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Morrowind:Eno Hlaalu

< Morrowind: People
Eno Hlaalu (eno hlaalu)
Home City Vivec, Arena Canton
Location Hidden Area
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 28 Class Assassin
Other Information
Health 227 Magicka 176
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Morag Tong Grandmaster(Grandmaster)
Eno Hlaalu

Eno Hlaalu is the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong. He is the only person who you can speak to if you wish to join the Assassin's Guild. He can be found underneath the Arena in Vivec. Like the lower Masters of the Guild, he will hand out Writs of Execution for you to undertake. In addition, he has some Special Duties for you which the Masters do not. Eno is getting old, and looking to retire from his position. When you reach a high enough rank, he will allow you to challenge him for his position as Grandmaster, or you may let him retire peacefully. If you let him retire, he will disappear once you leave the area, never to be seen again.

He wears a common robe, common shoes and a unique pair of black gloves, and he carries a glass dagger with him. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

When you kill him, he carries all of the Sanguine Items that you delivered to him yet (the first one he always has). It's recommended to kill him just after finishing the questline Threads of the Webspinner to get the unique reward.

Related QuestsEdit

Writs of Execution
Special Duties

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Writ for Feruren OranEdit

When you first enter the Headquarters of the Morag Tong in Vivec and speak with Eno Hlaalu, he will invite you to join the ancient order of assassins:

  • "%PCName, you have found me. If you wish, you may request to join the Morag Tong."
  • join the Morag Tong
    • "The Morag Tong has been watching you, and we are pleased. One of your exceptional talent cannot go unmastered. Join us."
    • Yes, I will join.
      • [Disposition +9; Honorable Writ of Execution has been added to your inventory.] "I will let you join as a probationer. To gain full membership, you must pass a test. Here is a writ for the honorable execution of Feruren Oran. You can find him in the Elven Nations Cornerclub, which is in the Hlaalu Plaza. Slay him honorably and report to me."
    • What do you stand for?
      • "The Morag Tong executes writs and performs special duties as the ruling houses direct. Guild members never harm or steal from any brother or sister - regardless of rank. Never betray our secrets or our identities. If you break any of these rules, you must immediately speak with a Master to regain good standing or you may be targeted for execution. Do you feel you can succeed within these guidelines?"
      • Yes. I wish to bring honor to the Guild.
        • [Disposition +9; Honorable Writ of Execution has been added to your inventory.] "I will let you join as a probationer. To gain full membership, you must pass a test. Here is a writ for the honorable execution of Feruren Oran. You can find him in the Elven Nations Cornerclub, which is in the Hlaalu Plaza. Slay him honorably and report to me."
        • No. I don't want any part of this.
          • [Disposition -10] "You were unwise to have contacted me."
          • Goodbye

After you agree to join the Morag Tong, you can ask Eno Hlaalu some more questions about the topics that you just discussed with him:

  • "Have you killed Feruren Oran? Are you ready to join the Morag Tong?"
  • join the Morag Tong
    • "I have given you the authority to act in the name of the Morag Tong. You are charged with the honorable execution of Feruren Oran. Succeed and join us. Fail and die."
  • Feruran Oran
    • "He may be found at the Elven Nations Cornerclub in the Hlaalu Plaza here in Vivec. Slay him honorably and you may join the Morag Tong."

You may also ask him about the topic "Advancement" before you become an official member of the Morag Tong, although that obviously does not lead to you actually receiving a promotion:

  • Advancement
    • "First you must join the Morag Tong."

Return to Eno Hlaalu after you have killed Feruren Oran to become an official member of the Morag Tong:

  • Feruran Oran
    • "Are you here to report your success? If so, perhaps you can join the Morag Tong."
  • join the Morag Tong
    • "Feruren Oran is dead? Then welcome %PCName, to the Morag Tong. Any Master of the Morag Tong can tell you what writs are available and weather [sic] you are a candidate for advancement. When you have proven yourself, I will have special duties for you."

The two topics that are relevant to this quest remain open after it has been completed. Eno Hlaalu's reactions to your mentioning them are the following:

  • Feruran Oran
    • "Yes, you have slain Feruren Oran. You belong to the Morag Tong."
  • join the Morag Tong
    • "You belong to us already, %PCRank %PCName."

A Contact in the Dark BrotherhoodEdit

If you ask Eno Hlaalu about special duties before you have reached the rank of Thrall within the Morag Tong, he will say the following:

  • special duties
    • "Come back when you have more experience."

Once you have reached become at least a Thrall within the Morag Tong, Eno Hlaalu will deem you ready to receive your first special duty from him:

  • "Yes, %PCRank. You have come to see what writs are open. Or perhaps you want special duties to spread the Night Mother's glory."
  • special duties
    • "The Dark Brotherhood is operating here in Morrowind. I want you to contact the Dark Brotherhood."
    • Dark Brotherhood
      • "The Dark Brotherhood rebelled against the Morag Tong many years ago. Since then they have been our enemy. I want you to speak with Miun-Gei, a Mehrunes Dagon cultist who has an Enchantment shop in the Lower Waistworks of the Foreign Quarter. I believe he knows of a contact in the Dark Brotherhood. When you have taken a name from him, bring that name to me."

If you kill Miun-Gei before you manage to extract the desired information from him, Eno Hlaalu will hint at an alternative menthod to complete the quest:

  • "Were you able to contact the Dark Brotherhood?"
  • Dark Brotherhood
    • "Is Miun-Gei dead? Hm. Try searching his shop. Perhaps you can find some clues there about who his contact was."

As it turns out, a note can be found in Miun-Gei's shop that contains the information which Eno Hlaalu desires. As such, if Miun-Gei is dead, you can still complete the quest by delivering this note to Eno Hlaalu:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • [Disposition +10.] "That is an interesting note you have there. I believe I know this Tsrazami. I will have agents sent to find her if she still lives."

Alternatively, simply ask Miun-Gei (whose disposition needs to be raised high enough for him to give you an answer) about his contact within the Dark Brotherhood and subsequently deliver the information that you gain from him to Eno Hlaalu to finish the quest:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • [Disposition +10.] "So Tsrazami is an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. You have done well. I will send agents to question Tsrazami."

Although the previous two methods are perfectly valid ways to complete the quest, a greater reward can be obtained if you seek out Miun-Gei's contact within the Dark Brotherhood and question her yourself before returning to Eno Hlaalu:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • [Disposition +10. 2 Scrolls of Inasi's Mystic Finger have been added to your inventory. 2 Scrolls of Invisibility have been added to your inventory.] "So Tsrazami is an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. And you have already questioned her yourself. I will certainly be interested in meeting her. At a place and time of my own choosing, of course. Please take these scrolls. I have found them useful at times."

However, if you did speak with Tsrazami but either killed her or failed to persuade her to speak with Eno Hlaalu, he will default to giving you the standard (immaterial) reward for this quest:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • [Disposition +10.] "So Tsrazami was an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. Alas, she left Vvardenfell or is dead. Perhaps we can find another contact."

If you mention the Dark Brotherhood again after you have completed this quest, Eno Hlaalu will say:

  • Dark Brotherhood
    • "We are still at war with the Dark Brotherhood. Do not forget that."

Belt of Sanguine FleetnessEdit

After you have proven your worth by completing the previous special duty, Eno Hlaalu immediately has a second, slightly more involved one available for you:

  • special duties
    • "Many years ago, Black Hands Mephala made a deal with Sanguine for twenty seven tokens she could give to her devoted followers. The Dark Brotherhood stole these tokens from us, but Mephala has arranged for them to return here to Vvardenfell one by one. I want you to bring me one of these tokens, the Belt of Sanguine Fleetness."
    • Sanguine Fleetness
      • "Over the years, the Threads of the Webspinner have found the way into the hands of our enemies. By Mephala's subtle manipulations, all these Threads shall return to us. Hrordis has this belt. She is a Nord, a Sorceress, and a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Find her in Pelagiad at the Halfway Inn. Return the belt to me."

Return to Eno Hlaalu after you have completed your trip to Pelagiad (and relieved Hrordis of her belt and, probably, her life) to either finish the quest or to upset Eno Hlaalu by refusing to give the belt to him:

  • "Have you found the Belt of Sanguine Fleetness?"
  • Sanguine Fleetness
    • "You have the Belt of Sanguine Fleetness, one of the Threads of the Webspinner. Now then, return the Belt to me so that it may once again be dedicated to Mephala's service."
    • Here it is.
      • [Belt of Sanguine Fleetness has been removed from your inventory.] "The Belt of Sanguine Fleetness will take its place with the rest of the Threads of the Webspinner. Soon all these Threads will be returned to us by the machinations of Mephala, for all Threads lead to her black hands."
    • Keep it.
      • [Disposition -10.] "So. You do not truly care for our cause."

If you mention either the belt again after you have given it to Eno Hlaalu or the one Thread that he already possesses, he will react as follows:

  • Sanguine Fleetness
    • "You have returned the Belt of Sanguine Fleetness, but this is only one of the Threads of the Webspinner."
  • Sanguine Enterprise
    • "The amulet of Sanguine Enterprise is one of the threads of the Webspinner. I already have this thread. Perhaps you will find other threads. When you do, bring them to me."'

Ultimatum for Movis DarysEdit

For your third special task, Eno Hlaalu wants you to try and persuade a Dark Brotherhood agent to join the Morag Tong:

  • special duties
    • "Sometimes an agent of the Dark Brotherhood is honorable enough to join the Morag Tong. One such candidate has come to my attention. I want you to speak with Movis Darys."
    • Movis Darys
      • "Movis Darys is in the Mages Guild in Ald'ruhn. He is posing as a student in the Imperial school there. Speak with him and if you cannot convince him to join our cause, end his life. He is not like the others in the Dark Brotherhood. If you must kill him, make sure his death is honorable."

If Movis Darys is already dead by the time that Eno Hlaalu gives you this task, the quest will come to a quick and lackluster end:

  • Movis Darys
    • "Movis Darys is already dead? Did you know he was a member of the Dark Brotherhood? Well, perhaps next time you should not be so hasty in your judgements. As long as his execution was honorable, I am not displeased."

Otherwise, it does not matter for the reward whether you convince Movis Darys to betray the Dark Brotherhood or simply kill him instead:

  • "Will Movis Darys join us?"
  • Movis Darys
    • [If he joined the Morag Tong. Disposition +10. 1000 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "So Movis Darys has agreed to join us. Good. I shall pay you as if you had executed a Writ on Movis Darys. Take these 1000 drakes."
    • [If he is dead. Disposition +10. 1000 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "So Movis Darys is dead. It is unfortunate, but if he wouldn't join us... In any case, I shall pay you as if this was a Writ. Take these 1000 drakes with my gratitude."

If you mention Movis Darys's name again after you have completed this quest, Eno Hlaalu will react as follows:

  • Movis Darys
    • [If he joined the Morag Tong.] "Movis Darys has agreed to join the Morag Tong. He will be our eyes and ears in the Dark Brotherhood."
    • [If he is dead.] "Movis Darys is dead, %PCName. There is no more to discuss."

Ultimatum for CarecalmoEdit

Your fourth special duty sees you continuing your efforts to undermine the Dark Brotherhood in Vvardenfell:

  • special duties
    • "Worshippers of Mehrunes Dagon here in Morrowind are sheltering members of the Dark Brotherhood. I want you to speak with one of these cultists, Carecalmo, and give him an ultimatum."
    • Carecalmo
      • "Carecalmo can be found in Ashalmimilkala. When you speak to him, give him this ultimatum: Stop protecting the Dark Brotherhood or the Morag Tong will declare private war on all cultists of Mehrunes Dagon."
      • Ashalmimilkala
        • "It is a Daedric ruin on an island on the west coast of Vvardenfell. Go to Hla Oad and head on the road north until you reach the Stronghold of Hlormaren. When you do, head west to the coast and then south until you see bridges leading to an island. Ashalmimilkala is on that island."

As with the previous special duty, you will forego any rewards but the usual increase in faction reputation if you kill Carecalmo before accepting this quest from Eno Hlaalu:

  • ultimatum
    • "You have already cleansed Ashalmimilka of the Mehrunes Dagon cultists? Then a private war against the Dark Brotherhood and their allies in the cult of Mehrunes Dagon is our fate."

Since it is impossible to convince Carecalmo to accept the ultimatum, you will have to report the High Elf's death to Eno Hlaalu in order to complete this quest:

  • "What did Carecalmo say to our ultimatum?"
  • ultimatum
    • [Disposition +10. 1000 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "So Carecalmo refused to speak with you. Very well. We shall crush the Dark Brotherhood and their allies in the cult of Mehrunes Dagon. Take these 1000 drakes for the execution of Carecalmo."

If you mention the topic again after the quest has been completed, Eno Hlaalu will say:

  • ultimatum
    • "Carecalmo is dead. There is nothing more to discuss."

Ring of Sanguine Sublime WisdomEdit

Speak with Eno Hlaalu again to learn that he has heard of yet another Sanguine Item in Morrowind, which he (naturally) wants you to retrieve for him:

Return to Eno Hlaalu after obtaining the ring to finish the quest:

  • "Have you found the Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom?"
  • Sanguine Sublime Wisdom
    • "So you have found the Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom. Is it time for this ring to be reunited with its brothers in Mephala's service?"
    • Yes, here it is.
      • [Disposition +10. Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom has been removed from your inventory.] "So the Threads return to us one by one."
    • No.
      • [Disposition -10.] "So your true loyalties shine through. Rest assured that the Morag Tong will have all the Threads of the Webspinner very soon."

If you mention the ring again after you have given it to Eno Hlaalu, he will say:

  • Sanguine Sublime Wisdom
    • "You have returned the Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom."

Execute Durus MariusEdit

The sixth special duty only becomes available after you have become a Master within the Morag Tong. If you ask Eno Hlaalu about special duties before then, he will respond as follows:

  • special duties
    • "I do not have any special duties for you, %PCRank, but there may be some Writs for you to execute."

Once you have risen to the rank of Master, Eno Hlaalu will gladly task you with the execution of a high-ranking member of the Dark Brotherhood:

  • special duties
    • "One of the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood here in Vvardenfell is Durus Marius. He and his followers have retreated to Assernerairan."
    • Assernerairan
      • "Assernerairan is in the Underworks of the St. Olms Canton here in Vivec City. Find this foul place and honorably execute Durus Marius, the leader of these Mehrunes Dagon cultists."

Should you have already killed Durus Marius before Eno Hlaalu asked you to do so, Eno Hlaalu will be pleased, but apparently not quite enough for him to give the tangible reward that you would otherwise have received:

  • Assernerairan
    • [Disposition +20.] "So you have already honorably executed Durus Marius. I am pleased that you brought our justice to him as soon as you found him."

Else, return to Eno Hlaalu after the deed is done to receive his thanks along with some gold:

  • "How goes the fight in Assernerairan?"
  • Assernerairan
    • [Disposition +20. 2000 Gold has been added to your inventory.] "So Durus Marius is dead and the cult in Assernerairan has been crushed. Please take these 2000 drakes as if this were a Writ of Execution."

If you mention the shrine again after the quest has been completed, Eno Hlaalu will say:

  • Assernerairan
    • "Durus Marius is dead. There is no more to discuss."

Execute Severa MagiaEdit

As you have proven to be quite adept at disposing of Dark Brotherhood members and Mehrunes Dagon cultists thus far, Eno Hlaalu finds you worthy of performing the special duty of executing the leader of the Dark Brotherhood in Vvardenfell:

  • special duties
    • "Many have fought in our private war against the Dark Brotherhood and the cult of Mehrunes Dagon. Now the Night Mother of the Dark Brotherhood in Vvardenfell has fled to the ruins of Ald Sotha."
    • Ald Sotha
      • "Ald Sotha is northeast of Vivec. Somewhere in Ald Sotha you will find Severa Magia, the Night Mother of the Dark Brotherhood in Vvardenfell. Slay her and return to me."

Somewhat uniquely for a Morag Tong quest, the reward that you receive is the same regardless of whether you killed your target before receiving the actual quest. If you slew Severa Magia in advance, Eno Hlaalu will say:

  • Ald Sotha
    • [Disposition +20. Black Hands Dagger has been added to your inventory.] "The Night Mother is already dead? You have done well, %PCName. This ritual dagger has been passed from one Grandmaster to another for years. I believe you are the one who should wield it now and darken its blade with blood."

Else, he will say:

  • "Have the leaders of the Dark Brotherhood met their end in Ald Sotha?"
  • Ald Sotha
    • [Disposition +20. Black Hands Dagger has been added to your inventory.] "The Night Mother is no more. You have done well, %PCName. This ritual dagger has been passed from one Grandmaster to another for years. I believe you are the one who should wield it now and darken its blade with blood."

Mentioning Ald Sotha again after this quest has been completed evokes the following reaction from Eno Hlaalu:

  • Ald Sotha
    • "The Dark Brotherhood can no longer hide from us in Ald Sotha."

Alternatively, if you have been expelled from the Morag Tong, he will say:

  • Ald Sotha
    • "You have been expelled from the Morag Tong. In this [sic] dangerous times, I am not sure if you can make amends and regain my trust."

Threads of the WebspinnerEdit

During the quest Belt of Sanguine Fleetness, Eno Hlaalu tells you about the Sanguine Items. Whenever you find such an item, you can bring it back to the Morag Tong Headquarters in Vivec and mention its name to Eno Haalu, which prompts him to ask you whether you wish to hand it over to him. Excluding the few Threads that are related to other special duties, the items can be split into six categories based on the response that he gives you if you mention their name to him. In the overview below, one representative has been chosen per category:

  • "I see you have the Belt of Sanguine Balanced Armor, one of the Threads of the Webspinner that Mephala dedicated to our cause long ago. Will you return this Thread to the custody of the Morag Tong?"
  • "You have in your possession the Belt of Sanguine Deep Biting, one of Mephala's Threads. Will you deliver the belt back to the service of the Morag Tong?"
  • "So you have the Ring of Sanguine Fluid Evasion. Will you deliver this ring to Mephala's service?"
  • "So you have found the Amulet of Sanguine Glib Speech. Is it time for this Amulet to be reunited with its brothers in Mephala's service?"
  • " You have the Belt of Sanguine Hewing, one of the Threads of the Webspinner. Return the Belt to me and it shall once again be dedicated to Mephala's service."
  • "So you have found the Belt of Sanguine Martial Craft, another Thread of the Webspinner. Are you ready to return the belt to Mephala's black hands?"

Regardless of the item that you have mentioned to Eno Hlaalu, you now have to choose between two responses, namely Yes, here it is. and No.. If you choose the prior response, Eno Hlaalu's disposition will increase by 10 and he will take the item from you. He will also make a remark, the precise wording of which depends on the category that the item belongs to (note that, although the categories remain the same as before, there appear to be less because some have the same response as others for this dialogue option):

  • "The threads of the Webspinner return to us one by one."
  • "So the Threads return to us one by one."
  • "The Belt of Sanguine Hewing will take its place with the rest of the Threads of the Webspinner. Soon all these Threads will be returned to us by the machinations of Mephala, for all Threads lead to her black hands."
  • "Thus do Mephala's Threads return to us one by one."

Else, his disposition towards you will decrease by 10 and he will have some choice words for you:

  • "If you do not return this Thread, how can I be sure where your true loyalties lie?"
  • "How can I trust you if you will not do this one simple favor in Mephala's dark name?"
  • "Are you loyal to the Morag Tong? Sometimes I wonder."'
  • "So your true loyalties shine through. Rest assured that the Morag Tong will have all the Threads of the Webspinner very soon."
  • "So you do not truly care for our cause."
  • "So you do not truly believe in our cause. I shall remember this."

If the item that you return to Eno Hlaalu is the final missing Thread, Eno Hlaalu's disposition will increase by 25 instead of by 10. Moreover, he will have some special dialogue for you and will reward you with a special power:

  • "With this, you have returned all the Threads of the Webspinner to the Morag Tong. You will be blessed by Mephala's skill."
  • "With this belt, you have returned all the Threads of the Webspinner to the Morag Tong. You will be blessed by Mephala's skill."
  • "With the return of the Glove of Sanguine Swiftblade, all the Threads of Webspinner have been returned to the Morag Tong. Mephala will bless you with a portion of her skills."

If you mention a Thread that has already been turned in to him, he will say (for instance):

Finally, Eno Hlaalu will always use the same dialogue to ask you if you want to give a Thread to him if you are expelled while mentioning its name to him:

  • "You have been expelled from the Morag Tong... But I see you have one of the Threads of the Webspinner. Will you return this Thread?"


As soon as you have risen to the rank of Exalted Master within the Morag Tong and have dealt with Severa Magia, Eno Hlaalu will suggest that you may succeed him as the order's leader:

  • "Someday you may replace me as the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong."
  • Advancement
    • "You have advanced as far as you can without challenging me, the Grandmaster."
  • special duties
    • "You have the talent and the drive to be the new Grandmaster."
    • Grandmaster
      • "Traditionally, the Grandmaster of the Morag Tong is honorably executed by the new Grandmaster. You can certainly fight me if you think you can win... But I am tired. If you allow me to retire peacefully, I will name you the new Grandmaster. No one will question our word."
      • Allow him to retire.
        • "So be it. I will leave here soon. You are the new Grandmaster of the Morag Tong. Always watch for the Dark Brotherhood, for I am sure they will soon try to regain what you have taken from them here."
      • Slay him.
        • "So be it."
        • Goodbye.

Should you decide to spare Eno Hlaalu, you can speak with him as long as you haven't left the Headquarters yet (at which point he leaves for good):

  • "What can I do for you, %PCRank?"
  • Grandmaster
    • "Yes, I will retire soon. You are the Grandmaster."
  • special duties
    • "You're the Grandmaster now, %PCName."


  • Eno Hlaalu belongs to the Hlaalu family, which has their own ancestral tomb.