Imperial Legion Soldiers defending Fort Sutch
Quick WalkthroughEdit
Note: This quest does not appear in your journal.
- At any time after completing Dagon Shrine, but before completing Light the Dragonfires, travel to Fort Sutch.
- You will find a group of soldiers battling Daedra in front of an Oblivion Gate.
- Help the soldiers defeat the Daedra.
- Close the Oblivion Gate.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Triggering the QuestEdit
Unlike most quests, this does not show up in your journal. The trigger for this quest is the delivery of the Mysterium Xarxes to Martin (part of the Dagon Shrine quest) and the subsequent opening of several Oblivion Gates across Cyrodiil. This particular gate opens at Fort Sutch, which is also the site of a Dark Brotherhood quest, Bad Medicine.
The Path to Fort SutchEdit
Fort Sutch is located north of Anvil. When leaving the main gate of Anvil, travel along the Gold Road until it begins to bear northeast; look for an unmarked road that branches off to your left and continue along it to the north. This road will lead to Lord Drad's Estate. Once you arrive at Lord Drad's Estate, the road will end; head north-northeast and continue through the countryside. As you start down the hillside, you will see the ruins of Fort Sutch and an Oblivion Gate to the northeast.
Events at Fort SutchEdit
When you approach Fort Sutch, you will encounter a group of Imperial Guards - including an Imperial Guard Captain - who will request your assistance in defeating the Daedra pouring out of the nearby Oblivion Gate. The final Daedra you will need to defeat will be a leveled Dremora, who will emerge through the Gate as you approach it. When all the Daedra are defeated, return to the Captain. Speak with him and he will tell you to close the gate if you wish, but informs you that he will be staying at Fort Sutch as per his orders.
The Daedra may be a significant challenge, since they will greatly outnumber the Imperial guards. Eventually, once all the Daedra come swarming out, overwhelming the soldiers, one of the guards will scream "There's too many of them!" or "We've got to fall back!". Remember to come prepared if you want any of the soldiers to live.
An alternative way to deal with the Daedra is to prevent them from spawning in the first place. If you avoid talking to anyone and sneak up on the gate from the east (using Invisibility helps), the Daedra will never go into attack mode. Immediately enter the gate and close it. When you return to the area after closing the gate, the only Daedra that you and the guards should have to face is the leveled Dremora and possibly a stray or two. This approach makes it much easier to keep the guards alive.
The GateEdit
Approach the Oblivion Gate and enter the Planes of Oblivion. You will be transported randomly to one of four Oblivion Planes (specifically Random Oblivion Worlds 2, 3, 4, or 7). Proceed as you have previously, find the appropriate Tower and close the Oblivion Gate.
- A promotional screenshot for the game depicts Imperial Legion Soldiers fighting Daedra in a fort ruin, likely meant to represent this quest, or possibly taken during it. The same screenshot would then be reused for a loading screen artwork as well.
- This quest appears to be heavily influenced by the last portion of Bethesda's E3 showcase for the game, where a random band of Imperial Legion Soldiers fight off a horde of Daedra in a ruined part of Kvatch. The quest reuses a lot of the E3 AI packages for the soldiers and a script called
gets reused as well, although the code within it was seemingly tweaked as it contains no traces of E3 references, only MS94 ones. Additionally, none of the dialogue said by the soldiers during this quest is stored within the quest itself, instead being kept under the "OblivionGateConv" topic of the conversations tab as part of the questMQConversations
. True to its name, this quest normally only stores dialogue used during the Main Quest. Another notable exception kept under the exact same tab is the dialogue used by the Legion soldiers in the E3 demo.
Quest StagesEdit
Attack on Fort Sutch (MS94) | ||
Stage | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
40 - 70 | (Control the various animations.) | |
80 | (Oblivion Gate has been closed.) | |
90 | (Soldiers disappear next time you enter the area.) | |
100 | (You've completed this quest on its own, or you've completed Light the Dragonfires, rendering this quest obsolete.) |
- Notes
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
- It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering
setstage MS94 stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.
Prev: Dagon Shrine | Up: Main Quest | Next: None |