Faction | Type | Version | Details |
cobFactNoBleed | bool | 1.56 | An actor that belongs to this faction should not receive blood splatter. |
cobFactNoMove | bool | 1.11 | A creature or NPC that belongs to this faction should not be subjected to or affected by displacement spells.
Typically used for creatures in cages or other situations where displacing the creature/npc out of the cage would cause problems. Should not be necessary in cases where creature/npc has been subjected to "setRestrained" since that can be tested with "getRestrained". |
cobFactNoTransform | bool | 1.11 | Member should not be subjected to spells that would transform it (e.g., change size, conver it into another creature, etc.) Likely to be useful where creature has already been transformed once in a way that supposedly blocks additional transformations. |
Global | Type | Version | Details |
cobAlsSipLevel | 0-4 | ??? | Number of effects a Master Alchemist can make with a single ingredient.
In vanilla Oblivion, the player could only make a potion with the first effect of a single ingredient. Now, OBSE allows mod makers to create SIPs of any effect. If your mod does this, set the global to the maximum effect the player could make - 1 for the 1st effect, 2 for the 2nd effect, etc. |
cobLangGerman, cobLangRussian | bool | 1.53 | Player is using a German/Russian translation of Oblivion. |
cobSigNoCompFollow | bool | 1.11 | Companions should temporarily cease following player.
Typically this would be set before moving the player to some special realm (dream realm, afterlife, etc.). As of v1.60, this is periodically reset from cobGenQ.rNoCompFollow. |
cobSigNoPcNeeds | bool | 1.11 | Survival needs and penalties should be temporarily suspended.
Typically this would be used when the player enters some state (dream, afterlife, etc.) where ordinary hunger needs should not apply. As of v1.60, this is periodically reset from cobGenQ.rNoPcNeeds. |
cobSigNoPcTeleport | bool | 1.11 | Player should not be allowed to teleport out of current location, or set a "recall" mark for later teleporting in.
Note: This global is periodically reset to reflect the state of the ref As of v1.60, this is periodically reset from cobGenQ.rNoPcTeleport. |
cobSigNoSnacking | bool | 1.12 | PC is not allowed to "snack" i.e. eat foods from his inventory.
This is primarily designed for use with the Dinner Plate (cobEat) package. The idea is to support eating from menus in restaurants etc. As of v1.60, this is periodically reset from cobGenQ.rNoSnacking. |
cobSigNoWeatherScript | bool | 1.11 | Weather mods should not modify the weather through scripts.
Typically used for special, non-vanilla realms whose weather would be disrupted by weather mod scripts. As of v1.60, this is periodically reset from cobGenQ.rNoWeatherScript. |
cobSigQuestMarkers | short | 1.20 | Indicates whether mod should display quest markers or not and at what level. Levels:
What level you support this option at is up to you, as are the meanings of the intermediate levels (10 - 30). The only hard numbers are: 0: always show and 40: never show. The current option command only allows setting to 0, 20 and 40; which is probably sufficient. If there's a desire, then the other two levels (Usually and Rarely) will be added later. |
cobSigTestMode | short | 1.20 | Signals that the game is currently in testing mode. Cobl uses this to determine whether to provide additional testing commands in the options menu. Other mods may use it to activate other testing features.
Exact meaning of value is for given mod is up to modder, but roughly speaking:
By default, cobSigTestMode is set to 10. It can be changed through the "About Testing" command. However, the maximum setting on the About Testing command is controlled by cobSigTestModeMax. |
cobSigTestModeMax | short | 1.22 | This determines the maximum level of uberness that the user can switch to when using the "About Testing" command. By default it's set to 10. It can be changed by using the console. Levels are the same as for cobSigTestMode. |
Quest | Type | Version | Details |
cobGenQ.rNoCompFollow | ref | 1.60 | Companions should temporarily cease following player.
Typically this would be set before moving the player to some special realm (dream realm, afterlife, etc.). |
cobGenQ.rNoPcNeeds | ref | 1.60 | Survival needs and penalties should be temporarily suspended.
Typically this would be used when the player enters some state (dream, afterlife, etc.) where ordinary hunger needs should not apply. |
cobGenQ.rNoPcTeleport | ref | 1.11 | Player should not be allowed to teleport out of current location, or set a "recall" mark for later teleporting in.
Note: This global is periodically reset to reflect the state of the ref |
cobGenQ.rNoSnacking | ref | 1.60 | PC is not allowed to "snack" i.e. eat foods from his inventory.
This is primarily designed for use with the Dinner Plate (cobEat) package. The idea is to support eating from menus in restaurants etc. |
cobGenQ.rNoWeatherScript | ref | 1.60 | Weather mods should not modify the weather through scripts.
Typically used for special, non-vanilla realms whose weather would be disrupted by weather mod scripts. |
cobGenQ.rPcIsStuffed | ref | 1.60 | PC is too full to eat. Set by hunger mods. Used by dinner plate, etc. to skip eating when PC is too full. |
cobSigSe.version | integer | 1.16 | Version of obse. Set by setStage cobSigSe 0 . Set to zero if obse is not installed. |
cobSigSe.versionPluggy | integer | 1.16? | Version of (obse plugin) pluggy. Set by setStage cobSigSe 0 . Set to zero if pluggy is not installed. |
cobSigSe.versionCobl | float | 1.16? | Current version of Cobl. Set by setStage cobSigSe 0 . |
cobSigSi | bool | 1.16 | Allows you to test to determine if Shivering Isles is installed/active. For info on usage, see cobSigSiQS script.
setStage cobSigSi 10 will do the jail marker enabling/disabling that is associated with moving to to/from Shivering Isles. This might be used by a mod will be installed in an environment where SI might not be present. |
Registration RefsEdit
As of v1.60, some global signals are periodically reset to reflect the value of the corresponding registration refs in cobGenQ.
- Mods that want to set these globals should set the registration ref to a ref owned by the mod, and then set the global too.
- Note that the point of using registration refs is that they are automatically unregistered if the mod is deactivated. \
- A non-owned ref (e.g. 'player') should not be used unless it is guaranteed that the mod will be active as long as Cobl is active.
- Mods that use these globals can test against either the registration ref or the global.