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Morrowind:Tarvyn Faren

< Morrowind: People / Merchants
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Tarvyn Faren (tarvyn faren)
Home City Vivec
Location [3,-9]
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 12 Class Trader
Gold 250 Mercantile Journeyman (41)
Other Information
Health 106 Magicka 116
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Follower During Escort Tarvyn Faren
Faction(s) House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman)
Tarvyn Faren

Tarvyn Faren is a Dark Elf trader who can be found just outside the northern gate of Vivec waiting for an escort to take him to Pelagiad. He is a merchant, but has nothing of particular value to sell.

Related QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Escort Tarvyn FarenEdit

  • "You here to take me to Pelagiad? Tell me when you're ready to travel together."
  • travel together
    • "Should I keep following you to the Halfway Tavern in Pelagiad?"
      • Follow me.
        • "Take me to the Halfway Tavern in Pelagiad."
      • Wait here.
        • "Okay. I will stay here."
  • Pelagiad
    • "It's not a large town, but I do a lot of business in Pelagiad, especially in imported Imperial furnishings. It's almost an Imperial town and quite friendly to House Hlaalu."
  • Tarvyn Falen

After you bring him to the Halfway Tavern, he will audibly thank you. Speaking to him again:

  • "Well, I'm here in Pelagiad. You better tell Edryno Arethi that I made it here safely."
  • travel together
    • "Not right now, I need to sell my goods here in Pelagiad. Thanks to you, everyone will know the name Tarvyn Faren as a trader who can reach his customers even with all the troubles for House Hlaalu."
  • Tarvyn Faren
    • "Thanks to you, everyone will know the name Tarvyn Faren as a trader who can reach his customers even with all the troubles for House Hlaalu."
  • troubles for House Hlaalu
    • "Well, the Blight spreading, House Redoran threatening war over the ebony trade. No one wants to do business in times like this."
  • ebony trade
    • "We had a good deal going on with Caldera, but then House Redoran opened their traditional mines for trade with the Empire. Even the Ashlanders have been sneaking across the ghost fence to a mine there and trying to sell ebony."
  • Pelagiad
    • "The Empire built a little fort here to guard the roads between Vivec, Seyda Neen, Balmora, and points north. And then some veterans took their mustering-out pay and built themselves some little farms here. And pretty soon there's a few shops and a tradehouse. It's a pleasant little village. If you didn't know better, you'd think you were in Daggerfall or some other High Rock town."


  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell him something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
Item Qty
Extravagant Pants 1
Extravagant Shirt 1
Extravagant Shoes 1
Plate 12


  • According to the Construction Set, Tarvyn is also the owner of a Pack Guar. However, it doesn't appear anywhere in the game.
  • Tarvyn Faren is the only follower NPC who is also a merchant. Because of this, he is the only follower NPC who can be equipped with weapons, armor and items you give him, other than Calvus Horatius who can't leave Mournhold during normal gameplay. As a trader, Tarvyn is proficient with blunt weapons, shields and light armor.