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The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
The Assassin's Conscience (AF_ShannatsConscience)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Shannat Pansamsi at the Balmora Morag Tong said I dropped something and handed me a letter. It appears to be addressed to a 'Sadri' at the Balmora Temple.
Feldrelo Sadri at the Balmora Temple asked me to find out more about Midrethir. He said that this was linked to Shannat's troubled conscience, but did not give any more details.
I was told that Midrethir may have stayed under the bridge to the dwarven ruins to the east of Balmora, past Fort Moonmoth.
I confronted Tappius in Arkngthand and he attacked me.
Tappius Esdrecus told me that he ordered the writ on Midrethir because she sold him out to another gang of smugglers.
I found Tappius' journal, which explains what happened with Midrethir. I should show it to Feldrelo Sadri at the Temple.
Feldrelo Sadri told me to tell Shannat what I learned and that Feldrelo would come visit Shannat soon.
Finishes quest
I gave Feldrelo the letter and am done with the matter.
I told Shannat that Midrethir betrayed Tappius and that Tappius ordered the writ.