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< Morrowind: Places: Cities & Towns / Forts
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Alignment: Imperial
Region: Ascadian Isles

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

  • Pelagiad
The town and fort of Pelagiad

Pelagiad is a farming town near the southern shore of Lake Amaya. After Vvardenfell was opened for settlement in 3E 414, the Empire built Fort Pelagiad to guard the roads between Vivec, Seyda Neen, Balmora, and points north. Legion veterans began to build farms around the fort, and several shops were set up as the town grew. The town now boasts a tavern, trader, and blacksmith, and is noted for its Western architecture resembling that of a High Rock town.

The FortEdit

Angoril is the ranking officer of the Imperial Legion, but you won't get any orders here. You can join the Imperial Cult by talking to Ygfa, who can be found in a back room. She sells potions, ingredients and spells, including the most powerful version of Turn Undead. Shadbak gra-Burbug is the Legion smith.

The TownEdit

Drelasa Ramothran offers sundries and beds at the Halfway Tavern. If you are male, Ahnassi can become a special friend. Ladia Flarugrius offers services, but only to members of the Thieves Guild. Hrordis has a nasty temper and an enchanted belt. Across from the tavern is the trader Mebestian Ence. Next door, the Armorer Uulernil is a Blacksmith with a good selection of projectiles.

Getting There and AroundEdit

There is no fast-travel except through intervention. Seyda Neen, with its Silt Strider service, is not too far to the southwest.

Places of Interest Around PelagiadEdit

  • Dren Plantation is straight east.
  • There are a number of bandit caves scattered around the shores of the lakes near the town. The smuggler hideout of Mannammu is just to the south on the shore of Lake Hairan, the slaver hideout of Panat is on a small peninsula directly north of the Fort, and the smugglers cave of Punammu may be found on the shore of a small cove to the east.

Related QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit

Imperial CultEdit

Mages GuildEdit

Morag TongEdit

Thieves GuildEdit



  • The Almsivi Intervention is split here; depending on where you are in town, you'll reach either Balmora or Vivec High Fane.


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Adanja   Khajiit Pilgrim 10 96 100 0 0 Adanja's House
Ahnassi   Khajiit Monk Service Thieves Guild Toad(Toad) 9 106 23 100 30 Halfway Tavern Trainer
Angoril   High Elf Master-at-Arms Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 7 97 110 0 0 Fort Pelagiad Trainer
Dralas Gilu   Dark Elf Rogue 10 110 24 0 30 [0,-7]
Drelasa Ramothran   Dark Elf Publican 8 71 122 100 30 Halfway Tavern Merchant
Erval   Wood Elf Commoner 10 88 100 0 0 Erval's House
Farusea Salas   Dark Elf Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 [0,-7]
Hrordis   Nord Sorcerer 15 121 148 0 40 Halfway Tavern
Junal-Lei   Argonian Acrobat 10 97 94 0 0 [-1,-7]
Kunthar   Nord Barbarian 7 98 70 0 30 [0,-7]
Ladia Flarugrius   Imperial Savant Service Thieves Guild Footpad(Footpad) 7 70 122 100 30 Halfway Tavern Trainer; Merchant
Madres Navur   Dark Elf Acrobat 10 102 94 0 0 Madres Navur's House
Mebestian Ence   Breton Trader Service 10 94 128 100 30 Mebestien Ence: Trader Merchant
Morbash gro-Shagdub   Orc Warrior 3 74 64 0 30 Fort Pelagiad, South Wall
Murberius Harmevus   Imperial Warrior 10 127 94 0 30 Murberius Harmevus' House
Nelos Onmar   Dark Elf Rogue 12 111 98 0 30 Halfway Tavern
New-Shoes Bragor   Wood Elf Thief Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 9 71 106 0 30 Fort Pelagiad, South Wall
Samia   Wood Elf Sorcerer 10 81 144 0 30 Halfway Tavern
Shadbak gra-Burbug   Orc Smith Imperial Legion Spearman(Spearman) 12 147 98 100 30 Fort Pelagiad Blacksmith; Merchant
Uulernil   High Elf Smith 10 119 114 100 30 Uulernil : Armorer Blacksmith; Merchant
Yakum Hairshashishi   Dark Elf Rogue 4 59 84 90 30 Halfway Tavern Ashlander with dialogue about Blight storms and soul sickness.
Ygfa   Nord Healer Service Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 7 69 74 100 30 Fort Pelagiad Spell Merchant; Merchant



  • An activator containing a script for Nels Llendo was accidentally placed too high, and the label reading "Nels Llendo Scriptholder" can be seen if one looks directly at the ground in front of the Halfway Tavern.