Morrowind:Sanguine Items
< Morrowind: Items(Redirected from Morrowind:Ring of Sanguine Golden Wisdom)Eno Hlaalu of the Morag Tong is seeking these 27 items for the Threads of the Webspinner quest. With the exception of the Amulet of Sanguine Enterprise, which he already has, you will be sent to find the rest of them and complete his collection. There is one item for every skill in the game, and each of these items fortifies that skill by 5 points as a constant effect.
The name refers to the Daedric Prince Sanguine, who made the items for Mephala to give them to his worshippers, the Morag Tong.
Item | Base Item | Enchantment (Constant Effect) | ||||
Amulet of Sanguine Enterprise sanguineamuletenterprise |
Extravagant Ruby Amulet | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Mercantile 5 pts on Self | ||
Worn by Eno Hlaalu, Grandmaster of the Morag Tong. | ||||||
Amulet of Sanguine Glib Speech sanguineamuletglibspeech |
Expensive Amulet | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Speechcraft 5 pts on Self | ||
Carried by Shotherra at Thongar's Tradehouse in Khuul. | ||||||
Amulet of Sanguine Nimble Armor sanguineamuletnimblearmor |
Extravagant Sapphire Amulet | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Light Armor 5 pts on Self | ||
Carried by Severa Magia in Ald Sotha.
Item | Base Item | Enchantment (Constant Effect) | |||
Belt of Sanguine Balanced Armor sanguinebeltbalancedarmor |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Medium Armor 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Relas Arothan in Assernerairan. | |||||
Belt of Sanguine Deep Biting sanguinebeltdeepbiting |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Axe 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Relas Arothan in Assernerairan. | |||||
Belt of Sanguine Denial sanguinebeltdenial |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Block 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Movis Darys at the Mages Guild in Ald'ruhn.
Belt of Sanguine Fleetness sanguinebeltfleetness |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Athletics 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Hrordis at the Halfway Tavern in Pelagiad.
Belt of Sanguine Hewing sanguinebelthewing |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Long Blade 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Durus Marius in Assernerairan. | |||||
Belt of Sanguine Impaling Thrus [sic] sanguinebeltimpaling |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Spear 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Gluronk gra-Shula at the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora. | |||||
Belt of Sanguine Martial Craft sanguinebeltmartialcraft |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Armorer 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Carecalmo in Ashalmimilkala.
Belt of Sanguine Smiting sanguinebeltsmiting |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Blunt Weapon 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Domba in Ald Daedroth. | |||||
Belt of Sanguine Stolid Armor sanguinebeltstolidarmor |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Heavy Armor 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Mindeli Saren in Yasammidan. | |||||
Belt of Sanguine Sureflight sanguinebeltsureflight |
Extravagant Belt | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Marksman 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Durus Marius in Assernerairan. |
Item | Base Item | Enchantment (Constant Effect) | |||
Glove of Sanguine Horny Fist sanguinerglovehornyfist |
Extravagant Right Glove | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Hand-to-hand 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Guril Retheran at The Flowers of Gold in Vivec. | |||||
Glove of Sanguine Safekeeping sanguinelglovesafekeeping |
Extravagant Left Glove | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Security 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Inganar in Ularradallaku. | |||||
Glove of Sanguine Swiftblade sanguinergloveswiftblade |
Extravagant Right Glove | 1.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Shortblade 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Severa Magia in Ald Sotha.
Item | Base Item | Enchantment (Constant Effect) | |||
Ring of Sanguine Fluid Evasion sanguineringfluidevasion |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Unarmored 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Severa Magia in Ald Sotha.
Ring of Sanguine Golden Wisdom sanguineringgoldenw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Alteration 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Talis Veran in Ebernanit. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Green Wisdom sanguineringgreenw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Restoration 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Gnaw Tooth in Ald Daedroth. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Red Wisdom sanguineringredw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Destruction 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Llandrale Varam in Ald Sotha. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Silver Wisdom sanguineringsilverw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Illusion 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Earmil in Assurnabitashpi. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Sublime Wisdom sanguineringsublimew |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Alchemy 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Anel Rethelas in Yasammidan. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Transcendence sanguineringtranscendw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Conjuration 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Llandrale Varam in Ald Sotha. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Transfiguring sanguineringtransfigurw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Enchant 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Llandrale Varam in Ald Sotha. | |||||
Ring of Sanguine Unseen Wisdom sanguineringunseenw |
Extravagant Ring | 0.1 | 1,500 | Fortify Mysticism 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Erundil in Indoranyon. |
Item | Base Item | Enchantment (Constant Effect) | |||
Shoes of Sanguine Leaping sanguineshoesleaping |
Extravagant Shoes | 3.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Acrobatics 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Dro'Zaymar in Vivec, St. Delyn Canal South-Three. | |||||
Shoes of Sanguine Stalking sanguineshoesstalking |
Extravagant Shoes | 3.0 | 1,500 | Fortify Sneak 5 pts on Self | |
Carried by Thovasi Alen in Assarnatamat. |