spice of life."
  • Beyte Fyr: "Beyte Fyr is the sweet one. Eager to please, and be pleased. An excellent cook, and a lovely singing voice."
  • coded message:
    • "A message from Master Aryon? Yes, I will accept this message."
      • Give him the message.
        • [Message from Master Aryon has been removed from your inventory.] "Please wait here while I read this. In just a minute I will write a reply."
          • Wait. [Response from Divayth Fyr has been added to your inventory.] "Here. Take this back to Mouth Galos Mathendis. Tell him that I must reject his master's thoughtful proposal."
    • "I gave you the response to Master Aryon's request. I will not change my answer."
      • Nevermind. "You came here to tell me that you had a message from Master Aryon, but you will not give it to me? House Telvanni tolerates madness among some of the more... advanced members, but not among those as young as you."
  • corprus disease:
    • "I'm sorry. The divine disease can't be cured. And the Temple will demand that you be imprisoned here in my Corprusarium, to protect the health of others. A pity. You had better put your affairs in order. The course of the disease varies. Sometimes it's rapid, sometimes very slow. I would hurry, if I were you. Now, excuse me." Goodbye
    • [Disposition ≥ 50.] "How interesting. Did you know that corprus makes you immune to disease? Have you ever heard of the prophecies of the Nerevarine? Ashlanders say the Nerevarine will be immune to disease. I've always thought, "Maybe I have the Nerevarine down in my Corprusarium, and I don't even know it." Hah. Hah. The Nerevarine is a fat, disgusting corprus monster, and mad as a marsh rat. Wouldn't that be funny?"
      • Explain that you may fulfill the Nerevarine prophecies. "That's a fascinating story you tell. So. You might be the Nerevarine. Means nothing, of course. Corprus victims have all sorts of delusions. But... let me think..." Continue "I've got a potion. In theory, it should cure corprus. Doesn't work, though. Probably kill you. Killed all my test subjects. But you've got nothing to lose. Before I give it to you, I want you to look around below in the Corprusarium. Know what's in store if you don't take the potion. And while you're there, I want you to pick up a pair of boots from a victim, calls himself Yagrum Bagarn. My oldest patient. Handy fellow, fixes things for me. Bring the boots back, and then you can have the potion."
      • Tell him you know nothing about the Nerevarine prophecies "Nerevarine prophecies. Just Ashlander superstitions. Or maybe not. Never can tell where prophecy and Azura are concerned. Hmm. Let me think..." Continue "I've got a potion. In theory, it should cure corprus. Doesn't work, though. Probably kill you. Killed all my test subjects. But you've got nothing to lose. Before I give it to you, I want you to look around below in the Corprusarium. Know what's in store if you don't take the potion. And while you're there, I want you to pick up a pair of boots from a victim, calls himself Yagrum Bagarn. My oldest patient. Handy fellow, fixes things for me. Bring the boots back, and then you can have the potion."
    • "Yes, yes. I know. You've got corprus disease. But did you get the boots I sent you to get? Because I'm not giving you any potion until you've given me the boots." Goodbye
    • "See? No more symptoms. Amazing. A bit surprised, myself."
  • Corprusarium: "I collect victims of the divine disease in my Corprusarium in the caverns beneath my tower. Poor devils. Wretched existence. Constant pain. Ferocious appetites and passions. No reason at all. Mad as marsh rats. But marvelous, too, in their way. Completely immune to disease. Live forever, barring accidents. Ancient wizards need projects to keep them occupied, and the Corprusarium is mine."
  • daughters: "Not bad for someone born in a jar, eh? Charming and talented. Not daughters, really. A little project, a side benefit of my researches into corprus disease. Made them myself, from my own flesh. Nice, aren't they? Alfe Fyr, Beyte Fyr, Delte Fyr, and Uupse Fyr. Quite a comfort to me in my old age. Hah hah."
  • Delte Fyr: "Delte Fyr is the efficient one. Organized and orderly. She acts as our steward, manages accounts, maintains supplies, keeps the tower and Corprusarium running."
  • Delyna Mandas:
    • "Delyna Mandas? I do not recall her name. Many people try to steal from my tower or spy on me or enter the Corprusarium. I cannot be expected to keep track of them all. If you want to look for her, go right ahead."
    • "So you found her? I will not interfere with your escape, but if she returns to my tower, I will not be held responsible."
    • "So you managed to set her free? Why tell me about it?"
  • Dwemer piece:
    • [Providing you didn't give him the Dwemer Coherer in his greeting.] "Oh, yes. I know. You have an interesting Dwemer piece. So what?"
      • Offer the Dwemer artifact as a gift. [Dwemer Coherer has been removed from your inventory.] "A gift? For me? How thoughtful. And shrewd. I suppose you know I am a collector. And that such a gift is bound to please me. I congratulate you on your diplomatic skills. So, why have you tried to butter me up? Come to consult the great Divayth Fyr? You have the divine disease? Want to plunder the dungeon? Or leer at my daughters?"
    • "Thank you for your gift."
      • Politely show him the piece, then out it away. [Disposition -10.] "Are you trying to provoke me? Surely you know I prize and collect such things. It is rude to stimulate my appetites by displaying such things. And I don't have to be polite to rude people." Goodbye
  • Egg of Time: "This is an interesting work. Yagrum Bagarn might be able to tell you more."
  • plunder the dungeon: "When you live for thousands of years, you need a hobby. Something you love, always sparks your interest. I collect treasures, and invite thieves to steal them. I'm a collector, and a sportsman. I collect enchanted items and ancient artifacts. Have quite a few Dwemer pieces. And, as a sportsman, I love letting thieves try to steal my well-guarded treasures. Only a few rules. One, don't hurt the inmates. Two, don't hurt my daughters. My Warden and guards can look out for themselves."
  • potion:
    • "Yes. As I said, go down into the Corprusarium. Find an inmate named Yagrum Bagarn. Get a pair of boots from him. Then bring them back to me, and I'll give you a potion that will cure you of corprus. I think."
    • [Dwemer Boots of Flying has been removed from your inventory.] "The boots first, please. And now, I'll give you the potion, on the following condition; you must drink it here, before my eyes. It should act immediately, and I need to observe you very carefully. Agreed?"
    • [If you refuse to drink the potion the first time.] "So. As I said, I'll give you the potion, on the following condition: you must drink it here, before my eyes. It should act immediately, and I need to observe you very carefully. Agreed?"
      • Yes, give me the potion "Good. Open your mouth, and close your eyes..." Continue "Good. Now swallow... Goodness... Good grief! Look! Look! It's... WORKING!" Continue [Disposition +10.] "Remarkable. Let me check your skin... your eyes... your tongue.... Amazing. I think it worked. No sign of the disease at all. Of course, you still have corprus disease, just like I planned. But all your symptoms are gone. Marvelous. I'll go try it out on some of the more desperate inmates. But I'll answer any questions you have before you go."
    • "It worked, didn't it? Remarkable. Perhaps it will work on the other inmates. I'll have to proceed carefully, of course. You may be an exceptional case."
      • No, I'm not ready. "What? Lost your nerve? Think there might be someone else who can cure your corprus? Very well. Go away, and come back when you're ready to take the potion."
      • No, give me the potion, but let me use it as I please. "No, I' m [sic] sorry. You take it here, before my eyes, or you don't get it. Go away, and come back when you're ready to take the potion." Goodbye
  • the divine disease: "The magical principles of corprus disease are elusive and miraculous, far more subtle and powerful than any conventional sorcery or enchantment. I'm persuaded that it is in some manner the curse or blessing of a god. Perhaps both a curse and a blessing. The victim, of course, cannot appreciate the marvelous nature of corprus. It saps the mind and destroys the body. But to a wizard, it is a profound and glorious mystery, a riddle worth a long lifetime of study."
  • Uupse Fyr: "Uupse Fyr is the girl with the biggest heart. She takes care of the inmates of the Corprusarium, and helps with my researches."
  • Warden: "Vistha-Kai, the Argonian, is my Warden of the Corprusarium. Quite a fighter. Tough as nails. Self-taught. Works out with my daughters, who are no slouches at the martial arts themselves. Vistha-Kai was one of the last of my slaves. Freed him, and he wouldn't leave. Kept him on as a hireling, then made him my partner. Excellent fellow. Fine companion. Not an intellectual, you understand, but good company for me and my daughters."
  • Yagrum Bagarn: "Yagrum Bagarn is my oldest corprus victim. You'll find him in the bowels of the Corprusarium. Interesting case."


  • Divayth Fyr is an honorary member of House Telvanni, but he is not technically a member of the Telvanni faction. This was probably done so that his disposition does not lower if you are a member of one of the rival Houses or factions.
  • Divayth has the most health and is the highest level NPC in the vanilla game.
  • Despite being a reclusive and ancient mage, Divayth Fyr is quite open-minded and holds no animosity against outlanders. Such an attitude is almost unheard of in House Telvanni.
  • He is mentioned in the books The Doors of Oblivion and Varieties of Daedra. Doors of Oblivion lists him as the only known wizard alive who can travel between the realms at will.
  • Divayth also appears in ESO and as a card in Legends.