Pinarus Inventius (RefID: 0000BC72) |
Home City | Anvil | ||||
House | Pinarus Inventius' House | ||||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male | ||
Level | 20 | Class | Hunter | ||
RefID | 0000BC72 | BaseID | 0000A29D | ||
Services | |||||
Available | 6am-12pm, 2pm-6pm, 8pm-12am every day
Training | ![]() ![]() |
Other Information | |||||
Health | 144 | Magicka | 127 | ||
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 5 | ||
Essential | Always | ||||
Faction(s) | Anvil - Inventius family; Anvil Citizen |

Pinarus Inventius is an Imperial hunter living in Anvil with his wife Astia. He offers advanced training in marksman and can thus point you in the right direction to receive master training. He is reputed to be the most experienced huntsman in town, and you will need his expertise to track down and kill four mountain lions during the A Rat Problem quest.
Pinarus is equipped with a leveled set of heavy armor consisting of the cuirass, greaves, gauntlets, shield, and boots. He is armed with a leveled longsword and carries a spare light armored shield with him. He also has a set of lower-class clothing consisting of a shirt with suspenders, breeches and a pair of rough leather shoes. He also carries his house key.
Even though he lives in the busy harbor town of Anvil, he is still a woodsman at heart and divides his time between Astia and hunting in the wilderness. He wakes up at 6am and spends the morning relaxing on the second floor of his house and chatting with his wife. At midday, he eats a two hour lunch before he heads off for his daily hunting trip. He will go out to the crossroads outside the city gate, and stand there looking for potential prey for three hours. He leaves the spot at 5pm, heads home and arrives at his house just in time for his 6pm dinner. Once full, he leaves the table at 8pm and spends the rest of the evening on the second floor until his bedtime at midnight. He will offer training at all times, except when eating or sleeping.
Related QuestsEdit
- A Rat Problem: Azzan in Anvil wants you to see Arvena Thelas regarding a rat problem in her basement.
- Marksman Training: A master marksman wants your equipment to be up to scratch before she will train you.
A Rat ProblemEdit
During this early Fighters Guild quest, Arvena Thelas will point you in his direction to tackle the predator problem afflicting her pet rats:
- "A mountain lion? In my basement? But... how? That's not possible. But, it happened! What if there are more? What if it wasn't alone? Where there's one, there will be more. Find Pinarus Inventius. He's a hunter, and knows this area inside and out. He'll know what to do."
When you mention the problem to him, he will be surprised:
- "Mountain lions? Here? Odd. If they're around, I can find them. Come with me. A hunt will do us good, and maybe make that old nut feel better."
He will then set off and take you to a small grassy area surrounded by rocks, just northwest of the Horse Whisperer Stables. Talking to him while en route will net you:
- "Let's see if we can't find those mountain lions."
When you arrive at the spot, he will fill you in on the situation:
- "If they're out here, they'll be in this area. I can't imagine there are more than four of them. Let's take care of this."
Once there, he will fight the lions alongside you, and afterwards, he will stay alert in the area until you complete the quest. During this stage, he will not offer any training. If you speak to him, he will suggest heading back to Arvena:
- "I think that'll be all of them. Can't imagine more in this area. You can go tell Arvena this is all taken care of. Good hunting."
Marksman TrainingEdit
As an advanced trainer, Pinarus can provide you with the necessary reference for the Marksman Master Training quest once your marksman skill level reaches 70:
- "You're very good with a bow. It's a shame I can't help you any more. If we were better friends, I might be able to give you one last piece of advice." (if Disposition is below 80)
- "There's only one last thing I can say about Marksman training. If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. And the best I've ever seen is an Archer named Alawen. Not sure where she is now; last I heard, she had a camp east of Anvil, out in the forest."
When you meet him for the first time, he will introduce himself and his passions in life:
- "Pinarus Inventius, hunter, woodsman, and marksman, at your service."
- Anvil
- "Plenty of deer, wolf, boar, mountain lion, bear in the county. Just need to know where to look for 'em."
Once you have read Modern Heretics or spoken with Ulene Hlervu about Cheydinhal, he will be able to mark Malacath's Shrine on your map:
- Daedra shrines
- "I saw a big statue of Malacath, west of Fort Sutch, west of the Gold Road to Hammerfell. Looked like Daedra worshippers to me."
His huntsman skills haven't gone unnoticed among the townsfolk of Anvil:
- "Pinarus Inventius is quite the hunter. He can track about anything, and he's deadly with his bow."
- "I saw that Pinarus Inventius was out hunting again. He can shoot a bird on the wing without really trying."
To which others will respond:
- "Pinarus is an impressive tracker. I'd like to see if he can teach me a bit about using a bow."
- "You could learn a lot from Pinarus."
Speak to his wife and she will suggest an ulterior motive for his hunting:
- "Astia Inventius. Wife of the woodsman, Pinarus Inventius. Always out hunting. Anything to avoid doing a little work around the house."
- At some point was unfaithful to his wife and became a victim of the clever Siren's gang, though he never appears to have reported the robbery to the Anvil city watch. You can find items that were stolen from him at the Siren's hideout, Gweden Farm: his wife's necklace, his iron cuirass, his shirt and his prize minotaur horn. There is no way to give them back to him, though.
- Despite Pinarus being famous for being a skilled marksman and hunter, he does not carry a bow and arrows.
- Even after completion of A Rat Problem, Pinarus will remain permanently essential.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.5.4, fixes this bug.
- During A Rat Problem, killing the mountain lions yourself before Pinarus arrives at the specified location will cause him to wait for you indefinitely, even after the quest is completed. He will also not be available for training.
- To fix this you will need to move close to him again and then follow him to the mountain lion lair, at which point his AI packages reset.