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Oblivion:Redas Dalvilu's House

< Oblivion: Places: Homes
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Summary: written by Forfeit

House Inventory: not written

Description: written by Kiz

Residents: written by Forfeit

Related Quests: written by Forfeit
Redas Dalvilu's House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Bleaker's Way
Redas Dalvilu's House

Redas Dalvilu's House is located in the southeastern part of Bleaker's Way, next to Satha Dalvilu's House.

It is the sole residence of Redas Dalvilu and consists of one zone, Redas Dalvilu's House.


Redas Dalvilu

Related QuestsEdit

  • Mephala: Start a feud between two prominent families.


Redas Dalvilu's HouseEdit

Inside the house you will find two chests and a chest of drawers that all contain clutter, four barrels and a cupboard that contain food, and four clutter sacks. A wide variety of ingredients can be found in the house, including six sacks of flour, three arrowroots, three samples of tobacco, two ears of corn, a tomato, an onion, a cheese wheel, a carrot, and a piece of beef.


  • The key to the house is carried by Redas.
  • The four clutter sacks are the only containers safe for long-term storage as they do not respawn.