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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/A Little Light Wood

< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: AFFresh
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Retrieve some light wood from a daedra for the Seyda Neen lighthouse
Quest Giver: Thavere Vedrano in Seyda Neen
Location(s): Seynda Neen, Pelagiad
Reward: Kwama Miner's Friend
ID: AF_LightWood

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Thavere Vedrano, who is standing in the Seyda Neen lighthouse, about the Seyda Neen Lighthouse.
  2. Talk to the Puzzled Ogrim, a daedra who stands on the shore south of Pelagiad and solve his puzzles.
  3. Find the lightwood in one of the floating chests that appeared nearby.
  4. Give the basket of lightwood to Thavere Vedrano.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Thavere's PleasEdit

In the Seyda Neen lighthouse you'll find Thavere Vedrano. She has run out of light wood for the Lighthouse, and this month's delivery was missed. She asks you to go south of Pelagiad to get some light wood from a daedra by solving his riddle.

Daedra DealingsEdit

Go on the road from Seyda Neen towards Pelagiad, and you will see a puzzled ogrim near the pond by the road. Talk to him about Lord Koxuath's riddle that you need to get the light wood. Be careful, for the riddles are treacherous and require mental fortitude.

Mystery LootboxesEdit

If you manage to correctly answer 3 of the ogrim's riddles, 3 locked floating chests will appear nearby. The left chest is locked for 10, the middle one is locked for 25 and additionally trapped, and the final right chest is locked for 40. Two of the chests are empty, and the basket of lightwood is in the correct chest on the right, the one that is locked for 40. Picking the wrong chest gives you the message "The Ogrim laughs and says, 'Wrong box!' before disappearing." This does not lock you out of also opening the correct chest, but spawns 8 tiny rats. Picking the correct chest gives you the message "The Ogrim says, 'No! Now I don't get to beat you.' Then he disappears.". The basket of lightwood is yours!

Return the basket to Thavere who prepared a gift for you in the shape of an enchanted belt.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Little Light Wood (AF_LightWood)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Thavere Vedrano, the lighthouse keeper in Seyda Neen, sent me to look for some light wood for the lighthouse. Allegedly, there is a daedra of some sort south of Pelagiad who claims to have some light wood.
50 I listened to the Ogrim's 'riddle' and now have to pick which chest to open.
70 I killed the Ogrim and three chests appeared. Maybe they are part of the riddle?
100 Finishes quest  Thavere thanked me for finding some light wood and gave me a kwama miner's belt.